Survival survivability

plsss buff :sob::sob::sob:



exhil not affected by damp or ms


They need to increase the duration of SotF or increase the damage reduction if talented. 6s for 40% damage reduction is garbage. Prevent all incoming damage after turtle is used. No chaos bolts hitting you a second later.

Be nice if exhil was useful beyond a pet heal.


Wow opposite day already? Nerfs i agree

That’s an interesting idea.

If anything maybe lower the cd to 2min but that might even be too much.

Turtle is fine, that’s latency.

The issue for me is that hunter defensives has always been centered around kiting but alot of specs got more mobility and hunters didn’t plus the tools we did get (scatter) got nerfed with the cc durations.

It’s a big issue that won’t be changed anytime soon but should be, war shouldn’t have doubletime and stormbolt/mage shouldn’t have 100 blinks on an 8 sec cd, lock port shouldn’t give freedom, rogue shouldn’t have double step. Maybe give survival 2 charges of disengage could be an answer.


nerf diamond ice in exchange god bless :pray:

Best I can do is make diamond ice baseline.


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It just needs to be valuable enough to be paired with trinket. Given most people ignore it all together… The damage reduction is to low to meaningfully save you if your health is already low. If I’m wasting trinket to pop SotF, at least make it worth something.

The game is filled with immunities now. Blur, evasion, die by the sword, etc. All of these are amazing at the one task they have. Blanket damage reduction just doesn’t hold up these days unless you can use it while CC’ed. The fact we have to trinket for both turtle and SotF is bad. RoS isn’t nearly as good as it once was. The fact you can use both SotF and RoS and still get chunked by serenity is dumb. Something has to give.

It’s the travel time of spells. I don’t think it makes any sense that a spell in the air still counts. A lot can happen in a second. A casted spell that may not have killed you a second before now will because of damage you took inside of that second.

Agree and I would rather they fix that, but they won’t. Most of the mobility changes are PvE driven. M+ keeps getting faster and more complex and mobility has had to keep up with it.

It’s weird to think we used to have two disengages with readiness. They could also lower the CD of master’s call. Dunno. Feels like if a target isn’t sitting in a root or some CC, they’ll be on the hunter. It feels impossible to kite any other melee if it’s paired with a DK. Even had a match with a DH and WW and it felt impossible to get away outside of peels from my team… which are usually non-existent in RSS.

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That’s how every defensive bar immunities works in this game

That is good design lol


40% wall is pretty darn good, if you’re dying through it then you’re using too late.

Need to reduce those, not add to them.

Ww being too strong problem, not hunter being too weak.

We already went over this in detail, not doing it again.

I wouldn’t mind a smaller damage reduction added to RoS tbh. It already makes the pet take 20% of the dmg applied to whoever gets RoS’d currently, maybe make it just straight up transfer the 20% dmg to the pet?


Was it in Wrath/Mop that would heal a hunter every time they used disengage?

2 charges of disengage would be nice


It’s not with the current damage profile. If you aren’t using it immediately, it’s basically useless. Like I can’t sit a stun, come out and pop evasion or blur and immediately stop a huge amount of damage. Tons of specs have CDs to use while in CC or immunities when they come out of CC. RoS no longer has the same value with the changes to crit in PvP.

You’re using trinket to use it.

Agree, but that’s where we are.

Even if you ignore WW, CD length is really long for a lot of specs. 40% talented for 6s still seems short to me.

Then remove travel time. Don’t care what the approach is. When turtle is up, only dots should be hitting. If they have to reprogram how the ability works… then do it.

Maybe. With the crit changes RoS really isn’t holding up like it used to.


Reactive defensives are worse for the game than proactive defenses

It’s not that difficult to know when a team is going to go you and press a defensive

The only time it’s dumb is in awc this weekend when brain prehealthstones and kinda double walls and dies through


Why are responses always like this? It’s not difficult? There are rare times when you can see a setup coming and times damage just happens. If I see a rogue step stun my heals for a go, that’s obvious. If a WW is sitting on me and uses leg sweep and my healer isn’t in CC, I can still die. I have to trinket that unless I instantly get an external.

Did you watch the WW match? One serenity got trinkets from two players. Damage happens regardless of whether you anticipate it or not.

I don’t disagree, yet again, here we are. It’s not just WW that’s pumping these days. If you don’t get peels or immediate externals from a healer, your dead barring you immediately react. Unfortunately, RSS doesn’t afford that. I have mixed feelings about this for sure. I don’t really want RSS being the baseline for balancing and I know I have my bias because of it, but I still would hope I have the tools to survive when I’m paired with a 1700 healer.

Give an option to make sotf cost focus, but be on a low cd and 20% dr like improved feint.

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It happened in the AWC gauntlet this weekend. Jaime greeded turtle way too long playing BM into whazz on outlaw. Hee died with 0 dots/bleeds at the tail end of the turtle animation about a second after he cast it. You can see the animation start, then the rogue start it’s animation, and the rogue move hit Jaime as the turtle animation finishes.

However you want to describe it, there’s more than latency going on. It’s a swing timer/animation thing. There is a nonzero amount of time between when you push the turtle button and when the aura applies to your character as the animation is going off. It’s similar to the situation with melee abilities like execute/death from above vs MS/evisc where both sets of abilities are “instant” but the effect is delayed or on a swing timer. The answer is always just turtle earlier, but this has been a thing ever since turtle replaced deter.

It’s an “ability was used before turtle” thing.

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