Swarm Defense Ardenweald world quest bugged

The Swarm Defense world quest currently up in Ardenweald NA seems bugged to everyone in the zone. When you jump into either of the dragon vehicles and try to shoot the target bug mobs, the Anima Bolt doesn’t fire outward like it should toward the targets, it seems to double back on the vehicle like it’s hitting a wall that isn’t there, making it almost impossible to hit any targets. The animation is bugged as well and swirls around the vehicle instead of shooting outward.


I’m having the same problem very annoying .

I am having the same problem as well

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Same. I was able to kill a couple when they flew right next to me, but otherwise, unable to complete the quest.

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Yup me too. So annoying :frowning:

Yep. Shot goes out about 1ft. and explodes. Works in straight line only for distance.

same issue… after about 20 minutes, i’ve managed to get my count up to 17, but i’m giving up for now, and will try to get back and finish it later, when they (hopefully) have it fixed

Having same issue.

Yep. All target mobs are orange, and cannot be attacked.

Still bugged. The bolts are hitting a “wall” and explode unless you fire down (where there are no targets). Maybe the wall is inverted, Blizz? I did find about a one degree opening where the wasps are low enough to hit and complete the quest but it took a very long time.

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Actually found a workaround, if you shoot to a wall the projectile does travel, so you gotta be patient and hope the bugs get in the way… Not the best solution, but it’s something


I came here to report this too. Awful quest

Same issue here cannot hit the bugs.

same here, just tried doing the wq and the projectile detonates right in front of the vehicle/sentry.

Just came to report this same issue.

Add me to the list of people dealing with it too (on Farstriders shard)

the invisible wall doesn’t go all the way down so you can actually accomplish the quest by only shooting from the left dragon at the horizon. It takes way longer since you can only hit like 3 of the oncoming bugs but at lease it can be done until they fix the bug.


any update on when this will be fixed?

I have exactly the same problem. The range seems to be restricted to “arms reach” for the character, that is, I have 8 kills but I think they were all on the platform.

Ah wonderful. The account is listing my comment as being from my newest character, a Level 10 instead of one of my Level 60s. Sigh.