Swamp of Sorrows (Oceanic) We do not want transfers off our server

I’m not wrong.

hahaha. very true. Let us transfer off. Those that want to stay can stay.

Kinda even miss big bob.


How does it damage your server/region if the only people that will transfer are the one that in your mind should re-roll?. That doesn’t make any sense, whether they transfer or reroll they are still leaving the server.

Removing the option to transfer which is being suggested by you is a punishment?
What purpose does it serve you then? What is the point of this thread.

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You’re entirely correct.

Saying “NO TRANSFERS, IF YOU DON’T WANT TO PLAY ON SWAMP, REROLL ON JOM” is illogical because if a player rerolls to Jom, it means that player has lost interest in playing on Swamp anyway. It literally doesn’t impact the server at all because that player has essentially given up on Swamp and is rather playing on Jom instead.

He’s afraid that his mates who are all chummy with him now take the opportunity to transfer to a higher pop server.

He basically wants to hold everyone hostage to Swamp in order to protect his interests. If he was confident that his mates wouldn’t leave him on the first second of transfers being open, this thread wouldn’t even exist.


It honestly just sounds like a unjustified greif upon players who want some options in a video game they play to have fun lol.


we want to stay on an abandoned backwater server!
but we are still gonna complain about how hard it is to find groups and later when people stop playing for any reason except raidlogging we are gonna blame YOU for it, Blizzard


Jom isn’t over populated? We barely have ~3k players. Which was player cap back in 04. Firemaw currently is running with 35k players. Drastic difference.

Nobody cares about Jom this is a swamp of sorrows thread saying no to transfers.

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Transfers are live now.
Those that want out can depart.


And as predicted, the server is dead for horde now. RIP. Thanks Blizz, very cool.

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1 Guild transfered and another had to merge on alliance also have others now saying they don’t really have an option other than go to jom or quit.

Thanks blizz 10/10 idea


No one cares about OCE, sad as it is to say.

So, working as intended?

Working as intended being going from 20ms to 250ms? Do you have brain damage or are you just that much of a blizzard shill you can’t possibly see other people’s perspectives?

Would a hug help, friend?

Advocating for choice isn’t being a Blizzard shill.
People selected the option that was best for them.

Free transfers are definitely not ideal for blizzards bottom line. Doesn’t feel very shill-ish.

Too bad, you can’t force people to stay

Are you intellectually handicapped? If people want to transfer, let them transfer. Who are you to stop them?

You must be that clown who convinced your entire guild to play the absolute sewer hole that is SoM, and an even greater clown for not giving Syke his Atiesh.

Huge Yikes. Imagine being a corrupt GM and then getting upset when people want to leave you. :roll_eyes:

This is weirdly specific.
An illusion! What are you hiding?

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