Suspensions going out for cache abuse

Try and log into the game

I got suspended for 3 days and 7 hours or so as well, no email, no communication, just went to log in and theres a suspension. Assume it’s from the void caches, but every mob in the zone dropped those fragments so guess it sucks to be me. Not my fault the chest they wanted to despawn didn’t (nor could you be expected to know that since it was the first day of the patch.)

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This is the point I guess.

Blizzard’s response in the past to things that are considered exploits is that they put up warnings here and elsewhere saying that this is an exploit, they are hotfixing it, anyone who does it from now on gets slammed with the suspension hammer and they will do a case-by-case for people who have done it prior to that. The problem here is that it’s something in very new content that many players would see as just a nice lootable object they can grind for - and its not like this patch isn’t full of grind as it is.

So if you find a bug that lets you repeatedly kill a world boss that everyone knows is normally on a major cd once-per-week kill status, anyone with an ounce of IQ knows thats a real exploit. This one - if it has been happening - is way more iffy.


This is the last straw for me. This company has no idea what it’s doing. Banning people for looting treasure chests that was not marked or worded as limited. Give me a break. What game does that?

Playing the game normally gets you banned? How is looting fragments for two or three keys to unlock boxes worthy of a ban?


I don’t think they will say anything because they don’t want to look worse than they already do

Blizz is doing their best politician impression with a lot of these issues.

Ignore until caught, and then double down once revealed.

Well, this thread has convinced me that opening those caches isn’t worth the potential suspension. Unless Blizzard issues a formal statement saying that the issue is fixed, or that they won’t just blindly suspend folks for their game not working right - I am staying 100% away from all caches.

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The small chests are fine but the ones with keys I’d avoid until maybe tomorrow or so

Who know they might ban you for the small ones too.

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3 hours after this thread started.
doesn’t that seem a little odd to you?
…that over a period of 3 hours, not a single “innocent victim” was clueless enough about their actions to attempt to seek clarification?

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Do you think they’d ban me for farming the TImeless Isle chests too?

I started it to get some vision on the issue because people had simply been posting in the existing huge thread regarding it.

Keep being negative though champ, people were suspended for just doing their rare farms and stuff :slight_smile:


Oh well I did loot some chests in Uldum, but didn’t need any kind of key to unlock them. The one chest I did find that required a key, the text popped up, and said requires a key, or something like that. Just went meh, and moved a long until I filled that stupid blue bar that took forever to fill lol, and turned the quest in, and said I’m outta here lol.

If there was one indication that there was something wrong with this, it was the fact that the coffer kept spawning, immediately after being looted, in the same place. When I saw that, I thought THAT was the bug, as in, when blizz makes such chests, if they dont want it to be limited, it spawns in a different spot after being looted, thought sometimes it can spawn in the same area, if this was supposed to be hard capped, Idk how I could say that it was supposed to be, cause when they apparently hotfixed it yesterday, I thought i reached my cap, did not know there was a hotfix until i read a few posts in the other thread.

But I thinkm the CMs are going to make a statement along these lines of “Oh YoU sHoulD kNow tHaT iF a cHeST SpaWNs sO OfTeN tHEn … blah blah” (I mean really?)

Apart from that I dont think there was any other step taken to farm these chests, you could do it solo, not grind any specific mobs, just keep doing any of the mobs and get this done.

I do not think this gave people an “unfair advantage” as stated in their ToS. They should just consider rolling back/removing the visions from people that did this and call it a day, instead of handing out bans.

Though if there was anyone that went out of their way to get this done, then they might deserve a ban.

One of my guildmates was affected, and he is unable to post in any forum at this time due to that. So many “innocent victims” as you put it would also likely not be able to post.


They are trying. When a support ticket is opened to ask about the suspension and try to appeal it, they send a copy-pasted response saying it won’t be overturned and will give no explanation as to why the suspension occurred. Actually read the thread before saying things man, it has been stated multiple times by not only myself but other members. Also, those who have been suspended cannot speak on any forum whatsoever.


Nobully is just trolling at this point I reckon. Just ignore the dude



like i said, i went to “that” website, and i can assure you, this wasn’t just a “woopsie” like people are pretending.

it involved methods which clearly weren’t part of standard game play.

…but keep perpetuating the lie, it’ll only make this thread funnier when the official announcement comes through.

I’m not personally suspended - I was in discord with my raiders who were running a farming route that was legit from Mists of Pandaria and still getting drops :shrug: it’s hardly a lie lmao.

If my raiders got suspended for doing something actual worthy of a suspension they’d 100% deserve it - i.e the Ivus loot loop


So killing monsters is not part of standard game-play. Got it! Thanks for telling me :slight_smile:

Standing in town and doing T-mog farms is how BFA is supposed to be played right? I’m not supposed to kill any monsters?