Survival survivability

Not always. Such as when we saw Jaime die to stuff cast after he cast turtle. You can literally see the sequence of abilities used. Again, turtling earlier is always the answer to this not happening, but this is a thing that happens.

I remember in Sinful I’d press Condemn with Death Sentence on a low health Hunter and during the charge animation after the ability had been cast they’d try to turtle and it’d always go through because I cast my execute/condemn first, even if it took a very long time to actually “go through”.

Like a chaos bolt or greater pyro whizzlin’ through the air.

Right, you can’t turtle a bolt already mid-flight. This is different. Arguably you could have been hitting the fail condition with execute charge depending on when you got it off.

Is it not difficult to know when setups are going to happen in the slightest

Random dmg on the other hand because of tiny buff modifiers that you can only see by squinting at a nameplate can be problematic

Some specs require you to preemptively use defensives and it really is not difficult

Pre walling a kidney or hoj etc is gameplay that everyone should be expected to be capable of doing as you progress up the ladder

Track friendly drs, track cds and stuns, press defensives accordinly

Trinket walling late is a bad play


No, the principal remains the same. Melee abilities generally just have less of a “travel time”, but it’s still there. This is why sometimes you’ll get executed, rsk’d, touched, obliterated, etc, “through” turtle.

It was cast before turtle.

I have no opinion as to whether or not this should be the case, just trying to clarify what’s happening.

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Except you can literally see the sequence of events from this weekend’s AWC match. Jaime greeded the turtle way too late but you can definitely see the sequence of animations and which one starts first. He casts turtle, whazz casts something, whazz’s something goes off while turtle animation is still happening. Enough time happens between the turtle and rogue animation where it’s plenty obvious.

Yeah, I’m going to need a clip because of all the instances of Hunters “dying through” turtle I have yet to see one where they didn’t just greed/hold it too long and use it late.

Turtle doesn’t have an animation.

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It’s this weekend’s gauntlet. Jaime playing bm against whazz and raikou on arcane/outlaw. Like 1:45:00 from day 1 of this past weekend. The announcers even kind of have a hard time explaining it.

? Yes it does? The green shell thing takes a second to fully form.

This is from Legion but I think that this is the animation that Bertimus is referring to.

I’m not about to get into that again. You guys simply cannot comprehend what’s happening and that’s ok because if you use turtle earlier it won’t happen anyways.

Ya if you’re playing poorly and pre use when the go is comming.


You’re not paying attention then, the only times realistically you have no clue the dmg is incoming is am ascendance proc right now.

This happens if your team missplays.

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And yet I just watched the best players in the world die in stuns while CDs were available.

You can’t predict everything. Some setups are obvious, some aren’t. If you can’t admit that, I’ll just assume you’re trolling.

You can literally watch it happen. Yes, turtling earlier is always the answer as I’ve said in every one of these posts. But there is a distinct and verifiable window between when you press the button and when it actually starts preventing damage, and it’s not just latency.

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If you think it’s a comprehension, I can take some cheapshots as well.

Regardless of what’s happening, getting a hit a second later because a spell is ‘in the air’ shouldn’t happen. That’s it.

Not all goes are telegraphed.

RSS reality.

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If anything you’re trolling

Human error is human error but you mean to tell me you watched them outplay kills for 95%+ of every game and only ever took note of them making one mistake and getting punished by the best players in the world for it?

Come on man that’s just laughable watch cdews analysis of the finals last night and how unreal luminosity was at shutting down goes especially onto brain

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All of them have things you can track, except for ascendance procs.

Ya get over the meme.

Wow the best players in the game can make mistakes and throw a game too!?

The announcers of the gauntlet are a lot higher XP than anyone in this thread and the best explanation that they could come up with is that blade flurry must be bugged and go through turtle (which is not the case).

To add onto this by paying attention to trinket and defensives you can know exactly who a good team is going to attack based on their available cool downs

I am so tired of your argument where because you struggle to do it it can’t be done when better players do these things reliably

I am very well aware that I can improve at the game but after losses I’m not sitting there crying about how broken whatever I fought is, more often than not I could have won if I just played better and learned my matchups more

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That was a thing in SL too, how do we know its not the case?

Well, I proved it to myself by dueling an outlaw rogue in valdrakken as soon as the thing happened. You can try it yourself if you’d like.

Oh, a single duel has spoken!