Gearing for stam is an option but should not be the first one.
The trash in tk dose not do enough damage unexpectedly to kill a ret pally that is geared properly (read using p1 bis and moving towards phase 2 bis) outright. Using lower ilvl gear as not in phase 1 bis or using close but worse items for dps value will make you more likly to die as the bis ones norm do not only have the dps value but also higher armor abs stam due to higher ilvl.
Looking at your logs your gear is not great. You are well geared for t4 content but under geared for t5 content abs as such you need to play better with a smaller margin for error. You are not undergeared to the point of being outright killed thou.
As such in order to die you are playing badly. Thou healers not keeping people topped also will be a factor as if not doing so makes your margin for error lower abs as such then also playing badly but you playing well would still keep yourself alive by knowing when to pull out of not topped. Your healers are quite bad as a note. Not even able to maintain there mana in “low” damage cases like void reaver when 6 healing for 3 min. You had them already on fumes at the 3 min mark.
Prime example 2 ticks of whirlwind. Whirlwind has a 1 sec delay from the cast bar, before the first tick and a further 1.5 secs between that means to take 2 ticks you spent 2.5 secs before getting out. You should be only one step away from being out as the ww radii is only slightly more than the mobs hit box so if correctly at max melee range your only glad a sec of movement away or getting out. That means it took you more than 2 secs to react that is a learn to play thing react quicker. You
Should be planning for ww and ready to move so should only need 1.5 sec to react. In fact most people react faster 0.75 secs to see something than 0.75 secs to carry out the action is considered slow by about 0.25 secs for each action as per testing done for drivers reaction times. This is before mentioning that the animation starts before the cast bar giving even more time.
On the big guys there is no reason to be taking overload and pound at same time from different ones, pull them apart more. Use your hearthstone if healz are slow so the same one dosent kill you with both it’s what it’s there for.
Not living by dive bomb is your guild as a whole messing up. Dive bold hits for about 150k as you should be spilting between 35 ish targets is done bad upwards of 50 when done right it means you get hit for about 2-4K (around 2k for most guilds as they have around 50 targets) that is nothing.
To compaire by your logs you guys are hit for 5-6k each almost tripple the normal damage done by dove bomb that is a learn to play issue. Esp when you have 2 hunters should be around 45 targets per dive bomb so should take around 2.5-3k not 6k. Stack properly abs use snake traps. Your hunters dint use a single one all night that alone doubled the dive bomb damage.
Side note your also wasting 15 secs of your lust on alar using it where you do makes no sense should be after dive bomb one not at start of p2.
Pounding on void reaver hits for around 5k for classes 6k at most over its duration. So pounding will not kill you. If it did it means you where not topped of going into it abs that means you should of healthstoned. You don’t healthstone after a pounding you do it before one if not ropes for it. There is about 15 secs between them and no damage at all between them so using after is a waste of a healthstone. You only use if healers won’t top you in time for one watch your timers. While if you don’t have a healthstone or healthpot you run out so your not in the pounding effect.
Also please don’t make yourself look quite bad by saying since your using a dps pot can’t use a healthpot. It really makes it seam like the issues you are having are massive learn to play issues to not even know that healthpot and dps pots are not on the same cd. Your healthstone is on the healthpot cds but using a dps pot will never stop you from using a healing pot. Furthermore you never used a healthstone on void reaver for your kill, while on your wipe you used it after pounding ended when you took no further damage for 12 secs after resulting in not having the healthstones if you needed later and causing the healer has had a heal primes on you to overheal. Furthermore you where at 50 percent at the time so in no danger at all from dying able to still take 2 more ticks of a pounding before death of the three ticks on each cast. Healthstones should be used in sub 60 percent at start of a pounding or at sub 25 percent after the 2nd tick to prep for third. You where sub 40 percent going into the own you died on. Your healthstone was furthermore not on cd at the time of death meaning healthpot was not on cd. Furthermore you had 4 locks 2 aff 2 destro as such you have diff healthstones levels abs as such had more than one to use. Your death was 100 percent on yourself, abs not on gear it was completely a learn to play issue.
Side note why are you pulling alar after void reaver rather than sol. Sol using the soaker build is easier than void reaver for many of not only slightly harder. Alar is a incomparable step up in diff.