Dbl post but what are other SV players going with for PvP? Besides Craven?

Will the Bomb leggo still be go-to for AoE in 9.1?

I think it’s great you are enjoying yourself.

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Except it isnt, and there hasnt been once since he made one himself

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Survival is fun as hell and the dps is great in m+. I usually end up around middle of the pack in Heroic CN overall damage.

Utility is decent…my main gripe is that our interrupt has a super short range. there are so many times I would have to stand in aoe to get an interrupt off, unlike my Enhancement shaman or Frost DK.

Tar trap is nice in this kiting meta and I feel right at home coming from Earthbind Totem.

Misdirect on to tank in M+ is amazing also.

I’m of the opinion, that players shouldn’t be harassed trying to learn more about the spec, whether it’s about the community perception like OP was curious about, or other questions. OP has been respectful, and really doesn’t deserve to be treated like crud. My position is strong enough where I don’t feel the need to put others down for what they like.


This. But as I said when I came back to the Hunter forum, its has to be the most toxic place on the forums. Hunters has to be the only group that will bash another hunter spec just so they think their spec will get ahead somehow.

In reality the entire Hunter community could use help…I hope 9.1 turns out better than 9.0

Hey thanks for that! I agree, no need to be bashed for any reason, I remember the Hunter forums being a place that was relatively peaceable.

Regardless, the new forums now feature an 'ignore" function. It even gives the “ignore forever!” option. Forever is a pretty long time but considering the circumstances, seems something I can live with. Farewell sad elf.

I think the wow forums are a symptom of a much larger issue. I’m not saying everything was always peaches but the large number of empty, angry voices in the world seems to have swelled in number everywhere I look.

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Moving along to a better topic, it seems the build for SV has changed for 9.1. Icy has recommended either Mongoose or Flanking Strike in our build. Tip seems to have fallen off.

This is with raiding and mythic, also with whether you are using NTA build (ST) or the WFI (AOE) builds. Interesting on their thoughts we these. I have a NTA, never made it, perhaps I will try it out. I do use Steel T, but for more PvP than PvE. It is also interesting that they recommend VV as well.

What say my SV brethren ? Will you change up your current build ? I think 9.1 may be interesting, of course depending on what you do more of.


Danski, no one cares that you don’t care. There’s no need to add to a forum post, stating you don’t like people posting, as you are effectively doing the exact thing you are flaming others for; keeping the forum post going. (Which is exactly what I am doing by calling you out. The irony is not lost on me.)

The number of times you post on the topics other people create, to add nothing to an argument other than complain, is ignorant, childish, and hypocritical. Your ansgt level is above 9000.

Go play the game and get off the forums. Or better yet, get away from your keyboard for a spell so the rest of the WoW population seeking Hunter information can do so without worry of your trolling.

To OP, I am happy you are enjoying SV. Please do continue to share your experiences. And please remember that most people in the world are not the same type of person as Dasnki.


Also of note:

Bloodmallet has been updated on SV to include lvl 60 Renown. And at 60, the current top rated ST DPS is Forgelite Mekanikos. And for AoE, it is not first, but becomes second.

Yes I realize it is still very early and numbers are still being tested. But it is nice to have other options for BiS beyond Night Fae.

Edit: I stand corrected. Blood Mallet has Mekanikos as top for both.


I think things between players became more heated in late 2016. This very thread is a big example of it, but the change in Legion made to SV was controversial and pushed away a lot of players and upset people.

Personally, I think how current survival was implemented in Legion was a mistake. It should have been a 4th spec from the start of Legion if they wanted to expand the class fantasy of the class.

That said, as I mentioned earlier, I don’t think it should be removed or anything like that. I think, the community problems and even some more long term health concerning the game could be solved with a 4th spec still to bring back an updated old RSV to fit the modern game. I hope, Blizz eventually decides to go down that path as I don’t see the community problems suddenly going away until then.

This also seems to be true IMO. People are just angrier, and I think there’s a lot outside of the game to do with that.


Well said.

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No. Those sims assume you are standing in one place the entire time and get to do a completely uninterrupted rotation at all times.

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I still miss ranged survival, especially from MoP and WoD…

Am I in the minority opinion now?

Would love if they made 4th spec hunter and brought back MoP ranged survival playstyle.


Not really. Especially around on these boards it’s a common view (one that I share). I think what people are more divided on is current SV.

Personally, I’m fine with it sticking around and being improved upon for a variety of reasons. As for old SV, Ghorak has a good thread with ideas on what it could look like as a 4th spec.

I also have a different take on a different variation to bring it back and help address some of the issues Blizz gave initially for the rework in the first place (though I heavily disagree with said reasons).

Definitely don’t think it’s unpopular to want it back in some form or another. I just disagree with constantly bashing on people who enjoy the current spec is all.


No, your in the majority.

This thread just has the opposite.

110% Agree! Old Ranged SV was a truely unique treat of a spec and it’s a shame that it got the “Demo Lock” treatment and was just completely ixnayed on the umbre’.

The healthiest thing would be to simply bring back Ranged Survival as its own spec with Black Arrow, Explosive Shot and Lock and Load but this would entail the development team to actually figure out what they really wanna do with Marks(which the potential is endless really) if we had confident developers…which, I have been questioning for some times now…

While I am truly loving the ability to play a guerilla style fighter that slams grenades in enemies front pocket while performing aweomse hit-and-run tactics, I must clearly state for the record here: NOTHING will compare to Lock and Load, Black Arrow and Explosive Shot damage toolkit of old Ranged Survival. Exotic Munitions and Trap Master are also themes that seem should/could be SV focused as well.

Im honestly not as informed on the spec “yet” as I would like to be. I’m currently devouring everything I can find on Melee SV.

