Suspensions going out for cache abuse

Killing mobs in Uldum/Vale for fragments arent part of the standard gameplay? Guess im getting banned too :rofl:


Guess we all are getting banned.


Ack, I have not tried to log in for a few hours… I think I opened 2 caches this week :frowning:

I also joined a farm group where the things stopped dropping and we couldn’t figure out why. That really sucks…

Apparently the suspension scales with how many extra you opened. This is mind blowing that they are handing out punishments for something that could easily be coded in to stop people from completing multiple keys.


Has there be any official statement from Blizzard?

No statements from Blizz


Not many. Its clearly a case of code break since a new behavior.

Even CCP games was nicer here. they’d put out an exploit notification. then say yeah we haven’t fixed this yet…but don’t do it.

And those who found but no reports of it unless they really abused it…got the evil eye but no bans.

Bans were reserved for where in most cases it was clearly a case of dude(s)…c’monc you, me,and 10000 people all know this was just wrong.

like the one night after a aptch if you did a few simple steps you could keep your temp stealth field off a gate jump…forever. And use your ship as normal the whole time. Even cloaky ninjya class ships in eve have tradeoffs to working from stealth.

So when the exploits bans hit for this pre fixer patch the user base said thank you. this was used for some wtf ganks. and you could not not know you were in the wrong.

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The cape is capped but you can still spend 10k and get momentos. You will never waste coalescing visions

I got banned and that is literally all I did. I ran around the whole area killing mobs to get keys to open the box so I could get an extra run as I messed one up so was a level lower on my cloak. I literally thought this was the catch up mechanic. I didn’t use any wall jumps, or force any mobs to spawn faster, i wasn’t in a raid group just a friend and I trying to get another run to catch our cloak up. I really thought this was intended as a catch up mechanic. I have never been banned or put on mute by blizz in all the years I have been playing.


Next thing you know farming echo’s at the blood gate will be considered a exploit lol. Just kidding btw.

Devs: here’s a bunch of grinds in 8.3, you guys like grinding right?

Players: does some grinding

Devs: wait that’s a bug you’re not supposed to be able to grind those, ban them for not reading our minds!


why are you assuming that people were suspended for what they were doing at that very moment in time?
that generally isn’t how things work… things get investigated before being actioned.

if that’s all you were doing, then you’ll be fine.
…because that’s not what the “innocent victims” were doing.


As a general note, the cloak caps at level 6 for this week, and moves up to cap at level seven next week. So it should obviously be possible within the game to come up with a total of 40,000 Coalescing Visions within 7 days (plus the free one from the quest)

What does it matter?

You suggested that they were liars because they posted it in general.

When it was finally posted in CS, Blizzard dodged the opportunity to address this issue and said to post it exactly where it was posted.

Do you acknowledge that your earlier post was wrong and that this was, in fact, the correct place to post it whether they’re hiding something or not? Because a Blizzard CS rep seems to think you were wrong.


no, they simply clarified that there will be an announcement, and that it will be made here where the larger audience will see it.

…but sure, turn everything into a conspiracy.

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Conspiracy? People are saying they actually got suspended for opening too many. What is considered a exploit to you?

Is farming for 4 or 5 keys to open them considered a exploit?

You can’t control the items you loot, as opposed to opening chest.


I mean they farmed that route for 6 hours, managed to earn Just enough to run another vision, bricked that, then went to bed because they were exhausted.

I won’t defend any of my raiders who make dumb decisions to clearly exploit content to get a meaningful advantage - but suspensions for grinding mobs in a well known and documented route that’s been around for years is a joke.

Hopefully this is all a knee-jerk reaction to a more serious issue as was stated earlier and this will be fixed up. Otherwise we’ll just move our last Azshara kill to Monday rather than Sunday :man_shrugging:

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Woah, I just avoided a ban because I was too lazy to open the caches twice.

I did not even know you could farm that lol, I just had the keys in my bag.

So if I am understanding this right, you farm the fragments to make a key, to then use the key to open the caches, and the caches give you items to run Visions, which are also bugged right now and not dropping gear like they’re supposed to.

So don’t run Visions right now they are bugged?

And also don’t farm key fragments or you can be banned because they drop infinitely and no one had any idea?

So like, what exactly CAN you do in 8.3 right now safely?