Survival spec bonuses

tbh, i think blizz have been leaning more and more heavily into it since survival melee’s inception as it’s the only thing SV has that is remotely unique. That is probably why it’s popping up in set bonuses more and more

I do like the mongoose bite mechanic of trying to fit as many into a timer as possible, but it does really just feel like hunter mortal strike in some regards

I don’t necessarily agree with this but I think we’re getting a bit off topic now

i’m confused if you’re talking about WFB or MB here, because both abilities are unique and fun

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apologies, I’m speaking about WFB as that has been the majority focus of SV set bonuses in recent years

yeah, which is why some people are wanting a break from that :smiley:

edit: let the record show that i love all of our tier sets that we’ve had since shadowlands. SV is very fortunate in that all of our sets are very fun, very impactful, and very powerful


bruh, you want to raid with survival? why pick season 1? just pick season 3 and pug some m+

season 3 literally changes gameplay, season 1 and 2 literally don’t. you want to spend all your bombs before furry of the of the eagle if you play ruthless marauder, and playing ruthless marauder with bombardier make your coordinated assault windows so much faster on spamming bombs.

I don’t understand why so many of you are talking about S3 like it has good AoE. This is the worst SV AoE has been in years. I have never seen SV worse in M+ than it is right now. the S3 tier set is extremely bad.

In most keys BM is 60-120k DPS above Survival. Just because S3 tier focuses on AoE skills doesn’t mean it has good AoE. You can argue it isn’t the tier sets fault and we just currently have all time bad tuning but the tier set is inextricable from the problem.

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so instead of understanding what uncapped AoE does to a spec (haha beast cleave funny numbers) you think survival is doing poorly because its not matching? Survival can pull numbers in AoE.

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In what way is our AoE the ‘worst’ right now? lol.
I can literally pull comparable numbers to similarly geared BM hunters in keys. I am usually the top AoE on every single big pull in keys.

If you are not pulling big numbers on a huge pull with all your CDs then you’re not utilizing the 12 seconds provided by our tier set bonus. :thinking:

I am confused why people want the S1 tier set. S3 is more versatile, having more benefit in AOE, while not completely neglecting single target. It adds flavor to our otherwise very bland rotation, and an, albeit small, burst window which we sorely lack.

Perhaps people are thinking back to S1 where initial tuning had us the best single target spec, with very mediocre aoe, only to get our single target nerfed so we were not the best while still having mediocre aoe and a boring rotation.

I’m not completely against S1 set, but it would be my 2nd choice after S3, I just can’t understand why people would want to make our rotation more bland and lose burst in both aoe and single target.

because people want good st damage instead of mid st and mid aoe, people are looking forward to a non wfb tier set, people dont want to play with the same tier set (s3) from nov 2023 till whenever TWW comes out

s3 really doesn’t add anything to the rotation that s1 wouldnt? you use fote in st but if we consider that rotationally flavor then surely spearhead being viable again would also be rotational flavor?


Spearhead flavor? lmao MB MB KC MB MB KC MB MB KC so much flavor I’m salivating at the thought.

In all seriousness the reason why we’re mediocre right now has nothing to do with the tier set, it’s the lack of adjustments the spec has had this patch.


that’s just as much flavor as bomb bomb fote bomb bomb bomb :stuck_out_tongue:


To be fair, it’s often been WFB - KC - WFB - KC - WFB … etc OR it’s been MB - KC - MB - MB - KC - MB - MB - MB…

Out of the like last 2 expansions I think the current tier set is the only one with an actual interaction beyond fudging WFB or MB. It is just proof how extremely lost Blizzard is with SV. And why I voted for S3 tier set without a doubt. The other two isn’t even adding Anything to the spec. Seems that most people are just judging it by “numbers” even though Blizzard asked them not to (to be fair, understandable that people are skeptic about Blizzard and balancing).

keep in mind the current tier sets “interaction” is a flat passive damage amp on the 2pc and a WFB fudge on the 4pc :stuck_out_tongue:

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In part because some are assuming a net balance, rather than our being able to have the best of both worlds (baseline tuning and tier set power, as to be overpowered overall).

That is what one should be worried/thinking about — the gameplay, and how much freedom of talent choice one is willing to lose to something in order to have an impactful and dependent tier set anchor to be built around (such as FotE, in DF S3’s case).

I understand that ppl don’t want to have same tier set bonuses again but season 3 providing good options to use different talents on right tree based on your own preference without sacrificing to much dmg. If S1, S2 or S3 bonuses will be balanced in season 4 thats mean doesn’t matter to much. You will be still pressing butchery and bombs for aoe just one of the spell will do more dmg then now. From my perspective is important to watch more talents impact then dmg increase from bonus sets witch will change anyway with upcoming season 4.

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S3 all day, by far the most fun an versatile play of survival imo.

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You would.

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120k less damage than bm? i doubt even aff lock is doing 120k less overall than havoc but okay