Sylvanas back for Undead Heritage Armor?

That may be the case, but it’s always been questionable whether that’s something for which they should be grateful.

It’s also largely irrelevant today.

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Modern day forsaken maybe.
But if you do any classic/wrath/cata quests with forsaken npc - they are quite happy with freedom Sylvanas has given them


Post-Wrath Forsaken yeah, but in general pre-Cata forsaken are pretty grateful to her since she only freed them from the scourge and it’s not her fault they’re undead


Now, it’s been close to two decades since I leveled Dan through Tirisfal, Silverpine, etc. But I seem to recall a number of quests and NPCs who were ambivalent or downright questioning whether her breaking us from the Lich King’s grasp was even a good thing, or if it wasn’t condemnation to a new kind of hell.

There definitely wasn’t unity among the undead regarding the outcome of that decision.


She’s the queen in all but name.


Controversial character or not. She was the core of the forsaken. She gathered them together and made them a nation deserving of respect. Without her, any freed scourge remnant would have been eradicated a long time ago.


She plainly used them as tools, a means to an end and then kindly nuked their city. Which was also their home in life.

Sylvanas may have cared about the Forsaken at some point but that has long past us.

Anyway no, at least from me. I’m so sick and tired of Sylvanas being the ‘main’ character of expansions like she was for the last several. DF was supposed to break away from her. I will be extremely disappointed if she not only comes back but is the focal point of the heritage armor.

(That also implies that she…just walks out of the Maw. Y’know, the place that she was thrown into to imprison her. It will be real silly.)


Let’s remember our roots

Sylvanas outsmarted Detheroc, Balnazzar and manipulated Garithos, even being part of the Horde was a means to an end for the Forsaken…That moment when Sylvanas aked Varimathras to kill Balnazzar :100:

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I get what you are saying. Sylvanas definitely has had too much screentime (even more then Thrall did) for the past few expansions.

But you can’t have a storyline about the Forsaken’s heritage without it involving or referencing her in some way given that it was she who rallied them together as a race in the first place.


War Criminal.

I would go with the flashback speculation.

We shall see.

her character has always been edgy/sour. shes never cared about anyone but herself. she used the forsaken to get what she wanted. when it came to the horde she didn’t care. She wanted power for herself and only herself. she deserves to be left in the maw and never returns


Could be a return to the past questline since this whole xpac is time themed.


My guess is she’ll either be part of a flashback sequence or she’ll show up as a projection to give some kind of speech or something to the Desolate Council. Too soon to bring her back permanently.

Love how people are freaking out about this when other characters that are handing out heritage armor have nothing to do outside of that for this xpac, so why would this be any different?

Ah the anger of the forums. Damn I’m late but will grab my popcorn yum​:popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

Raised undead: I don’t want to be undead!
Valkyr: Okay, you can go back to being dead-dead. :dracthyr_nod:

Raised undead: I’m a horrible monster, etc etc etc.
PC: No, it’s not that bad, we can help. :dracthyr_nod:

Raised undead: We are Forsaken.
Sylvanas: Yep. As long as you don’t consort with enemies of the Horde/Forsaken we won’t have to re-kill you. :dracthyr_nod:

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Ahh she’s finally finished up her Maw dailies.

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Most likely a flashback type interaction, not the current one who people do NOT wanna see for a long time.

Shes actually not. She’s stepped down ever since she insulted the horde and left to SL. Current forsaken leader is lightforged lady temporarily.


If there’s someone else she can serve and devote all of her time into, she’ll be back!