Swamp of Sorrows (Oceanic) We do not want transfers off our server

Guy is definately Syke and lost his Atiesh.

As expected you’ve done well in helping kill the oceanic community.

I agree with this also

Glinda the Magnificent knows.
Don’t accept payment in that funny emu scrip.

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Reminder that blizzard killed the OCE region by doing this and are now about to repeat it for a 2nd time in SOD


Yeah I don’t know why Blizz is so hellbent on having mega servers for their seasonals?

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Reminder of what blizzard did to our oceanic region during season of mastery please do not repeat this same mistake with shadowstrike.

Remember what they did to oceanic in 2022.

They don’t care they did nothing after this to stop it happening again and now SOD is in the exact same situation once again.


Because they goofed and went straight outa the gate with bigger than vanilla server pops by like 20x and Cross server BG’s and server transfers.

As a result players got entitled, and faction stacked thinking that CRBG will fix it when it comes to BG Q’s; mostly horde assuming that allies would roll on PvE servers and continue Q’n for BG’s after R14 in classic 2019.

As I warned them back then Horde Q’s would be horrible and they were. I remember the cries of my brothers “we can’t win AV; its rigged for the allies”
I told them they were idiots and bad,.

Then they cried for server transfers and no sooner did they open; many servers were gutted; this was made possible by layers and stupid actions by blizzard and lack of wisdom by players.

Soon as TBC came out my server went from med pop to dead in 5 days because the server of sweaties (kern) thought “we will get faster Q’s on mega servers” not thinking for a second about the quality level of the players on those mega server progression realms only to find out the 5mins group forming for a heroic wasn’t actually worth it when they’re bad players on those servers for the most part looking to be carried.

Waits on building dungeon groups on kern before the migration were around 10 mins, but 99% of the time the group was a precision masterpiece with near zero mistakes.

The other trade off was the lack of community on tne mega servers.

Blizzard made this mistake over and over; they dont understand server management; they only understand MTX from transfers, and trying to hide the botters in mega servers.

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I’m not sure how many people here know about the Wrath prepatch and the long queues and the post about how Blizzard was all about the “end to megaservers”.

Blizzard let that pre-Wrath mess happen because of a lack of paying attention and foresight, the transfer money was too appealing. When turning on layers could alleviate queues at launches for example that was the fix, but they stopped the “layers aren’t good” thoughts for TBCC and Blizzard made a bed, and the bed bugs were there with a population ready to explode, they just weren’t noticed yet.

What is my point? After that mess, money was spent on improving the technology to allow really large mega servers, Now with seasonal Blizzard has to justify it. So they went from an “end the mega servers” stance to an “embrace megaservers” and a lot of that was because the money was spent. I think it’s ok in a way but dislike how layers are required and how community suffers by there just being too much of a population (imo it was better with Classic pre-TBCC where there were mega servers like Faerlina, which had like 10k, but they weren’t AS mega and there were actual choices for players).

On another note, this is probably why they aren’t releasing a Fresh Era and especially a rollback to 1.12 or 1.13. If that did become more popular than SoD what would that do to the ego for the devs? it would look bad on them even higher up. Even though there are a lot of people who aren’t even subbed anymore who pine for this sort of fresh, there’s not the drive to create this, because there is this fear that wouldn’t be good for the jobs.

I could rant again for 20 paragraphs about this, even guild recruitment going from a 2k pop to 20k pop on one side was so bad. Never have I seen so many people who said they would raid that night even flake and ghost, in my six years of guild leadership and recruiting that was the only time I saw so many people who were both unreliable flakes and, when some did show, rarely even good at the game.

To be fair I do think that niches benefit from 30k+ mega servers, and if you are at the very top you can get better recruits, but for most I don’t understand why they think that recruiting for a raiding guild especially is so much better because it is not. 2/3rds of the guilds that transfer die soon after too, that never gets said by the grass is greener crowd.

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Another thing about the quality of players, in seasonal people who free transferred found a server community and playstyle they HATED but they had a 90 day window until they could transfer back.

In 2019 when I made that mistake, they undid my transfer that night.

I’m sure some metric is out there to say the players that quit the game because of this is worth the MTX based on those who stay, but the free transfers are such a blade, because even if people find out the grass is not greener, they have no way to come back home.


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