Swifty's NPC Removed

Welcome to the times I guess. Taking allegations seriously is a first priority, but in this case the whole justice system is thrown out the window and we take every allegation as a conviction of guilt.

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There’s an achievement in Ashran for defeating NPC’s all named after famous WoW players. John Swifty was a requirement for the Horde version.

He is no longer there now.

Absolutely. But innocent is a different thing from simply “not guilty”, of course.

Well i don’t know much about Swifty here, so i’m not going to deep dive into that one.

My reply is more directed to your general idea of “Believe victims without question”.

I don’t really know how much the law enforcement and court is gonna take a “Sorry” though.

I agree you should tell your side of the story,

The witnesses also get to tell their side of the story too, and anybody else who was involved. And the same goes to pretty much anybody.

…But what your saying here is we shouldn’t believe victims off the bat and question them? I agree, but isn’t this in direct contrast to your earlier comment that “we should just believe victims”? Or did you change your mind here? :man_shrugging:


Like Amber Heard accusing Johnny Depp, then it turns out she was the abuser and was just trying to ruin him?

Let’s not pretend here.



“Studies suggest the prevalence of false reporting on sexual assault [is between 2% and 10%”

So it could be as high as 10% which means even at 2%, it happens and to suggest that “people just dont do that” is false. I’m sure those 2% to 10% of men this has happened to would take offense to you saying that as their lives are destroyed.

The study admittedly says it does NOT take into account the number of false accusations settled out of court or cases that are flat out dropped because of a lack of evidence.


What was his NPC called and was the actual NPC removed?

I’m going to be very very careful with these accusations this time.

Anybody remember what happened with Projared? I remember falling into the whole hate-sphere going on; only to learn a year later that he was innocent.

The dude’s life got totally ruined.

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Or if there’s something to be gained from it… Remember the college girl who accused the two football players? They got kicked out of school, lost their future careers, and were held to public opinion. Turns out she lied and didn’t want her boyfriend knowing she was sleeping around. She got jail time and rolled her eyes at the verdict.

So yeah, people DO lie when there’s something to be gained.

Edit: OH! And the Johnny Depp thing going on now. That one is more high profile.


If we were to believe the victim without a doubt, then there would be many many more than there are now, in jail/prison for something they didn’t do.

Proven innocent? Do you realize that even if proven innocent, released from jail/prison, the stigma will always be there? There will always be one (or more) who will always think “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire”.
Reputation shredded, families torn apart, in some cases lives taken.

Victims can be liars and vengeful.

Yes listen to what the victim says, but don’t just believe them. Believe or not…the word alleged used is there for a reason.

I’m glad you aren’t in a law position. However I can see you in the media.


Depends on the person. If it’s someone we dont like they guilty and should be jailed.

Do you know what the Blackstone Ratio is? It’s the belief within our legal system that it is better that 10 guilty men go free rather than 1 innocent man suffer at the hands of our legal system. That exists for a reason.

We don’t get to ruin someone’s life because we posted on Twitter and pointed a finger. That isn’t the right way to do this. It will never be the right way to do it.


The argument you are defending would indict you instantly. Your life would be ruined, despite the accusations being false.

So who will save you from the false accusations?

The mob’s not going to. The mob only ever swings one direction in these cases, because they share your opinion on this topic.

The courts? You’re telling them they should believe accusations without evidence. That means the institution that should be your greatest shield is instead the one destroying you.

100% innocent, but all accusations should be believed without proof - and you think that destroying lives without evidence is acceptable?



His NPC was called “John Swifty”.

WoWhead still has the NPC listed, but it’s no longer part of the achievement criteria, so it’s same to assume it no longer spawns.

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And this is why I remain single.

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Has anyone confirmed that the NPC is not spawning in Ashran?

It isn’t ideal, but it’s certainly the better of the two options.

The burden of proof lies with the person making the accusation, not the person being accused.


I agree, he very well could be a victim in all this. False accusations happen all the time and are a blight upon many people.


Welcome to 2020 where you can ruin someone’s life with no evidence. I say this as a woman, I’m not from this generation


Unfortunately, this is not how it works nowadays. If a person is guilty then yes, they deserve everything they have coming to them. But there’s no justice in sentencing an innocent person based on a lie.