Sylvanas Cinematic... After Sire Denathrius defeat

No one other than extremely fringe minority has ever asked to repay the Horde ten fold. This is just more of Treng’s propaganda.


Can we all just agree that Danasuers unholy love for Syl is just not good for story content? lol


Christie Golden
I mean she named her freacking cats Sylvanas and Anduin.

and Christie Golden’s unhealthy obsession with Anduin? or Jaina?


Louder for the people in the back.


I don’t. Undeniably, objectively, and factually, Lordaeron City was more important than ten Teldrassils. It is the most important city in the entire setting. The city in which Warcraft’s fame hit its heights, that allowed World of Warcraft to be made.

We lost Lordaeron City, multiple racial leaders, and more to Sylvanas Windrunner. They lost an npc designed to die in BFA, Sira, and nameless npcs with their World Stump WHICH BLIZZARD ALREADY STATED IS BEING REGROWN.


By this point, I don’t care who gets the KB on Sylvanas. I just want someone to get it. I want to see the woman who commissioned chemical warfare, commissioned unethical experiments on living subjects, committed genocide, prompted a global war, betrayed her people, destroyed her home, and unleashed an Old God get her comeuppance. I prefer that Tyrande does it, sure, but I mostly just want to see it happen.


I know…I’m just trying to avoid a pissing match with her, because I’m really not in the mood tonight, and I know if it escalates, I’m going to get myself banned

I’ll give you the Anduin one, Jaina hasn’t been too bad for me at least but that’s just me.

Source please.


You and me both, I say ket Tyrande get this KB or heck for poetic irony just have a shade of Arthas do it to really screw her over.

Excuse me?

All of my ideas are good.

All of them. Every single one.

Dreadlord Jaina being part of the dreadlord conspiracy that single-handedly has saved the universe by keeping everyone fighting each other and not mucking things up in a truly awful fashion and only making minor problems that the PCs can easily fix in a raid tier? Best idea in the history of ideas.




Join the Sylvanas side of the force. It’s the only way to win against the Nelf menace.

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We’re going back to the Jaina is a dreadlord meme? Alright

Honestly it seems fairly consistent with her past uncertainties. Sylvanas has never had the sort of Illidan/Arthas-style tunnel vision where absolute certainty in their rightness made them routinely blind to anything that contradicted them.

It’s just that she can seem that way at first glance, because she railroads herself into it. Every time she tries to prove she’s right, she proves herself wrong to the world while reaffirming her own convictions to herself.

Because when you set yourself against the idea that hope exists, it means every time your enemies prove that it exists for them, they’re also showing that it doesn’t for you. And with each reinforcement of that, it becomes all the more unbearable for her to consider that maybe there was hope for her all along and she just wasn’t willing to embrace it.

Illidan and Arthas just wrote off the world as wrong while they were right; Sylvanas keeps trying to show the world why she’s right because she needs to feel right in order to to justify what she’s done and what was done to her. The moment she accepts that everyone - including her - has always had control over their own destinies, she’s admitting that she didn’t really have to do the terrible things she’s done.

The difference being that she can make that decision, and is terrified of doing it. Such a choice would affirm that she could have changed her destiny all along, so she keeps coming up with reasons not to make it. Conversely, Illidan and Arthas outright couldn’t make such a choice because their mindsets wouldn’t allow for it. They’d never spare a moment to question their own deeds because it never even occurred to them that they might be dead wrong about what needs to be done and what prices need to be paid by whom to do it.

Arthas and Illidan were always acting out of obstinate certainty; Sylvanas is always forcing herself to seem certain so she won’t have to confront the fact that she really isn’t.

And just to be clear; none of this is some attempt to “whitewash” Sylvanas’ deeds on my part. If anything it’s more along the lines that whether the writers decide she needs some sort of redemption or not, it does at the very least present a fault in an antagonist that’s more interesting than just another egocentric villain with messianic leanings who gets blindsided because he just plain can’t even conceive of being wrong about how to win. Sylvanas provides a potential weak link in the Jailer’s plans because she presents herself as staunch and unwavering in commitment to her espoused principles, when in reality she’s constantly having to reaffirm them to herself just to keep from despairing and giving up altogether.


You’re seriously making me consider making a forsaken again…which thinking about it, I should. Early Cata zones were some of the best forsaken leveling I did in a long time


Forsaken are smelly though.

I mean, at this point? Would it really suprise anyone? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Never mind how said tree was around a decade old for people who never really centralized anyway. And that they’ve already gotten a new capital in Hyjal, which is far superior than Teldrassil and their original capital.

I just realized if sylvanas turns anduin into a lich king (prince) then they will go the Anduin Taelia route of “Lovers kiss will cure the curse”…
:roll_eyes: :gun: