I haven’t found anything yet, but has anyone from Blizz has provided any kind of timeline or cadence for how SWP nerfs will happen? I recall there being smaller nerfs to SWP prior to the 3.0 blanket nerf. I’m in a casual guild that is behind on gearing and has been thoroughly farmed by the roster boss this phase, and having some kind of understanding on what is happening, and when would be a tremendous help for guild planning.
Blizzard has never given a lot of communication on when nerfs are coming, even at the height of their good customer service…it’s just not something they feel should be given a timeline.
If your guild is really struggling and you can’t fix them…black temple and hyjal are still there
With the T5 nerfs I remember they gave no notice, there was a huge outcry against it, and they rolled it back to give everyone a chance to get prenerf KT/Vashj. I’m hoping this time around they at least learned their lesson and decide to give a few weeks notice.
Maybe not SWP nerfs, but I’d like to know if they may help the smaller servers out with the Isle unlocks. I’m afraid that my server isn’t going to have everything unlocked by the time WotLK is out and fear it’s going to drive more folks to transfer.
it doesn’t really need nerfed, all the t5 complaints like “too much trash” and “too much rng bosses” “too much time to run back” “too long an instance” don’t apply to sunwell at all, “this boss is too hard for me” isn’t a very good reason to nerf something