Survival spec bonuses

how dare ppl vote for the options presented to them :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Surely you’re trolling and aren’t silly enough to actually believe this

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When was the last time Blizz actually followed through with promises? We don’t even have an active dev and you expected them to actually try and balance the set?

How people still trust blizz is beyond me tbh :dracthyr_shrug:

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“Here is a list of prior states, each saved in the database. The change to the latest version is no longer necessary, and the version prior would fit almost perfectly. As such, I want you to undo your latest change, by whatever means you please.”

“Hit undo? What a monumental undertaking! Please, lower you expectations, good sir!”

To be clear, Taiger, by this I mean that people had fairly decent reason to believe that this promise, at least, would be kept. The set bonus had already been in a form that would be competitive with S3 in single-target.

Expecting the AoE to be salvaged so SV could be viable in M+? That’s more a stretch, but no one had reason to expect we’d be screwed over in both regards.


I feel so vindicated, with how bad the voted S4 tier set ended up being. Way to ruin a specc voters. Should have listen to the Goblin pushing for bombs.


Lmao you can’t be serious

Revisionist history from the people ashamed of their terrible S1 votes.

Blizzard didn’t promise to do anything. They made an offhand comment about adjusting under performing tier sets and you fools took it as proof you would get the unnerfed S1 tier.

None of you are naive enough to think Blizzard gives a single crap about survival hunters or is paying any attention to their issues.

Then why even put it to a vote?

Surely you are trolling and don’t actually believe this

idk why all the s3 voters are mad. Because of the incompetence at Blizzard with this whole patch they still got what they wanted - running s3 set bonus in s4 :slight_smile:


Changes for this spec when? Is it going to be for WOW Midnight, or the Last Titan?

It’ll be WoW 2

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You know what would be way cooler, baking the tier set (3) into the capstone for FotE making the tier set redudant(doesnt overlap). Then people can invest in the capstone to get the playstyle if they want it.

I’m just dreamin though.

Ngl, I have no interest in seeing FotE’s individual damage and [65|50|35%] execute bonuses getting watered down in being tuned around granting a crit window and 2 bonus WFBs. I do not want the set baselined.

If you want bonus WFBs, do something more interesting with the WFB %damage nodes.

If you want a crit window from FotE, put an extra talent pathing from FotE, to be placed alongside Ruthless Marauder, to grant it, as to give greater fit and optionality to “No CD / FotE only” builds.

Don’t reduce FotE’s original purpose to a trickle just so you can burgeon it with other, often contrary effects (as per when mob TTK puts conflict between wanting the immediate crit buff and wanting maximum execute uses).

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I think I’m taking crazy pills, because too many people are making a claim that the S1 set is somehow very passive and unimpactful, but the Season 3 set greatly impacts the way you play.

There is nothing game changing about critting more and harder after you FoTE. A free/reduced MB is just as gameplay changing as a free WFB.

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Well, it can shift optimal play in lowish-TTK situations from holding for 65% mob health to blowing it immediately, when you’d either way only get 1 or only get 2 uses in the fight (and at no loss to the next fights use count).

Does… Does that count?

After the recent class buffs to balance, fury, assa, and affliction, is survival at the bottom in m+?

Conceptually yes but I have the feeling most people think the extra crit damage / chance and free bomb on every FotE is the “highly impactful” gameplay changes :stuck_out_tongue:

In the first couple of weeks of the season it was fine since a lot of people didn’t have their new tier sets yet, I had no issues keeping up with or beating most specs at a similar ilevel. But now, a lot of people are completing and upgrading their tier sets, and suddenly I am at up to a 10 ilevel disadvantage which definitely causes my damage to fall behind decent players. That is also ignoring the survivability issues that the huge lack of stamina causes, which I can feel even in 8-10 keys. I can only imagine the pain that people trying to push keys on SV must be feeling right now. At a certain point I’m guessing you probably just have to eat the huge dps loss and use S4 tier (or switch specs/characters ofc).

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Im running into the same issues, to the point that I almost don’t want to play anymore. I recently ran a +11 AA with a Ret and Havoc, which was embarrassing. Surviving is not as bad atm since I’m running around 20 vers and 16 avoidance, yet I often fear for my life, the tiniest mistake, and is ggs. Like others, before I have said, some kind of response from the devs would be amazing, whoever those are. As we know, these issues are not just Dragonflight, so far the alpha for TWW has brought 0 changes to hunter in general and likely will not bring any until beta.

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