Legion (Stormheim) Bug

I am playing the Legion expansion (Stormheim) and I am physically unable to pass Stage 2 Fire at Will! mission. The cannons explode on themselves if I shoot anyone except for a specific spot on the mountain. This worked fairly well for 24/30 Dreadwings, until all of the mobs decided to only fly above or in front of the ship. I cant shoot them and now I am stuck here. When I reload or try to die, nothing changes.

There are similarities to a bug affecting another cannon vehicle quest, this one a Shadowlands world quest:

And another in Pandaria:

I wonder if there’s a general bug with cannon vehicle mechanics?

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There may be a general bug with the cannon mechanics. Should I just start a different region then that doesn’t open up with cannons? Or can this be resolved quickly?

In your place, I wouldn’t block my advancement in hopes of a super speedy bug fix, because there’s nothing to guarantee that will happen.

Cross fingers and hope the devs can solve it with a quick hot fix (since it’s affecting several quests in different leveling expansions), but I would find a way around it, even if it means leveling someplace else.

Yep, I’ve been having the same issue since last night. Sitting here at 23/30 just praying one of the stupid bats will fly in front of the functional 3 freaking degree window of the guns. But they won’t anymore. They’re all just flying directly above the ship now completely out of range.

I’m having the same problem. It looks like shots aimed downward work, but anything too high will explode immediately.

I had this problem today with my druid. Shooting low I could get 24 of the 30m needed, but had to cast moonfire standing as high as I could to finish. Took a long time.