Suspensions going out for cache abuse

I was playing with a guy who got suspended and the only thing he did differently was farm out some monsters in Vale while I played another game.

Unsubscribe, I reckon.

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You can fly around the zones and look at all the pretty colors and that’s about it


Oof, yikes.

Good idea. I already did that. Not renewing till there is new devs in office.

Can anyone confirm if each cache is once a week? Like one from each zone, or just one in total?

Looted a Vale one yesterday since I couldnt find it for the life of me on Tuesday, and it indeed despawns and stays gone.

So it seems weekly.

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I’m guessing its one per assault for its active duration - so N’zoth assault would be 1 per week and the faction assault would be 1 per 3.5 days. Just a guess, would need a blue post to get this confirmed.


I believe each cache is supposed to be once an assault based off the amount of Visions needed to upgrade the cloak

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You can hyperspawn and farm mounts and AP all day, but you cant farm for a cloak that is capped off each week.


Thanks! Clears it up a bit.

Sorry but all this shows is what the person wants us to see. Is there any comment from Blizzard anywhere that this is what happened?

I ask because if you do it once it is not an exploit. If you intentionally do a series of steps to make it happen and repeat it, it is an exploit.

I am not saying the person in that reddit thread is lying. I have NO CLUE if this is what it was for or not. Nor do I know if they actively exploited to do it, or if they are 100% genuine in what they say.

However, a story, from THEIR perspective is hardly evidence that they accidentally got themselves suspended and are entirely innocent. Man I hate that these kinds of things makes me a skeptic


You are a paying tester. Your testing privileges will be taken away if you do something that is clearly broken!

That’s absurd! I thankfully was able to log in just now… Maybe they targeted players who had done exploits in the past?

I think, blizz was more concerned about people abusing this to farm corrupted mementos, rather than the cloak, cause you can use the mementos to research up completely and then use it to purchase sockets, mounts etc.

But i don’t think anyone reached that point, if they did, they really deserved the ban, cause I don’t think you can do that by just farming mobs.

The thing is there was no way of telling it’s an exploit.

You see a chest requiring a key and it doesn’t despawn once you loot it…it seems like a legit farm method, making you do it over and over.


Mast, the items were continually dropping from killing just any mob, taking a route that would supply you with skyshards from back in MoP (which was never a banned thing) is causing people to be banned/suspended because there was no cap to how many could be picked up or used. Additionally the chests would constantly respawn, which would lead one to believe it was fine to reopen with another key that was received whilst simply doing dailies


And the mobs that were dropping the key fragments weren’t supposed to keep dropping them, it was supposed to cap out at some point. But it didn’t. There was literally no way to know what the cap is.

Also they didn’t cap out on the PTR and people figured it wasn’t intended, but since it carried over from the PTR, even people who did it on the PTR would have no idea it wasn’t meant to work that way.

Here’s an image of people commenting on it on the PTR:
i.imgur. com/kHMNOVA.png


That is dumb as hell…WOW if Blizzard wants to punish anyone …they need a mirror.


It wasn’t too good to be true, though. It was an enormous farming effort to get an amount of resources that is hardly any significant advantage at all. What a snide yet misinformed post.