SWP Nerfs - can we get some dates?

Yeah, pretty sure never is fine.

There are lot of bad players out there, and a lot of them play in the same guid.

Go kiss your logs

Ur the one who decided to talk a big game about how easy some content is, so let’s see it.

It is easy. the fact that you disagree means that you’ve a lot of h people in your raid or perhaps you’re one of them being carried, based on your logs lmao.

We killed.muru faster than KJ.

KJ was like 62 attempts.

Oh wow we got kj in like 15

My logs that clearly exist and are all purple or orange parses. Oh did you mean the blue kj parse where I fly a dragon? LOL.

Are you upset hun? Don’t wanna show ur logs bc you can’t? Did you buy gdkp gear and NOONE will take you anyways? :pleading_face::pleading_face::sob::sob::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Prepatch won’t come before September, since we haven’t even seen the beta and it’ll take 2 months or so, so the nerf is going to come well before pre-patch.

They wouldn’t be saying this if they didn’t intend to have nerfed Sunwell during the actual expansion.

Well your thoughts didn’t age well lol

No, Blizzard’s statements yet again backflipped. My only fault was believing they had a plan.

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