Suspensions going out for cache abuse

let me get this straight… you think it’s a good idea for them to tell the entire playerbase when something isn’t working as intended, so everyone can go and exploit it? :crazy_face:

…since when does anyone need to be a 1337 hacker to take advantage of exploits?

yep… i’ll await the “real” version of events.


How do you quote people?

Banning someone without reason is wrong.

How do you -KNOW- you are doing something your not supposed too? There was no information saying opening 3 boxes gets you banned. There was no info saying it was limited.


You can’t be serious? It awards like 250 visions. It takes 10,000 to make one key. I’d get your logic here if it awarded say 5,000 visions. But a measly 2.5% (two POINT five to be clear) of the needed amount? And it takes time to farm the relics to open the chest? How is that “too good to be true”?

Don’t be stupid. Be smarter than that.


Look another great example of blizzard not communicating important details to the player base.

Does anyone at blizzard entertainment sincerely think this decision was a good one, that it helped their relationship with the player base? Did it garner any type of good will or trust between company and consumer? I certainly don’t think so but then again i’ve got a functioning IQ of 9001 that means big brained.

There is still not a direct communication from blizzard about these bans in the patch notes, nor is there anything to be said about the long boy being removed were players supposed to read about it in a blue post from a random thread? Did they need to data mine the fact that the caches are considered limited and farming multiple is an exploit?

Talk to us blizzard, we still love you, we’re here and we want to play your game but you are making it extremely difficult to do so and even more so to defend you because believe me i’ve tried.


How exactly is anyone exploiting? Are they doing something to not use a key (consumed on use)?

Farming key fragments or whatever it is, for hours on end, is not exploiting in the least. ESPECIALLY when there’s been no official word anywhere that states a cache limit.


The reply that i received on Tuesday when I opened a ticket asking if it was working properly…

This is Game Master Strybur. There is certainly nothing wrong with farming fragment pieces if you wish to use them to open up chests as that’s what the chests are there for. Keep in mind though that customer support isn’t able to provide any kind of game hints either. So if you are looking for answers on what is supposed to be available from the chests, or sources of specific loot, etc. then it’s not something we would be able to assist with. After all, it would defeat the purpose of playing the game if such information was disclosed on any kind of official capacity and it would undermine the desire to have some parts of the game designed to remain a little mysterious and see what the community comes up with on their own.

So why wouldn’t someone continue to farm fragments?


Something about this sounds sketchy. My gut tells me the innocent people were doing something not so innocent.


They said it, so its clearly bad on them for suspending people’s accounts for doing that was in the clear, and something clearly stated by a Blizzard employee

Please post this like a million times. Unbelievably stupid.


the version of events being given by the allegedly “innocent victims”, states suspensions, not bans.

you know you’re doing something you’re not supposed to, when you have to use specific methods which are clearly unintended.

…but exploiters love to play coy.



Im sorry you just stated something so stupid i lost brain cells. It is a PHENOMENAL idea to tell the player base because they state a hot fix is coming in the same thing and do a roll back of the servers. That way everyone is back on track, however they did not do this they just banned the players doing it without warning or probable cause. These players didnt know, they were playing the game normally


Exploit is doing something you know is wrong. But in this case no one knew. Did Blizzard say the cache was a limit? Just suspending someone out of ignorance without knowledge is wrong. How do you know if you open x amount of boxes puts you in suspension?


You can continue to hurl insults and name call like a child. I am just as allowed to have an opinion as anyone else in this thread and as those that have the “unpopular” opinion, there is always more to these stories and there are always a few that come in these forums and act like they “didn’t know” they were doing something wrong. There is a system you should play by in this game and if you don’t follow it, steps are taken to punish you.

Just because you can stand and loot something on repeat doesn’t mean you should and pretending like you didn’t know you were supposed to do it is just what you insist on calling me, “stupid”.

I really don’t care how many times you call me stupid. I’m sure a blue will post on this eventually and as someone else said, the truth behind what really happened will come out, like it always does.

If you are doing something wrong you deserve the punishment and that seems to be really unpopular right now. Yes I’m stupid, Yes I’m crazy, I play by the rules laid out in ToS. I guess that is really stupid and crazy of me. Who knew.


Lmao. Wow.

Exp potion stacking? Clearly an exploit. 250 out of 10,000 extra visions that requires you to farm keys is not a clear exploit.

k good one.


and that explains why this is posted in GD, instead of in CS where a blue could step in for clarity… right?

the assumptions in this thread are just wild.

we see this type of claim from the “innocent victims” all the time.

“but i didn’t know i was doing anything wrong… i was only playing the game normally, while following steps x,y,z, while standing on a biscuit and facing the moon”


This right here. That is all.

I do look forward to seeing a Blue post on this topic so we can see what “really” happened.

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Do you actually play the game, or are you just going out of your way to be ignorant for the sake of it?

I literally got two keys in the vale without farming. Had I opened two boxes, I would probably be banned right now.

Seems fine.

Now that I think about it, every post I ever see from you is just contrarian for the sake of it, so I guess I just answered my own question.


Blue is never going to come in here a sort this out. If I see a blue i’d be surprised.


But there was no exploit?

A chest was looted multiple times with no warning that it’s supposed to be weekly.

Then gets fixed the next day to despawn when looted and people are banned.