SWTOR is more enjoyable than WoW atm

A game that went f2p pretty quickly after it launched. Has a heavy cash shop. Yet I’m enjoying it more than WoW. A f2p cash shop game has a better balance and content than the top MMO with a subscription. Just like my opinion man.


So why are you here on the WoW forums instead of playing the game you’re enjoying?


Then they cant cry and crate drama filled threads!


To give opinion. Maybe other want try. Why you on forum not in game you enjoy?

Work both way.


I’m on the forums of a game I like to play and talk about. It seems to me they’re obsessed with something they don’t even want to have anything to do with.


Where obsess? I give answer only. It forum for opinion. He give one. You not make sense.


SWTOR had a main campaign thats LEAGUES better than wows story will ever be. But in all honesty that and huttball are all it really has.

The cash shop is absolutely ludicrous, the pvp other than Huttball is bland as all hell, the dungeons are face roll boring and the raids are meh. The new story they added is ok but no where near as good as the OG story.


Some games actually have to try harder or they sink into the abyss. Other games can ride the wave of prior success. Blizzard could make a dung racing game and people would buy it because it’s blizzard. Throw in murlocks and people who hate dung and racing will play it and complain the whole time.

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Typically these threads are just to troll the community.


It only troll if make troll. Like second post. That mean. And wrong. No complain or drama. That just lie.

Swtor has huttball. That’s it.

Please blizz make a huttball style BG. Maybe we use a gnome instead of a ball?

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the story is quite good at certain points. act 1 trooper was my favorite. but the gameplay itself is worse than runescapes. abilities lack any impact whatsoever and they spam you with like 50 abilities by the time youre level 30 (max level is like 70). most abilities being similar in nature that they should just combine them. also the dungeons are cool cause they also act as story missions that you can interact with characters and other players in a group. never got to raid as I couldnt bring myself to finish trooper story after finishing act 1

one thing I heavily disliked is you cant go full dark side that you get put on the other faction. for example if you go sith on jedi knight story, you wont be put on the empire side of things. which makes no sense cause youre going around being an ahole and bad person and you get the glowy red eyes and torn up face from being dark but you still run around the republic city.

I myself am enjoying ESO more right now. I have a Orc Necromacer. (Orcs in elder scrolls are tough and amazing) wish wow could take a thing or two from ESO.


Because I’m just browsing the interwebs.

It’s leagues behind WoW yet still coming out on top for me. That’s all I’m trying to say.

At least it’s semi balanced huttball.

It’s almost like SWTOR didn’t sell its soul to acti and allow acti to destroy their game.

SWTOR is run by EA by far the worst company.


Then stay in SWTOR?

If I find HazzikostaBurgers have better burgers than McDonalds I’m not going to go and tell McDonalds their burgers aren’t as good as HazzikostaBurgers, I’m just going to eat HazzikostaBurgers :man_shrugging:

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Are we really fighting over which video game is better?

Can we use pillows too?


Idk. The choices being made lately feel like EA has been running things.

This isn’t a burger den dude lol. I see the point you’re making but nah.


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I will stop using this meme soon folks, I promise, but it’s just precious, so maybe not.


Yes it is. I resubbed to SWTOR yesterday and I am having so much fun, I gladly unsubed from Wow this morning. :grin: