Suspensions going out for cache abuse

My understanding is that people were farming certain mobs like the squidface hozen in the Vale for fragments because they had like a 20-second respawn. They got enough fragments to make a bunch of keys to open more of those big locked chests than Blizzard intended.

I’m guessing that it technically wasn’t the opening of the chests that Blizzard would tell you was the exploit, but farming infinitely spawning mobs (which is still Blizzard’s problem, not the player’s IMO), but I honestly don’t know for sure.


I only just got enough pieces now for a cache in one of those zones.

Is it those caches?

How would you KNOW that you are not supposed to be opening more of those? That makes no sense.

I thought squid dudes spawned fast to make things harder, though I was not trying to farm them in particular.

OH WHEW, I got my key thing made after Tuesday anyway.


Exactly, now I’m terrified to ever open one!


Ouch. How absolutely ridiculous. I’m sorry to hear that, friend :frowning:


So if you didn’t know it was limited you got banned for it? How was people to know it was only once or twice a week?


Thanks. Someone told me that they didn’t think it was working as intended and I even opened a ticket asking if it was. Their reply in that ticket was that it was working properly… So that was a lie.


Oh boy. Pretty sure I got enough relic fragments while farming rares / messing around in Uldum for two chests.

What an exploit.

Maybe don’t punish gamers because your game designers are bad…


My point exactly. What the living fel Blizzard.

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Super dumb if this is true. The cape is capped anyway so no real harm. If they did something bad then permaban. But if they just killed mobs, opened caches, and have no big advantage over anyone, then who gives a sh…


Isn’t this what they always do now?


I am not sure spending hours to farm a full key is “exploiting.” I farmed enough for two relics, but never made it over to open a second cache. I just assumed it was a way to get resources if you were willing to do a crap ton of grinding.


When contacted about why the suspension happened, they just say you exploited the game when nobody knew about the exploit even being possible. And they won’t give any reasoning as to why they’re doing it


Has it been confirmed the bans came from this activity?

Yes, in tickets to appeal it they say it’s for exploiting to gain an unfair advantage

I’m pretty sure most people assumed that. If bans are actually going out for this than I think people need to start raising hell, because that’s asinine.


Yes, in tickets to appeal; it they say it’s for exploiting to gain an unfair advantage on something that’s already going to be capped at level 6 anyhow

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Nice 1 blizz, never change.

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The biggest thing is the fragments still drop slowly even with killing mobs over and over. I killed the squid dudes to see if it was a good spot for gold given how fast they spawn. Got two full keys over a lonnnng time. Only opened one cache, but that was more because I did not view them as that big of a deal.

Unfair advantage how? How is unknowingly looting more then a limited supply of chests/Caches considered unfair? You didn’t know how is someone supposed to know?

Ignorance is bliss?


I mean, they shouldn’t be banning for this… if this was something unintentional due to a bug, just remove the coalescing visions from the players inventory. if they have spent it, just make it so they have -ve visions, so they have to catch up to it… banning seems the wrong decision…