Swarm Defense Ardenweald world quest bugged

same problem here. even tried it on different sentries to see if that was the problem but nope happened on all of them

Same problem on Nagrand server

It’s been 18 hrs since this thread opened up and it’s still bugged.

On the left dragon aim just above the right side of the bit of fence work that sticks up, Two bugs come about 4-5 seconds intervals about 1 second apart. Took me less than 3 minutes to complete.


I wrote this a ticket originally. But they replied that I should report it as a bug eye roll so hear I am. Glad I’m not the only one reporting this one. Thanks All!

I am getting so fed up with Blizzard and their Bugs.

They need to give the reward (268G 77S) TO EVERY. SINGLE. PLAYER. AND credit for completing it since we can’t do sh!t.

I get it. They just had a GIANT patch on Tuesday, but this is getting ridiculous. Blizzards quality control has really gone down the sh!tter since Activision got their money grubbing fingers in there.

I said it.



Still EFFING bugged. Seems Blizz is just giving up. So some grab assing wasn’t great, but at least they were able to fix issues.

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still broken, different quest area, same thing though, cant shoot except for in a small area behind the sentry

Found the same to complete it. Find a spot to the side where you the shots don’t hit the invisible wall and just wait for things to fly into your path.

I’ve been having this problem since last week

And it makes a horrible noise!

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Jump on the dragon to the farthest left looking at the swarm. Aim straight ahead at the tree in front of you. Keep in the bounds left to right of the tree trunk and around the area of the glowing bulbs. It takes no more than 5 mins.


Still bugged.

My work around was to go to the dragon on the far right. Then totally reverse direction of the mount so I was facing the mountainside. I positioned the beam at a point on the mountainside where the mobs would fly into/crash and just spam the fire key.


Thank you for this. Your description let me get it done. I was having the same problem others had listed here.

Fix yo bug so we can shoot some bugs

Experiencing same issues, the anima bolts you fire towards the swarm do not hit their intended targets, the blow up in your face. Only very select areas that you shoot, will allow bolts to travel past your nose.

Same problem is happening now.

thanks, i have little time to get my 20 WQ in and this helped

Same issue as everyone else…

I was able to get it to work by shooting in the opposite direction, as the bugs are flying away from you. It takes a little practice, but you can at least complete the quest with some patience


The projectile isn’t working, it’s not launching from the point, hits an invincible wall by the dragon, very few projectiles hit through the flying targets. Please fix this asap.