Surviving trash / encounters in Tempest Keep as melee

If having threat issues have shamans drop tranquil air in the dps groups that are threat caped. Stacks with Salv and no reason to have grace or air or spell power if threat caped it only makes the prob worse. You can twist it with wind fury.

Which your level of dps having threat issues early is on the tanks as even undergeared ones won’t have threat issues in the first 3 min. Beyond that threat issues is a dps issue. The longer the fight goes on the larger amount of threat the tanks lose each knock back due to higher current level. This means there is a set point it is no longer possible to our threat the dps resulting in threat caping, the goal of the fight is to end the fight before that happens around the 4 min mark. If you can’t the dps need to get better and kill it faster this includes managing there threat better via tranquil air and using there threat dumps early.

The two main tanks should be in groups that boost threat production this means enh 2 hunter warrior druid for the druid tank 3 hunter is fine if only one warrior dps. Abs enh prot warrior warrior dps ret pally hunter for the prot warrior. The druid can have resto sham if only one enh for there lust with full melee totems. The most important people on vr to buff is tank threat survival is not needed at all as vr hits for nothing. Can also drop prot pally into a caster group with ele boom spreist to boost there threat.

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Nightmare seeds are often pretty cheap and they’re amazing to help you survive in cases where you know you’re going to take a lot of damage (meteor, vashj p3, Void reaver, trash packs with whirling) it acts like a last stand and boosts your hp for a time. I’ve used em on my priest

This is not correct. Health pots and haste pots share a CD. Healthstones and Dark Runes share a CD.



Ladies and gentlemen, I give to you the wow forums

It’s a shame more forum threads are not as helpful and filled with good intended posts like those in here. (Even if some are outright wrong…)

As for the felreaver boss, you should really only have hunters at ranged as long as you have 2+ hunters. Everyone else can be stacked.

Hunters in aspect of the cheetah and those orb damage is easy to avoid due to travel time and increased move speed.

If the hunter is using the outer circle as they should be, you start on one of the corners of the circle (you can see the separation in the trim design and the connecting joints are the corners) and mover 1-2 corners every time a ball targets you. Have the hunters start as far from each other as possible and let then communicate with each other if they get forced into each other to let the other hunter know he needs to move.

You can also do this strat with only 1 hunter but he will lose a lot of dps because he won’t be able to steady shot at all, only arcane, stutter stepping for autos, and multi shot as he will be on the move the entire time (and kill command)

Hope this helps your raid on the lootreaver.

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