SWTOR is more enjoyable than WoW atm

That not bashing. That opinion. You make thing up not there. It not need specific. It fine. You drama.

And sub option. Not option WoW.

There really isn’t an end game in SWTOR, just doing kinda bland “flashpoint” raids and dungeons and some PVP. Its a blast, until you finish all the leveling content and then it kind of falls flat. And the leveling is repetitive, lots of “go kill 100 more things and pick up something” quests. Without the story stuff it would be really tedious. Once you’ve done all the stories… it is tedious.

However its right on the edge of being something really awesome with a bit of work and time spent to vary leveling, revamp old zones, bring in some more exciting and fun extra things to do, and a good focus on end game content.

I absolutely loved SWTOR for its story. My Sith Queen took the Galaxy by storm and ruled with an iron fist when she finally took the throne.

But that…is it, the story is awesome and cinematic but the end game is meh, it’s worth a play for KOTOR 3 on the Jedi side (andthe inverse on the Sith warrior side) and the transmog is awesome, but it doesn’t have much meat.

I’ll probably add it to my library of games to play every now and then in my rotation, but it doesn’t have the stopping power for as long.

I might also be angry that my Sith saved herself for Jaessa to return, but when they finally got together I learned they would have literally one kiss and no more because her voice actress is no longer working for the company, but that’s a minor quibble.

One thing that bugs me about SWTOR is that its hard to do player role play because the player models don’t have much idle movement. They just…stand there.

Humans are tribal creatures.
Ford > Chevy
Packers > Cowboys
Foreign > Domestic

Blah blah blah, all irrelevant and can’t be proven. I’m pretty sure it’s just how humans communicate when they don’t have anything else to talk about. Usually I avoid it, or tell people their arguments can’t be proven and are biased and opinionated :laughing:

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Everybody has opinions. I’m not saying you can’t have an opinion. If you are going out to spread that opinion of X is better then Y while at the same time going to Y’s forums and telling all the players that play Y about that, being constructive helps a lot so the people who play and even develop Y can understand.

If you really want, you can just say that OP’s opinion isn’t bashing, but pretty much un-constructive.

You mean “You made things up that isn’t there”?..

Also, curious question, do you not know how to read implications and context here?

OP’s opinion isn’t unique by any stretch of the imagination because see this sort of thing made into a thread all the time just with different games. FF14, ESO, Guild Wars 2, New World, Ashes of Creation, Black Desert Online, and even Valheim. It’s the sort of vague “This other MMO i like is sooooooo much better then WoW, and WoW is just bad”. That isn’t said you can’t be constructive with it, it’s just whenever these threads crop up, it’s usually un-constructive.

Yes, it is opinions, but opinions can be debated and discussed.

Okay, is that a typing style you’re going with? Is that why your typing weirdly here?.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

But to answer the “Sub option” bit… yes, it’s optional if you really don’t care about going into other expansions other then the first 2, playing operations, doing ranked PvP, unlimited (presumably) Space missions and PvP, Uprisings, endgame gearing, 20% XP boost, Artifact gear, Credit cap at 4 billion, Hide head slot, unify colors, chat more then once a minute, less credit cost, more credit gain, more then 1 crew skills, more then 1 crafting queue, more character slots, GTN slots, inventory slots, Personal bank, guild bank, more action bars, renown, more then 10 flashpoint drops, rested XP, more race choices, being able to trade, 20% boost to valor, Companion customization, title display, be the guild leader, no crafting restrictions, and much more that i’m reading off this guide here.

That’s a LOT of content by the sounds of it to skip out on just being F2P here, and some of it might be important, like a bank, inventory slots, being able to hide your helmet via mog (if you like the fashion side of things) or you know… action bars. AKA the UI that comes even with the free trial of WoW that allows you more space to put your spells on that is now behind a sub on SWTOR because EA had to be EA.

Say what you will about WoW’s trial mode, but this article by Blizzard on WoW’s trial mode is very very brief in comparison to EA’s article here on how many things your restricted as a F2P. If you’re saying SWTOR’s sub is optional, then you might as well say WoW’s sub is optional.

I play third person. I tried the first person for immersion but it was hard during combat. Sometimes I go first person in cities if I’m just goofing off. I love that game. Makes me wish I woulda quit WoW when ESO came out.

Not read. Too long. You just talk down people.

English not first language. Not play WoW end not sub. Can play SWTOR all no sub.


Ciao. :wave:

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pretty sure in SWTOR you can play all the classes and the main story completely for free as well as the first couple expansions, with the sub just helping with xp boosts and stuff that really doesnt matter at those levels. the only thing you cant really do is play the latest end game content. Which is weird you would compare that with wows current model. Pretty sure a lot of people would be happy right now if they could just play wow’s earlier content for free and only pay a sub if they wanted to progress in shadowlands. Probably solve a lot of peoples frustration right now

find it funny that blizzard moved this thread here…but keeps all the other random off-topic stuff still on the front page of their GD. haha.

