Suspensions going out for cache abuse

and i’m not shocked in the slightest that this thread was posted here, where no customer support is offered.

that’s what the “innocent victims” want people to believe.
…how else are they going to drum up outrage?


Except what happened was true…

A simple fix would’ve been to rollback* the characters vision essence instead of banning for something thats clearly blizzard fault.


Costomer support? This is beyond support if thousands an thousands of people were banned cause of failed communication that is supposed to detail the boxes to be weekly.


i just went to OC, and from what i can see, there was more to this than simply looting stuff out in the world.

it’s time to stop pretending.


What even drops from those that it’s worth a ban for “exploiting” them?

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Nope, it’s simple world looting :slight_smile:

And the drop is 500 void essence.


In my case it was just farming mobs for fragments in the Vale. The locked chest even had the event marker on it yesterday even though it was suppose to be weekly(?). I only got a one day suspension though and have a ticket open asking what the reason for it was.

They might not respond here but most of the time when these things do happen there is something posted somewhere to clarify what happened and why. Seen it done multiple times and as other’s stated, it’s usually for a good reason these bans/suspensions happen.

There are 2 sides to this story right now. The OMG I just got suspended for “exploiting” and I wasn’t doing anything wrong. I had no idea it was wrong, I had no idea looting something that gave such good rewards on repeat could have been wrong. Then of course those that actually did it and got in trouble for it and are lashing out at anyone who don’t agree with them that they should have been able to sit around and reap such good rewards and when all else fails name call like children and stomp their feet cause they got a little slap on the hand from daddy Blizz for being naughty. When all else fails, “you’re stupid”. Such low tolerance for other opinions that don’t mesh well with theirs.

and then the

Well it’s always been like that in this game and you should have known better probably after the 2nd time you should stop.

Regardless, they will clarify somewhere. Maybe not here…and there is more to it, we’ve seen it before and we will see it again.

I chucked a post up in CS to get some more visions on it - wasn’t personally suspended however I was in discord with my three raiders who were while they were streaming in the channel and doing the Skyshard route :shrug:

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I can’t even find one of the bloody coffers.

Oh… God forbid people be able to do their new content more. “You string this out as long as possible and you like it!” lol

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Skipping it tbh. I did the opening quests on my hunter in Uldum, and the vale. Have no interest whatsoever in corrupted gear, or having to wash it whatever, or leveling up a blanket either. As soon as I level up a vulpera, and some others in the BFA zones, and get them to around 400 to 415 il, then I’m out. Looks like they are going with this similar rubbish system in Shadowlands to, which is why I’m glad I didn’t pre purchase it.

We need answers!

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But how can people know that they were exploiting?

Unless the caches or the relics say, “1x a day only”.


It was recently posted in CS and Blizzard locked the thread and said to post it over here.

ETA: Copypasta of the response if the original poster of that thread doesn’t paste it over here:


Blizzard may find a lot of people do the same sort of thing. If a player isnt interested in doing the last raid for whatever limited stuff that gives (limited in that at this stage of the expansion, its about all there is to do) then levelling the cloak and doing the grind is not interesting to them.

Making a new race DK or levelling an allied race toon or toons seems at least to be attempting to find the fun.

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Yeah. Best advice now is do not open any caches till we get answers.

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Well they despawn now once looted, and don’t seem to respawn for a while…so then next Tuesday perhaps.

Highlight the part of the comment you want to quote and option will appear above it saying Quote". Click on that.

and it does that in your comment.

Wonder if I got banned? I was clicking on anything I found. How would we be supposed to know?

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