Pretty much this. Though Galactic Star Fighter was fun (though I was always getting 20+ kills a match on a scout or gunship).
I left SWTOR in 5.0 when they added command crates for gearing and removed gear from raids, I said nope I’m done and came back to WoW for Legion (RIP my original account I couldn’t recover I left at start of Cata).
OP I’d also recommend trying out FFXIV, SWTOR’s story is great but other areas of the game are just bland. FFXIV excels in all categories aside from PvP (just dont touch PvP). Story is amazing and they always tie up plot threads even if its an expansion or two later.
Oh and dont get me started on the OST, the music is amazing! This promotional LB3 clip has the OST from the Trial Seat of Sacrifice:
Even with months of playtime left, I am happy I decided to unsub from Wow.
SL is as horrid as the “teams” toxic attitude toward their own product and customers.
I find it funny how there’s literally 15 years of content here but most of the people that complain haven’t even done 50% of it.
There are things you and others could be doing in the game. You could be farming old mounts, titles , achievements, transmogs ect ect. I find it funny because the continents are people just don’t want to do it because it’s not new I guess.
Heck I have played since 2005 and there’s still content that I haven’t done that I’m working on from old expansions. I know longer gaps like this aren’t desired by most people but I like them because it gives me a chance to work on some alts and get them caught up
I’ve participated in every expansion a little bit besides WoD. I pay for my game, and I play it the way I want to. It’s the same with everybody else lol.
For me personally, it’s hard to even enjoy old content when they are releasing new content that is crap.
It is hard for me to enjoy a game when it feels like the company making said game doesn’t even care how it turns out.
I was once like that. Saying “There is so much more content than just the new stuff.”
It’s gotten to the point over the many many years of playing that I’m just sick of it.
Not to mention how they screwed up old content and haven’t even fixed it yet? I could be wrong on the fix.
Sick of the bait they throw and give us half attempts at content when I can play something better without a monthly sub that has content that actually is balanced.
ummm… You sound like a RPG console player. Wow was never game a for you. No offense. If the game isnt for you? Than quit. Dont pay for something you dont enjoy. I agree. Its silly to do so
I enjoy console RPGs, yes. In fact, I enjoy numerous video games of different categories.
Nope, it never was. Just started playing it during Vanilla and only missed out on WoD because I hated it so much because it wasn’t for me. You are talking out of left field, friend, because I enjoyed WoW very much. Just because I didn’t do every achievement or have more, doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy my time there. We all play our own way.
You assume that the game isn’t for me, assume I still pay, and assume I didn’t enjoy it lol. Hard to take anything you say serious when you act like you know how I enjoy my video gaming.
Also You seem to think this is just about Shadowlands, which it isn’t.
By the time they even balance half of it, the new expansion will be out and the old borrowed power out the window. Therefor, opening the way for more experimentation and just causing more issues for half the expansion.
They do this constantly and it gets old after so many expansions. Especially when they barely fix anything.
Obviously this is a video game, and the company is there to make money but when they choose the money > creating decent content for gamers, that’s when I call it. It’s become more and more noticable over the years and I’m simply done.
I have / had a strong connection to this game, and it wasn’t easy for me to uninstall.
Your right I was was out of line. Im sorry. Bottom line if you just dont enjoy it anymore? Why Pay for it. You made the right choice for you right now. I hope to see you back some day
Yep been this way for every expansion ever since Lich King. Not a lot of people left in Lich King that’s my favorite expansion and the expansion with good from start to finish in my opinion.
Honestly though I’m adaptable so that’s why I’m still here I just kind of take the game for what it is and roll with that
Well the question you have to ask yourself is was the game ever truly what you actually wanted? Or did you start playing the game hoping that I would turn into what you wanted?
I’m not saying you did this but I have seen a lot of complaints on the forms lately of people complaining about the game and they complain about things that have been the same ever since day one. I’m not sure what game they thought they were playing but it wasn’t World of Warcraft. It’s almost like they told themselves One Day the game will become what they want then get mad when it doesn’t.
I think one of World of Warcraft major problems is the fact that the game hasn’t really changed at all. It’s just a continuation of the old. The problem is the players have changed and so has their expectations and wants.
That’s what I mean when I just kind of accept the game for what it is
I used to be able to look past the little things. Accept the game for what it is. I can’t look past the mistakes anymore as they are starting to outweigh the pro’s. Didn’t start happening until end of BFA, and SL kinda sealed it.
Maybe I was younger and didn’t notice it or didn’t care? Well, now I do, which is why I’m unsubbed and uninstalled.
Well thank you for making the best decision for you and just unsubbing. Instead of sticking around and creating nothing but complaint threads and I quit post for the next three months like a lot of people do.
You made the healthiest decision possible for you and your current situation