That’s fine, but in comparison to WoW’s trial mode, the only expansion you’re restricted from now is the current one, since all 7 plus the entire world of azeroth can be assessed. (Granted with the level 20 cap, not by much)

Once upon a time, you do have somewhat of a point where level 20 is still in vanilla and not in any expansion you can choose like now.

Mate, i understand 20% is nothing to sneeze at, but this number with the XP you gain, it all adds up, and that makes it a pretty big boost.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: Like what? What stuff doesn’t matter at those levels? Because i’m pretty sure action bars (i don’t recall exactly when the last time i played SWTOR, but just having 2 isn’t enough to work with, especially since you can go up to level 60 in that game for free), a personal bank and crafting would be important?

Well there is more in that article you can’t play then the end game content, but…

Well Kaiyeri told me that WoW’s sub isn’t optional and SWTOR is. Which prompted me to take a look to see how optional it really is. :point_down:

It just seems so weird, after seeing that article with a huge chart of things that isn’t in F2P, that she said it’s optional.

… Isn’t that what WoW technically is already doing?

Maybe your talking about WoW allowing Free users to get up to level 50 and such. Sure, i wouldn’t mind that honestly, it would be nice. Though it would make me wonder what would be the restrictions then.

yeah…the stuff doesnt matter. you are reading off a guide, thinking you know the game because you play wow, and think somehow they relate. uh…no. lol. actionbars? i play games with a controller…pretty sure there is enough for anyone to do anything they want in the game. a sub for a boost? not needed…nor even wanted because you would skip content, rather enjoy the story line. its not like wow where you rush through the story as fast as possible because its bad.

uh no…the wow expansions are not accessible lol. 20? when was the last time you tried trial mode?! lol go try it again and see how restricted it is. its in NO WAY close to comparison. NO WHERE CLOSE. lmao, im surprised you even are trying to compare because it pretty much invalidates everything else you will say. seriously, rethink it.

banks…really? when was the last time i needed a bank when leveling?

and yeah you cant play some of the latest expansions but you get to play the main story and class story PLUS 2 expansions. for free. lol. again, not wow…so actually good story you dont rush through but enjoy.

please rethink this…i get you are trying to argue because you probably love to argue and thats fine…but you seem to be missing some points and i would suggest you look at the trial mode for wow which is super restrictive and done in less than an hour, the story content and how much there is with SWTOR and how many hours, pricing, and what you actually need to play the game. Then compare subs. See what you get for your sub. They will make it enticing…they have to in order to make money and its kind of a good thing, but is it required for hours and hours of good content…nope.


actually i think to level 20 is less than 30 minutes. its ridiculous fast these days. think the record right now for leveling is 3.5 hours

I just realized where this is at, I pretty much never come to OffTopic lol

and yeah they should make a General Off Topic and just chuck all the not wow stuff into it

It does because it helps to know what’s gonna be in F2P and what isn’t.

How does banks not matter?..


Their both MMO’s and both have an F2P mode par say. Why can’t a comparison be made?

EA-Bioware calls them quickbars on SWTOR, they essentially do the same thing as an actionbar on WoW. I don’t think you understand why i find this a big point of contention here with me and possibly other people, especially for a game that allows you to play up to level 60 for free.

Again, i’l admit that i didn’t play SWTOR past level 20, but by the time i reached near that level, i was at a point where my bars are filling up pretty quickly. And mind you, this game doesn’t allow Macros or Addons.

Maybe that has changed the last time i’ve played (which is 3 or so years ago iirc), but i do recall it being a problem for me. And i highly doubt EA-Bioware will change to something like WoW where you get a spell/ability every 3 or 4 levels.


I mean i play games (only a select few games) with a controller, for MMO’s i just play with a mouse and keyboard because it gives me a flexible layout to my design and more buttons to work with.

Well along they don’t want or care any about this stuff like going into other expansions other then the first 2, playing operations, doing ranked PvP, unlimited (presumably) Space missions and PvP, Uprisings, endgame gearing, 20% XP boost, Artifact gear, Credit cap at 4 billion…

Then sure, there is enough for anyone to do anything they want in the game for free… along they don’t want those things i’ve mentioned.

You’re acting like having a boost and enjoying the story line are two mutually exclusive things. You can enjoy the storyline and still have the boost. A Boost doesn’t stifle your enjoyment with the story. Does it really hurt your endearment with the story that you’re overleveled in that zone? I mean honestly? What’s actually stopping you from enjoying the story with this boost? This isn’t something like WoW’s boost where it just levels you straight from 1 to max, it’s just a multiplier for the XP.

That’s subjective and the same goes to SWTOR or really anything regardless if you think it’s good or bad. I can say the same exact things to both games here; enjoy the storylines. Just because i think one is bad and the other is good (And yes i do agree SWTOR’s story is better then WoW, but it’s the principle i’m talking about), doesn’t give me proper license to apply this one way and not the other.

When i was testing out if the neural silencer worked against the football toy.

