Survival spec bonuses

I 100% prefer Season 3 for the sake of voting purposes.
In M+, I just don’t think season 1 brings must to the table with our damage profile.
S3 and S2(even if some parts are baked in), fit our niche better.
Could be completely mistaken for higher keys 20+.

Sorry if this comes off negatively but you haven’t even done anything close to a 20 on survival, haven’t raided anything beyond normal…how do you think you know what is best for the class if you haven’t done a majority of the content on it?


hence “Could be completely mistaken for higher keys 20+.”
Which claimed ignorance for those situations.
In an open forum, about a voting for a class bonus that’ll affect hardcore and casuals, that’s why this is for discussions. To enlighten players on why one set may be better than the other.
So yes, it does come off unnecessarily negative for the health of this discussion.

our single target is pretty weak and s3 doesn’t really address it well, whereas even without s3 our aoe is still good
s1 gives us really good priority dmg and st

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as a pvp’er s3 doesn’t feel that great because you don’t full cast furry you just press and cancel for bomb dmg while s1 actually made mongoose dmg meaningful if it made bomb do more dmg than current it might be worth but until that happens s1 plz


Yea, but so many gcds. :frowning:

I hate having to take fury, but I feel like our burst inside of the small window we have is better. So I might lead off a go like this. Chakrams > Fury on the kill target > stun/trap heals > explosive > flanking > bomb > bomb > bomb. With Mongoose, we really have to stay in melee and have good uptime.

I’m pretty torn on this. None of these sets have been good for pvp.


yeah that’s i feel it’s the better of the poop kinda choice

votes closed lets goooo mongoose biters

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everyone on here complaining that SV ST is bad needs to learn how to play the class…lmfao 46o IL im rolling kids 10-15 IL higher or within 1mil overall…lol

completely irrelevant to high end discussion :+1: the people that are saying SV’s weakness is ST are basing it off of simulated DPS compared to other spec’s simulated DPS

Agreed, high end survival dps in ST falls off super hard in mythic raiding. Gear your hunter up to 485ish and try a few mythic bosses. I’d love to see how (if it does) your opinion changes on survival ST then.

EDIT: Sorry, was meant for the post above yours.


I thought Mongoose Bite would be fun in season 1, and I really enjoyed that season. But in season 3, I found it more fun without repeatedly MB-MB-MB. By the way, even without MB build, wearing S3 tier set, I can still have decent single target damage. So I really can’t understand why to vote S1 for survival hunters, which is pushed by a lvl 12 druid. Also, MB is cool, but is not as cool when you only use MB. Tell me how to deal with like 20 targets, MB? The basal AOE damage is not decent at all without tier set bonus.


because a lot of SV gamers want the following

  1. better ST
  2. a break from this tier set bonus
  3. a break from WFB centric tier set bonuses
  4. want to press MB MB MB instead of WFB WFB WFB

Correct me if I’m wrong because I often am, but wasn’t SV’s aoe performance a big issue in s1? Like, wasn’t it you are either spec’d for aoe or st and suffer greatly with the other side of things?

Back in s1 we also did not have access to Lunge, WFB primary target modifier, RM was 3 points, and since then there’s been several aura buffs / targeted aoe buffs

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survival’s tree has never suffered from build disparity like that
one of the great things about it is that you barely sacrifice any ST to pick more aoe, and that’s been true since the DF release of the tree

Why are we caring about the 1% of the playerbase though lmao, tailoring everything to top-tier Mythic raiders is cringe. I’m sure they can work stuff out on their own.

it’s not 1% of the playerbase though it’s just simulated number

I started on survival pvp this season, i really like the S3 tier set. Do you have any idea of how our burst roation will look like ? Do we need to stack mastery now ? and get the moongose bite buff talents on the right side of the tree ? Thx in advance

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Yea, the S3 set, while awkward to use, gives us a bit more mobility and burst potential. While I hate using Fury of the Eagle, we only have to get the buff up before canceling it.

My build will look something like this.

Might pick up Spearhead over Bombadier or just go two points into Sharp Edges. Likely will depends on what I’m facing. Having the extra mobility of Spearhead is nice for both offensive and defensive purposes, or just using it to get traps on healers.

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