thats why im looking at others. because the one part that made wow unique (m+) is really bad right now. If im going to do leveling…might as well do it in one that has better leveling experience right? Raiding…might as well do one with better raids and an AWESOME soundtrack like FFXIV. If you havent heard of FFXIV’s encounter music…definitely go look it up on youtube.
you liking it? I loved the combat being based on your weapon and doing swaps mid fight. new level of play that was intriguing to learn. How is the big pvp battles going? the new expansion? I stopped when the one with the green nature spirit class was new (cant remember the name)
I don’t do pvp so can’t comment on that. But I find the combat and gearing way better than how WoW does it. Plus the questing is so much better. Full voice acting and not really any fetch quest. There’s actually meaningful choices that affect the state of the zone. The Greymoor chapter is really good and the new chapter comes out this summer with companions. You can level your companions, assign their hot bar, assign them roles, gear them, and even transmog them. I wish I woulda switched sooner. Sub ends for WoW on the 20th.
In you opinion. In mine, WoW is more fun. I stopped playing SWTOR to come back to WoW.
WoW needs huttball!
It would be so fun!
thats how i feel every time i go play ESO and FFXIV…definitely FFXIV. It made me ever regret paying wow and is why i still dont and just spend gold. you playing first person or doing third person for eso?
Hard to do first person in ESO do to the mobs being ninjas and flipping behind you all the time … imo
No, it isn’t; that’s what keeps it in the throne.
Why am I not surprised the OP got flagged? Blizzard fanboys strike again.
These threads are a slap in the face to the WoW community!
(sorry no one said that yet, I had too)
If that’s true, why you feel the need to make this thread then?
Well this is an EA game were talking about.
By the way, EA calls their Cash shops “Pride and Accomplishment helpers”.
Hey this is the best case scenario here. Some people dedicate and makes cults around their corporation and their console.
Bartender!! Shots here!!
The class campaigns were incredible for sure.
I remember when the cash shop meant buying a super priced rng box and hoping you got one piece of an 8 piece super rare mog armor set. Or how the cash shop ruined the dev’s ability to make stronger saber crystals because they didn’t want to suddenly make the purchased ones useless lol
I hate corridor wars … HUGE hallways and large corridors everywhere and terrible dull animatronic story telling. It’s like Bioware forgot how to make an interesting RPG somehow, or perhaps all the former employees quit.
That why he say
It good you like game you like.
It forum to share opinion. Not wrong to share.
Pretty much my feelings: Awesome leveling, horrible end game. And since EA blew all the $200 million dollars on the solo experience, players dropped the game as soon as they were done max leveling.
No, there is nothing wrong with that …if it’s just sharing your opinion about the other game and not use that to bash the game on it’s forums in a nonconstructive way and imply to the people who play this game, is the game their playing is lesser then the other game you play.
Where he bash game? He gave opinion.
whats the endgame like? started leveling some characters, but never maxed.
OP is implying here that WoW is lesser then SWTOR because of the balance. OP could’ve been more specific on this point in particular in a way that is constructive.
I would also like to point out that SWTOR does have a sub fee to it as well.