Survival spec bonuses


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Oh, forgot to say, mostly haste. You’re main limiter is globals and dishing out damage quickly, as well as building stacks. My go will probably look something like this.

2-3x Mongoose > Chakrams > Trap Healer > Explosive Shot > Bomb 2x > (Coordinated Assaults / Spearhead) > Flanking > Mongoose Spam.

Possibly trying out 2x bombs prior to trap. If this were in 3s as opposed to RSS, I’d let latent poison stack on one target and Tranq Darts them prior to go. Harder to swap between targets in RSS.

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I was thinking about mastery bc it increases explosive shot, kill shot, and moongose bite itself. It doesnt affect bombs and fury of the eagle that we are usin this season, and with the amount of stats stacking getting higher next season, i thought maybe it should be an option to put some mastery based gear too

Might be worth trying, but your main goal is to see how much damage you can pack inside your go. So your timer starts from the your first Mongoose to the point the healer is out of CC. If you have high uptime, mastery might work out for overall damage, but likely won’t maximize your damage during CC windows. Since every global counts, that’s why I try to prep the target as much as I can prior to getting CC. Like getting your mongoose stacks going and getting Chakrams up.


Got it! thx again

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And that went well, Mythic s4 is simming lower than s3 heroic on any non st fights. Guess they forgot to balance it like they said they would


right? lol

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Hello Blizzard - Please tune S1 set - 522 ilvl 4pc S1 set currently simming lower than my heroic S3 by a significant amount in AOE.

We are squishy as it is, so we are taking a hit in armour and HP by having to be competitive in damage by wearing old tier.

How about adding to the season 4 set:
Wilfire Bomb +40% dmg to main target apply to all target for 6 sec after casting carve/butchery.
That way you increase AoE dmg while keeping the same single target dmg.

They had to nerf the “free” part going into S2 because we wanted to hold on to it for too long.

At the very least revert it to FREE instead of the piddly -10 cost, and add “no cooldown”.

So might as well run full st build even in m+ eh?

for me 1M 2H 1N pieces s4 tier is simming lower than 489 s3 set in single target even. That’s with proper talents switched. For a single target set +20something ilvls being a dps loss to a more aoe focused set, something is very wrong. In M+/aoe you’d never run s4 set as long as you had heroic s3. We need help

You can thank the raiders in the Trueshot Lodge for pushing people to vote for S1 to be relevant on a third of raid bosses during a meme season. It’s funny seeing them try to advocate for S3 now that it’s too late. Fortunately, it really doesn’t matter a whole lot since the season’s dead by week 4 when Panda Remix releases and Blizzard finally has enough data to make changes, assuming they care enough.

blizzard said they would tune the winning set and didn’t, now you blame the players? that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense bud


I do not blame them. Bliz nerfed the set to force people to get the season 2 set, No reason they cannot reverse the changes to how it was in season 1 except for sheer laziness / idgaf attitude.


Multiple people, myself included, scoffed and warned against the idea of the set actually being tuned or reverted to its original state cause it’s Blizzard and a meme season. If Hunters don’t know how Blizzard functions or how little they care (for Hunter) by now, that’s on them and it punishes everyone else playing the spec. Like I said above, if they tune it, it’ll be by week 4 at which point it really doesn’t matter anymore as most people will have AoTC x3 and be clocked out for Panda Remix.

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how are they advocating all I’ve seen is just that they inform sv players that s3 is still stronger in aoe because blizzard did not deliver on what was promised

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I was also ridiculed in discord for voicing my support for the season 3 set. I liked s1 but had absolutely no faith blizzard would make it good

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Guess people should’ve just listened and kept with voting for the S3 set like some of us advocated for? It’s a shame that we have to be punished now because of what people in a discord pushed.

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To be clear, your stance is its our fault for voting for what we wanted, and not Blizzard’s for not following through on what they said they would do?

They asked us to vote, so we voted. You are welcome to your opinion, but suggesting your perspective is the only valid one and that anyone who dared to think differently than you is the cause of your misfortunes is insanity. You aren’t being punished because of “people in a discord”, you’re dealing with disappointment because a class community made decisions based on promises that were not honored.

Don’t yell at us for someone else’s deception.