Swarm Defense Ardenweald world quest bugged

still bugged

EVERYONE… aim at the TREE right in front of you, or the the tree to the left far off a bit. Takes a while but works.

I actually got a reply off Blizzard EU CS team about this issue after tweeting at them. They are aware of the issue, it is apparently affecting several other “shooting” world quests (Greymane’s Gambit for example) and they are working on a fix

It happens in almost all of the shooting world quests, there’s a legion quest where I’m stuck rn because of this bug, very very anoying

i got it


Verified just aim at tree

Seconded. Has been broken for at least two days.

This quest has been broken for a LONG TIME now Blizz??? Are you going to fix it and if not then SHUT IT DOWN. What a joke.

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Still broken, and actually I think perhaps there is an issue with the skyboxes in general. I was leveling an Alt in Stormheim, and the quest to hit the Alliance gryphons had the same issue. I could only hit ones at a certain angle, the rest did not travel.

Having the same issue. How this made it past quality control/testing is beyond me.

There is a minor-chance to complete this quest. Mount the last Dragon on far right. Try shooting to your immediate right (or behind). You will see the shot hits the rocks behind you. Then try aiming to your right across the canyon, eye-level while mounted. Wait until targets reach your line-of-sight and the yellow-targeting is activated. Then fire (1). Took @ 8-minutes to complete. NOT correct/reliable, but does work. FIX the dang bug WoW!


Proudmoore server, Swarm Defense bugged for weeks. Fix this please!! Thank you.

You’re right! I did it in 10 minutes. It’s doable! Warlock sight is right. Far right dragon, mount it, shoot at the bugs as they disappear into the rocks.

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Still bugged i got 3/45 in 5 minutes. literally shots going through them even in the bigger cluster or mobs.

ty this did work for me as well finished it in about 3 minutes

problems still there, its like theres an invisible wall in front of the dragons. cant finish quest

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21 days later, and still not fixed… shocker :frowning:


You can mount the dragon on the far left.
Turn to the wall behind and aim at the spike that juts up and to the left (aim at the dark edge just below the top so you see a full reticle with the dot in the middle).

Watch some bugs and you will see the reticle adjust to focus on the bugs that are “in range” ie. not too close, not too far .

Once you have a feel for the range, fire at passing bugs “in range” just before they hit the leading edge of the reticle.

You can also fire at bugs passing just below the reticle as it draws down a bit when you fire.

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Still bugged for me as well. Both of them in the zone. Like everyone says projectile just explodes in front of you instead of reaching out to the swarms. Is Blizzard going to fix this quest? Or at least remove it from the World Quest rotation for now.

Still happening, any quest that requires the “Turret Mode” is bugged and has that wall problem, please fix asap