Suspensions going out for cache abuse

No, like bugged fast.

If you are talking about the monkeys, I wasnā€™t farming them, I got a bunch of fragments mostly killing elites and the ā€œcorruptedā€ mobs that drop mementos (first one of the day gives 10 and remainder for the day give 1), I only opened like 3 caches, because i passively got the fragments doing thisā€¦

I mean, from what I can say, the coffers were mostly spawning in the same location within a shard, i had to log off in between cause I wasnā€™t actively farming for the fragments, I was farming for corrupted mementos from the corrupted mobs, and got the fragments passively, if there was one indication that this was not the way it was supposed to work, it was that the coffer kept spawning at the same location within the shard, almost instantly after you looted it. But, I thought THAT was the bug, as in the coffer spawning in the same place was the bug, not that it being repeated lootable was the bug, normally, when such a chest is looted, it goes away and maybe spawns somewhere else after some timeā€¦

I think blizz is taking this info and making a statement along the lines of ā€œOh so this is how they targetted and exploited something they knew was wrongā€

And honestly this did take a LOOOOT of timeā€¦ the corrupted mobs werenā€™t commonā€¦

And how do you know that? How is ā€œa quite fast respawnā€ automatically a bug? And even so, how do WE know that for sure?

Admittedly, this patch is very bugged, but the rate of spawn of a mob is not easily assessed as deliberate or bug, and it isnā€™t something we should have to work out.

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Itā€™s both.

  • Players should know the standard they are being held to.
  • If the standard wasnā€™t explained up front then there should still be an explanation as to why a penalty is being handed down and how the player should have known they were exploiting.

Iā€™ve never received one of those letters, so youā€™ll have to excuse me if Iā€™m a bit skeptical. :roll_eyes:

This wouldnt be such a huge problem if one, they increase the Coelesing Visions from 50 to like 250 per quest, and not friggin 50, that is ludacris and very time consuming.

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I just want to know why nobody from Method or any of the other top guilds have been suspended because you know theyā€™re farming just as much if not more than the rest of us

They arenā€™t doing their capes yet since neck level is a bigger deal for DPS.

Quality Control at its finest. This patch is really proving to be worth the cost of a subā€¦

Blizzard are driving me to sarcasm, shame on themā€¦


So blizz is handing out suspensions for everyone who looted the box more the a couple times?

First I would like to know how did this make it out of test realm. Secondly I would like to know why blizz doesnā€™t communicate.

Iā€™m pretty sure 80% of people didnā€™t know it was limited.


Your skepticism is fair, my guildie got the suspension and i read the response from blizzard to him and they gave no reason as to why except for ā€œYou were exploitingā€

If this ranks as ā€œtoo good to be trueā€ for you, then you must have had a pretty tragic WoW history.


my friend had his account suspended because they were mistakenly farming mobs looking for an engineering pattern that doesnt drop yet. he did not farm any ā€œfastā€ respawning mobs, they literally flew around just killing random mobs for like 3-4 hours, and ended up opening a total of 4 caches. That is 1000 currency, or 1/10th of a vessel. For 4 hours of farming. How exactly is that an exploit?


It isnā€™t. :upside_down_face:

So it seems. My advice is - be careful playing this patch. You may end up with a suspension for doing something entirely unanticipated. Next, someone will fall through an area in the map and be suspended for a travel violationā€¦



Still seems to be lacking details.

Usually how these go is the forums talk about this innocent thing they were doing during normal play and a few days later a blue posts is long, very obvious exploit that was being done.


Two of them were genuinely game breaking. I know a guy who has the 40,000 memento backpack transmog.

Iā€™m not kidding.

I agree that that is insufficient. If they never stated it was an exploit in the first place then itā€™s a bogus suspension. Should at least have been a warning first.


Well i was going to do the 8.3 stuff with the visions, legendary cloaks and suchā€¦ but nerp!

Another feature of the game to avoid altogether until they fix it. Heck, i still donā€™t touch the BFAā€™s XP Potions. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Edit: Where the heckā€™s my other comment and other peopleā€™s comment after mine?.. Iā€™m pretty sure i had mine said ā€œiā€™l be enjoying the new racesā€ then say" seriously, what the hey Blizzard?". Maybe the word i used on that comment was too ā€¦ offensive? even though nobody has a problem with-- what is going on? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The annoying part is that I opened a ticket asking if it was working as intended and they told me it was.


Haha yeah, now after they patched it itā€™s working as intended

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