Suspended for abusive chat

Good morning everyone, i dont mean to beat a dead horse with yet another “i did nothing wrong banned” but i do feel like this ban has been unjust - While yes this is technically my first actual ban ever, my account was silenced back in 2020 for spamming LFG for my Naxx 40 gdkp, this is a different situation. i think i can pinpoint what was reported for the “ban” but i cannot be 100% certain since blizzard never states what actually was reported.

  • I feel like I was banned for abusive chat while completing a step of the scarab lord chain, i have completed about 99% of the chain and was attempting to join a guild already doing the Green shard in moonglade,I messaged about 5 of the raiders of the Chinese guild Game Science (i only assume they are Chinese due to the raid chat coms). But suprisingly one of the many people in the guild actually invited me to the raid, so i did end up completed the green shard with the guild. Once the shard was completed they all went to Dr weevil, which i decided to go there to help them aswell just because they helped me. Right as soon as the boss was pulled, Banned. My only assumption is that the people that i messaged first in the guild maybe reported me for spamming them asking to join? its hard to say because like i said above blizzard doesnt state what was reported. I stream on twitch, so many people know my character/account, and im a raider for who was chosen to do scarab lord by the guild. I can provide a VOD of when i was banned as i was recording a video for Youtube.
    Since i cant post the full 15m Moonglade rp i have a partial ending of the vod and what where technically my last words ingame which were either 123 or -__-
    I have already made appeals with the typical bot responses and really just feel like i have no where else to post. This is my first ban in the 19 years ive owned my account.

This is all we can say/do:


Penalties stack unless sucessfuly apealed report arent always recent they could be from days or weeks ago and no mass report = a ban is a urban myth.


Those responses are by actual human beings, and are not bots. They use templates.


Yes, account actions are not instant and can happen later. Also, mentioning Asmongold tells me all I need to know. He lied about the reason for his ban. He was banned (rightfully) for abuse of the reporting system.


No, that is false and has been debunked MANY times on this forum by blues.


this was just a reference, since no one else has ever really tested the report system

They got chat banned (squelched), then actually banned after GM review for abusing the report system. What was the lie in there?

How does this relate to your case?

Did you have a lot of people, I meant, over 100 report you for abusive chat in a very short amount of time? I sincerely doubt it.


I think we should let orlyia step in at this point shell straighten this out.


Yes, it takes time to process the reports. It might have been something that you said some time ago, it is almost-certainly not something that happened immediately before you got hit with the suspension.

They demonstrated that there was an automated squelch (which was already known), and then demonstrated that you can get an account action from abusing the report system (which was already known). They weren’t banned automatically, though that narrative was beneficial to draw in controversy and viewers.


i doubt that aswell, i just didnt know if the reports just stacked or something overtime, i have no idea how it works, like i stated above they were just references since nobody else has streamed or made videos on the reporting system.

The report system, as Blizzard employees have explained, does not automatically suspend anyone. It prompts a GM to review the logs around the reported chat and then action as appropriate.

Regardless, your only option is to either appeal or accept the penalty applied. That’s also not automated, it is reviewed by a GM and a template answer is used. If you’ve not been told further appeals won’t be reviewed, submit another. Otherwise, you’ve reached the end of the road. Either way, be aware that these penalties stack and do not drop off. You already got the 1 week silence, and this is a 1 week suspension. It will be 2 weeks if you are actioned for another chat violation unless this appeal is accepted and overturned.


i would prefer this tbh, if i said something that was wrong x amounts of weeks ago then i understand, but during the morning of the ban nothing that i said or stated should have been bannable.

You seem to have a bad habit of questioning the intelligence of others with slurs, Lidondx.

While not necessarily profanity, it’s definitely toxic.

Also - PLEASE don’t offer to use real money for anything in game. That won’t end well for anyone.

This is a valid action. This isn’t a ban, it’s a suspension.


am i able to be emailed what your talking about so i can understand and avoid it in the future?


No, you can’t email the staff, or otherwise personally talk to Blizzard. If you want to appeal your action, it’d be through the appeal system.


i just would like to know what “toxic” words i said that can result in a 7d suspension, my vocabulary has practically been the same my whole life playing wow, and slurs is a pretty big reach.

The account action is related to the number of previous like infractions on an account, not necessarily the severity.


I’ve bold a part of Orlyia’s reply.



Based on “habit”, it’s a longer running issue that has started catch up with you.