Although, I would personally be excited at the opportunity to potentially go Venthyr or Necro for PvP while still remaining decent in PVE, I am not sure how realistic that idea is…

I’m currently Night Fae bc I rrreally love Mythic +, as it’s one of the main concepts that drew me back to playing WoW again but I also enjoy PvP(world and ranked), so therein lies my conundrum. I want my cake and I want to eat it too. It’s MY cake! Why shouldn’t I be able to eat the darn thing?! =P

I have been looking at Venthyr to tentatively and potentially fulfill the role of both PvP/Pve. I mean, in theory, it makes sense with SV’s single-target being B-Tier, at best to have Flayed Shot’s Kill Shot procs to help with Single Target. Also there is the Razor Fragments leggo, that if it is tuned better than it currently is could make Venthyr a reasonable pick for PvE AoE while looking to another potential leggo for my PvP needs(Craven, Nesingwarys, etc)…?

It just looks that currently Night Fae is tuned so high that it would still likely edge out in most PvP situations(rooting/snaring considered), especially with the Elders Antlers.

I’m not sure on this(ANY of this lol) and am currently looking into it all.

Since I literally just picked the spec up this past week and hit level cap on a Hunter for the first time in years, I have only had time to construct rank 1 of Cluster Bomb and have been having a blast tossing bombs into faces, spreading Stings and pet bleeds and chunking away Tip and KC. SO MUCH FUN(just in case I failed to mention already! ) =P

One other possibility, that I mentioned briefly above, is staying Night Fae for access to the insane AOE burst which suits my M+ needs but also constructing the Elder Antlers for PvP(that makes Wild Spirits go harder on less targets)…but that would be more a RBG thing with likely little 3s use.

On the other hand, going Necrolord, while also bringing a nice defensive w Flashcraft, there is also the leggo that makes Death Chakram cast Explosive Shot seems worthy of consideration as well. I mean 2 targets geting Death Chakramed and Explosive Shotted could be decent burst.

PvP wise, I am still considering what would be ideal to construct next(outside of Craven, since Craven is known to be great)…I’m just not educated in Survival enough yet

Also, I need to look more into Latent Poisons testing and see how its shaping up for 9.1 as a single likely PvP option…

A lot to think about, so to answer the question, I’m still sifting thru other data that smarter folks than I have the time to bring and haven’t made any solid choices as of yet(outside of building Cluster Leggo rank 1 my first week at 60).

However, I am obviously interested in discussion, feedback and curious what other players are doing. So please discuss away and I recommend simply ignoring the haters.

My TLDR, is I would tentatively like to make the switch to either Venth or Necro but not sure if I will be able to fulfill my PvP as well as Mythic plus goals.

Yeah man, I really try hard to give folks a pass because the global consciousness feel somehow currently out of focus or tainted somehow. Like a literal disturbance in the Force, so to speak.

Well said indeed Lazy.


Also, quick general question.

Possibly from being a healer main, or whatever reason, I have adapted @mosueover macros into nearly all of my damage abilities.

I like the fact that I can maintain my main target while easily effecting any other mob in a pack.

However, I have ran into a very odd issue that Kill Command spell will not let me utilize it as a mouseover macro. No matter how I write the macro, it simply doesnt work for Kill Command spell in particular.

Just as an idea, my macros look something like this:
/cast [@mouseover, harm, nodead] [] Kill Command

Any other spell, this very simple macro would first check to see if I have a mouseover target then if not just cast on my current target.

However with Kill Command it does not work properly. Does anyone know the reason for this?

The reason why its so important to me, is it would be much easier to spread the pet bleeds to multiple targets in a pack(for the attack speed increase) while maintaining my main target…

The only logical thing I can think if is due to the fact that the pet is a separate entity than me BUT that reasoning fails because pet ability macros work just fine. Things like Ankle Bite or whatever have no trouble being utilized in mouseover macros.

Does anyone have a solution for this or at least a reason why?

Thanks, much appreciated.

It’s not popular. Why play melee if there are other melee Classes that are more effective?

If I want a melee, I want to play a Class that could Tank too. It’s faster to get invited on dungeons as Tank.

But I want Range. And survival got rejected right away as my option.

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When you get the chance, I recommend checking out Ghorak’s or my own thread about potential ideas on how to explore those themes more in depth that you might like.

It’s of course a sort of wish fulfillment since the ideas don’t really matter unless Blizz ever does decide to make 4th specs, but it’s still a fun way to explore the concepts in threads designed for them!

Pertaining to wanting to perform well in both PVE and PVP, I feel your struggle. I started NF, swapped to vent, and have since swapped again to necrolord. I find it hard to just stick with one covenant for the whole expansion, but swapping is cumbersome.

I suppose it depends on what you’re looking for concerning both PVP and PVE. I know you mentioned being interested in M+, so I’ll start there. Realistically, any of the three covenants should be fine to get you KSM (+15s) if you’re looking for that. Higher keys the covenant will likely matter a whole lot more.

Currently, (and to preface this, I don’t play SV really and it’s first day of patch so I could be totally off base) NF is the best for M+. Though I believe that is supposed to change as we unlock later soul binds and Kyrian is supposed to over take it? If I’m wrong, please feel to correct me anyone!

For PVP, Vent is likely your best choice as far as overall damage goes, though Kurian is also good and Necrolord likely isn’t bad for 2s or RBG base defending.

If you want to focus on both arenas and M+, Kyrian is probably your best middle ground IMO. It’s good for PVE, and decent for SV pvp IIRC.

As for legendaries, for PVP I would definitely make sure you have craven stratagem. If you go necro, the new legendary there could potentially be good (I plan to try that out in arenas actually as BM / MM). For PVE, I recommend the wild fire cluster (not sure if that is the name, I forge tbh).

GL to you.