Sylvanas back for Undead Heritage Armor?

…lmao … BAHAHAHAHAHAHA OML IM DED :skull::skull::sob::sob::sob::skull::skull::skull::skull::skull::skull:

I can never look at her the same again :sob::skull:

Trusting a Windrunner got us here though. So what now?

So I don’t care about story/lore at all but why is this quoted portion weird?

Like if I got sent to hell right? And saw uber hell was a thing I could go to and then somehow magically brought back to life.

Would it be weird of me to do everything in my power to not get sent to uber hell knowing it’s existence, even at the cost of others.



Honestly it’s sort of comical. For a character that is so big in the lore and story….and most don’t know a thing about him.

The original Sun King. Rip

The mess they made out of Sylvanas’s story is what happens when you hire a sadistic sociopath to write for you. Khanlusa has one of the best takes I’ve seen on this:


Thanks for the heads up know not to level an undead just to do the heritage don’t want to see Blizzard further spit on her character should of just retconned her into a dread lord after all they did rather then that split soul nonsense

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Love this video definitely the best video on the subject.


“FINALLY!!! Someone gets why I love her SOOO MUCH!!!”

“I thank you, from the bottom of my Sylvanas Loving Heart, for sharing that!!!”
/big hug


I don’t think that ruined her character. It just set the expectations for her to finally have some real character growth. But then instead they had her go even farther into full villain mode, even within that same expansion. It was a let down.

I wish she had stepped out of the shadows. The endless dwelling in misery and woe does not make for an interesting character. Same goes for the forsaken themselves, and I am happy that they do seem to be moving them in more of a positive direction. And personally I think they did an admirable job with how they wrapped things up for Sylvanas in SL, despite my overall dislike of the story.

No, not at all. That would be the most reasonable course of action. That’s the problem though with Sylvans; the writers didn’t know what to do with her after she got her revenge against the LK. So they very obviously patched her story after that event along, piece by piece instead of having a pre-planned new reason to keep being around after her revenge arc. If they wanted to keep her around, great, but it should have been planned ahead of time instead of pieced together.

Let me illustrate; think of a beloved TV series that looks like all of the story elements are completed and the Characters get a series finale; 3 Months later another Season is announced, and when you see it, the events of the previous last Season are either (a) ignored / pretended they didn’t happen, or (b) the writing on the new Season is garbage, full of plot holes, retcons of previous events, or flimsy excuses to justify the newest Season’s existence. The Series usually doesn’t go on for more than 1-2 Seasons after that because the fans know that’s what it’s going to be like and don’t return for the newest Season’s because they want to remember their Series going out on the high point with all the resolutions done and happy good byes.

That’s what happened to Sylvans after ICC; Blizz wanted to keep her around because she was so popular with the fans, but failed to see that ahead of time and didn’t have a pre-planned reason for her to stay around after ICC, and her writing has been garbage ever since. They should have given her a send off in Game, let her die peacefully, and allowed the Forsaken to get a new leader and new stories to justify their continued existence in Game since they are a playable Race.

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This video is great but also makes me a bit depressed :frowning:

Also I despise Golden even moreso now.


You really need to post this video on a dedicated thread.


Her purpose should of been to fight for the future of the Horde and especially the Forsaken originally allies of convenience now family that should of been her story and that’s what BFA seemed to be going for until they revealed that nah it’s just Garrosh 2.0 like Sylvanas even started messin with Old gods via that dagger.


That is for the Forsaken community to decide not you.


Big problem was that Arthas was taken out by the players and Tirion and those with grudges Like blood elves and Sylvanas been ignored.

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Afrasiabi ruined her as revenge for Garrosh.

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I get the Sylvanas hate, but the reason I support her still is simple.

I am evil.


I have a few Forsaken characters, so as a member of that community I say, she’s a blight on the game and we don’t need her.

Well you’re a Drac not Undead so I’d worry about ole Noz and what’s going on there.

Calia’s brother did just as bad, even Calia shoved the crown away becasue she knows we wouldn’t trust another Menethil…

I still trust her more than some blonde surfer wannabe dude .

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She is the very reason the Forsaken even exist so not having her in the questline would be stupid and an insult to the undead lore in every sense. If we need to get rid of anyone it should be Calia.