Just a few moments ago, i was able to pick from the chromie list as you would normally do, and i choose to play in Legion and able to quest up in Legion’s timeline. And right now, i’m in Legion’s dalaran with my starter paladin.

Nobody is saying it’s not restricted. I’m saying that SWTOR isn’t as flexible on the free mode as people are implying.

Well you may believe whatever you like to, but it’s still valid to compare them. Especially in a thread that is nothing but comparing two games that happen to have sub/f2p modes, whether explicitly said (which it was) or implied.

When your saying something is doing better then the other thing, that is comparing them.

That is your subjective opinion.

It would be thoughtless of me to say they aren’t comparable in a thread that is comparing them and treat them like their special things from each other, especially since some of the Bioware’s works like Dragonage Orgins and obviously SWTOR, is taking from WoW.

Crafting mats, gears for later, food, and so on. I mean banks are pretty useful if you ask me. Especially if i’m gonna get into an MMO like SWTOR, there might be a point where you might be interested in crafting things and take up a profession. (Or whatever SWTOR calls them)

And Wow lets you go though Vanilla, The Burning crusade, Wrath, Cata, MoP, Wod, Legion and BFA.

However, i will give you the benefit of the doubt here and you’re probably talking about the new player that doesn’t have access to that, and only have BFA, sure then that is 1 expansion less then SWTOR.

Again, that’s subjective. And you’re acting like it’s impossible to enjoy a story in WoW.

I’m not going to the treat games you or other people like, like it’s something special or above anything. SWTOR and WoW are both games, and both valid are for comparison and discussion like anything else in any genre, like Cities Skylines to Simcity.

just go actually try wows trial f2p instead of thinking you know it. go play in it. see what you get in it, the quality, the time, everything. lmao. you seem to think there is an actual comparison there because the words seem similar…because that what really matters…words and titles. It says its one thing, must mean it is and the same. So yeah, go actually play it. Enough with the talking and trying to get in as many words as you can to act like you know about it, actually go and do it…its not like it will take you much time to be done with it lmao. Cant believe you think pretending like that will actually work and be anywhere close to convincing to people who just went through the process.

At least take the time to do some research on your lie before you are going to commit to it…its the least you can do:

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I literally just did. Otherwise i wouldn’t have said this… :point_down:

Because their both MMO’s and both have F2P and Subs. A comparison between them is valid.

That would be like saying that Cities Skylines is not comparable to Simcity 5. Or Far Cry isn’t comparable to Crysis. Or Skate isn’t comparable to Tony Hawk. Or TheHunter, Call of the wild isn’t comparable to Cabelas Big Game Hunter Pro Hunts. Or Dishonored to Thief 2. GTA to Saints Row. Spiderman to Batman, and on and on.

I legit have no idea what your talking about here about the words and titles.

You’re acting like the only way to play WoW is to rush though it when just like SWTOR, there is many ways to enjoy an MMO. Because surprisingly, their both games.

Well i’m sorry for not being biased as you are in treating SWTOR as something special or something above WoW and pretend they aren’t valid to comparison. How dare i try to look and examine at them both as if they are Sub-based MMO’s with F2P options. :roll_eyes: /s

That’s exactly what i’ve done here. I researched both game’s F2P Differences, actually played WoW’s trial mode so i can get my stuff straight and even opened the possibility that you might be talking about only the new players here and gladly conceive that point if that is true. You didn’t even tell me that. You’re in no position to call me a liar here, especially you’re clearly treating SWTOR as if it’s something special here, which explains why you think it’s invalid to compare.

You can like SWTOR’s story all you want and think WoW is the next Room. But the moment you try to apply this “in SWTOR you can enjoy the story, where in WoW you just rush it” without thinking it it applies both ways and pretend it doesn’t is being inconsistent and dishonest with me. Whatever thing you can do with SWTOR’s story, can be said the same for WoW. Because liking or hating stories as well anything is completely subjective.

Also, that Wowhead article is 5 1/2 months old where the bnet article i’ve linked and will link again below only got updated 3 weeks ago. It’s worth mentioning that because you’re telling me i didn’t do research and yet you’re giving me an outdated article. Here’s the updated article.

Heck, these two rules in particular aren’t even in the updated version.

  • Starter accounts cannot choose a starting zone to level at and are forced to go through Exile’s Reach from levels 1-10.

  • The new leveling feature added in the pre-patch, Chromie Time, is not available for starter accounts, as you need to level in Battle for Azeroth content all the way to level 50 at least once to unlock the feature. Thus, starter accounts can play from levels 10-20 in Battle for Azeroth zones. Previously, you could only level to level 20 in Vanilla zones and have no access to any sort of expansion content.

Which i honestly find that weird, and i do believe it should be worth mentioning those things in the latest article of Blizzard’s, because leaving them out is disingenuous on Blizzard’s part. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You can, but you’re pretty severely crippled, so its a less than ideal experience. Its worth subbing at least a month to get “preferred” status at least.

But, I mean, as entertainment value goes, MMOGs are a super great deal.

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Ehhhhh… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I mean value is subjective…