Sylvanas back for Undead Heritage Armor?

Cause they don’t want to change it. They also say stuff about Garosh, Thrall, ext.

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Never said I would agree to Calia and wont bend knee to a Menethil


Lord, let’s hope it’s only that.

Sylvanas is the John Cena of WoW. You can cheer or you can boo, but you will be reacting lol

Get worked marks.

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I’m going to laugh if they fully bring her back because of how the Maw screws with time.

“What do you mean it’s only been FOUR YEARS?! I’ve been down there for CENTURIES!”

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yasss queen

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Meanwhile the Darkspear continue to be leaderless and neglected as per usual.


pretty sure Rokhan is the Chieftain of the Darkspear now.

We had single-handedly the most based leader in all of the Horde, up until he died. lol :dracthyr_uwu:

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They did Vol’Jin dirty


We still have Rokhan which is a great character from WC3, however; Voljin deserved better…

He was a great character before being Warchief then, WoD didn’t have any important role and Legion killed him just starting. He did more durign MoP storyline that when he reached Warchief status. Sylvanas was great as an “anti hero”, side character in the shadows… that movement to Warchief destroyed her character.


Forsaken wouldn’t exist without her.


And yes,here we are asking how does she come back? It only takes one soul to do this ,one sacrifice .Who would do it? She was doomed to an endless soul gathering someone took her place.

Maybe Dori’thur lets her out for good behaviour for a weekend and she’s visiting Tyrande to dump a couple of thousand kaldorei souls out of the soulkeeper into Amirdrassil or something?

Calia is your queen.


Technically she doesn’t have to do that, unlike Ysera she’s not actually dead yet, she’s just in the Maw because Tyrande gave her the choice of community service or death, a few centuries of torture in Revendreth, THEN community service

Tyrande wouldn’t have it,we all know that,but if in Sylvanas’s travel come across a soul that willing she is free totally with out a say so from Tyrande,there is nothing to stop her then.

The queen is back to reclaim her throne


IIRC she abdicated when she was alive because she doesn’t consider it appropriate for a Menethil to be on the throne after what her brother did. She’s now part of the new Desolate Council along with with Derek, Lillian, Belmont, Faranell, and the leader of the Dark Rangers who I always forget the name of, so she still has somewhat of a leadership role, but she’s not queen.


By heritage she is wither she denies it or not,but the is up to the people to chose .