Sylvanas back for Undead Heritage Armor?

From what I’ve seen, Forsaken in their right minds are about as rare as gnomes with fashion sense.


Its probably just a flashback or something along those lines.

I do want sylvanas to return and i look forward to the day she does.
But its too soon. From a story perspective, if she returned now it would make her time in the maw seem meaningless.

Next expansion or even the one after makes the most sense.


Some very normal responses about a fictional character in here.


Yeah well you’re talking to one of those few lol


While your point is 100% valid, I don’t blame the players as much; Sylvans has been a mess of bad writing pretty much since the end of the LK Expansion. When. Reading the book “Arthas”, you see that she bailed off of the frozen Throne after the LK was beaten. She goes to a dark realm (presumably the Maw) and comes back via the Valkyries, except instead of having a purpose of protecting the Forsaken, she now is 100% self centered and just trying to stay out of the Maw.

That last part was where her story went off of the rails; it was a complete personality change, from a Queen protecting her People and plotting her revenge against the LK for what he did for all of them, to a psychopath trying to save her own behind. Her story has been a convoluted mess ever since.

I blame the writing staff at Blizz for their clear and obvious lack of having a pre plotted story arc from the end of the LK story. Her arc has been pasted together a bit at a time, which is why it has been so bad. That’s on Blizzard, not the players.

But yeah, some of them have done some real mental gymnastics to protect her since then.


I hope its just the gear and she stays dead as in dead cant come back not undead :stuck_out_tongue:


Chances are she’s not coming back truly, at most you’re probably going to be sent to the maw to find her and perhaps find some sort of peace and understanding on what it means to be forsaken. That or it’s mainly for her loyalists to get their special tabard. They made it clear…she’s not coming back but she’s needed for the forsaken heritage as she’s the reason forsaken are what they are… they were mindless undead roaming without a home and she gave them one, she gave them a purpose. She went through so much to try and protect their future that she lost her own way in the process, believed the jailer’s lies and fell from grace. She was never meant to be a villain but the writers forced it upon her. It saddens me seeing so many folk show such hatred towards her even after she was done so wrong and tossed away, I do hope one day that hatred will fade so perhaps one day she may at the most…reunite with her sisters and be happy again. She is queen no longer but I still miss her being around… hopefully Alleria will forgive her enough to allow her sister to come home. Even if Tyrande permitted it I doubt she’d return if her last remaining family did not welcome it.


See, this is what I mean.

Sylvanas was never about “protecting the Forsaken”. From the first moment she broke free of the Lich King back in Frozen Throne, she wanted exactly three things:

  • revenge on Arthas,
  • personal power for herself,
  • and more minions to throw between herself and any threats.

Heck, her very first mission is to enslave all the humans and ogres she can get her hands on so she can use them to kill and subjugate the dreadlords, followed by betraying Garithos the instant he’s not useful to her. (Allies? What are those?) Experimenting on the Horde in Vanilla? Sure! Creating bioweapons and using them against her own people? Naturally. She’s not above lying to her people, or lying to the players, but her true nature always wins out in the end.

People say her writing is inconsistent but it isn’t - she’s been extremely consistent about doing whatever it takes to bolster her own personal power. It’s only inconsistent with this unsupported mental image they have of her as secretly, somehow, a misunderstood hero instead of who she truly is.


Yeah, she never should have left.

Would’ve kept her the hell outta Gilneas.

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Good, she has been in The Maw for too long.

I’d say it’s time for her to be let out.

He had it coming for the way he treated the Blood Elves.


Only way for a major WoW character at this point to be truly gone is if they get blasted out of existence like Varian and the spirit of Garrosh. But, it probably would be better is she stayed gone since what part would she serve accept as a bench warmer or therapist for Anduin.


All undead npc’s still say

Dark lady watch over you

Victory for Sylvanas

You know because Blizzard


I’m not saying I’m gonna mourn the guy, but it is possible to work with somebody you despise and not murder them the moment their back is turned.

Or so I’m told.

Draenei tell me “the Legion’s end draws near” even though it ended like… 5 years ago, now.


She did work with him.

And once he served his purpose, she made a classic anti-hero move and took out the trash.



Let that… banshee…rot in the Maw. It’s more than she deserves. The undead don’t need her. No one does.


What are you talking about? She didn’t take herself out at all.

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I’ll be very disappointed if the Sylvanas spell doesn’t just summon up a loud wet fart noise.
The brow of my humor is quite low indeed.

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Right, I guess it would’ve been smarter to let a xenophobic genocidal leader run rampant and hound her as well as her people just for being different.


You don’t really have a choice now tho do you… :woozy_face:

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It’s likely a flashback. All that was datamined was a spell with her name on it.

I imagine whoever is leading the heritage armor will be remembering how the forsaken came to be, etc. and she’ll be there.

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