Survival survivability

You’re more than welcome to test it yourself independently using whatever methodology you choose. I chose dueling instead of trying to randomly reproduce it in unranked battlegrounds or something bc that would have taken a lot longer to reproduce.

I’m more then welcome to not care, if I start dying while sitting in turtle for a few seconds I’ll look into it.

Sounds good champ.

There are multiple abilities that go through tranq immunity and turtle are they all “bugs”

Define go through. Are they going through at the beginning of turtle due to latency or is someone sitting in turtle for a few seconds and dying to new dmg? I haven’t seen the latter.

Something about warrior charge went through both in sl

Not sure if it was warbringer or some other ability

Like if you hit a teammate next to them the conal cleave went through or something I don’t quite remember

You can see the latter if you watch Jaime play BM against whazz and raikou in this weekend’s gauntlet match.

Ok is it right as turtles comming up or when they have been sitting in the shell a few seconds? If we even remember haha.

Dude idc what you have to say anymore, you can stop trying.

I believe this was the interaction

Worked on both tranq immune and turtle

The aura is immediately active.

The visual has nothing to do with it.

I understand how hard it is to think that you understand something at an expert level and then be wrong. Overcoming that will help you in a lot of ways in life outside of WoW.



That’s the point. You even describe it. They have a team peeling for them. Obviously they can’t predict everything that’s going to happen. If someone stuns you to setup, you need your team to peel.

You start this by saying you can essentially predict EVERYTHING and why not just prewall? Obviously you can’t. Sometimes setup are easy to see, sometimes they aren’t.

I believe they said it was cleaving off the pet. =/

No one is crying. This is a disagreement. I understand that many people here don’t understand that adults can disagree on stuff without accusing the other one of crying. The point is I want the game to be better… not that I’m QQ’ing about something that happened.

  • Auto turtle at 35% health
  • 2 Charges of turtle
  • Disengage immunity frame
  • Buff mastery passive healing by 500%

I want to build the perfect Rogue killer.


Ok there is a big difference between where we are all queueing and awc, that’s why the top players rise to the top

There is plenty of time to react to stuff at 2200

You’re also comparing shuffle to awc cup games with money on the line

For the most part I think people always traded, they either died in a swap because a team had already reacted to the dmg and wanted to be greedy or died because there were no cds left to trade

Stop bringing up awc it has no bearings on our games that are littered with misplays


This is one thing that is and has always been fundamental to hunter. You get casts that can’t be traditionally interrupted and pretty powerful immunity, but you have to pre-use your defensives in situations that you’d be comfortable reacting with your defensive on another class.

The most frustrating situation in shuffle, imo, is when you foresee a go and see that your healer has buttons and it’s a good time strategically to stay offensive, so you throw wall/petsac/maybe exhil, but your healer doesn’t use it’s buttons and you dip to like 30% or something and eat a stun. You’re then faced with the dillema of do I trinket turtle and have literally nothing left or do I allow another global for my healer to react. Half of the time, you trinket turtle at the same time that the healer throws swap/cocoon/bop or whatever and you’re like oh great, we have no buttons left and you just die in the next setup. The other half of the time, you hold it and die through your 3 non-turtle trinket defensives and get berated. These are things that obviously don’t happen in coordinated games with comms and it’s also not hunter specific. But it’s frustrating, I agree.


It is not an immunity.


The point is you can’t predict everything. That’s it. I’m not prewalling a monk the second he gets to me. If they have serenity up… sure. If they are just sitting on me and have CDs available, obv not.

You clearly need a team to help you survive some goes EVEN IF you saw it coming. Even if your team is their to peel for you, sometimes it’s not enough. I seriously don’t understand why this is a hill you want to die on. Some damage in the game doesn’t require a setup.

When I’m setting up on my SV hunter, people can legit see it a mile away. If a WW wants to setup on you, all they need is for stuff to be off CD. That’s it. Obviously they aren’t just going to use it the second it becomes available. Like I can preturtle a rogues go if I see them blind my healer and then target me. Some things are CLEARLY obvious. Some aren’t.

You literally just need to trade for keefers and serenity.


I feel like I haven’t seen a Monk not send go after Paraing healer.

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