Survival spec bonuses

S3 is sooooo much more fun than just hitting Mongoose… Actually getting to use a new ability and change up the rotation.


We will still use FotE with the season 1 set though? the ability doesn’t just go away ha


We still use FotE with all 3 tier sets. How many SV hunters in this thread are actually pushing higher end content as SV? I’m talking 25+ keys, Cutting Edge, or at least Duelist in arenas. How something feels vs how it performs is a totally different conversation (although one worth having). Season 1 is the best option for literally all content (Mythic+, Raids, PvP). Season 3 isn’t terrible, but most of the high-end players agree that Fury of the Eagle needs to be detached from Single Target. It’s an AoE spell and the most effective way to utilize the buff from Season 3 Tier is to cancel it unless you need to cap bombs. We need ST dmg to go with our ALREADY STRONG AoE. SV will be very strong in keys (both fort/tyran weeks) in Season 1 tier after the wildfire bomb rework. The same for raids and arenas. Season 1 is objectively better and a huge quality of life improvement - Survival hunters who actually know what they are talking about are in complete agreement. Season 1 is objectively the best option for all content.


Maybe we should play the set that feels the best like you say but results should be considered.
S3 results in AoE being Mid. S3 results in ST being mid.
S1 results in AoE being Mid. S1 results in ST being awesome.
They buffed bombs. They won’t feel terrible even if we go back to S1. You can still enjoy your bombs. But our Mongoose Bite will have Bite again.


which is what set bonuses should be like imo. flat damage bonuses and basic resets are boooooring

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correct me if i’m wrong but the season 3 set is quite literally a flat damage bonus (2pc) (4pc) and an extra bomb on fote. it doesn’t really impact your gameplay at all

but the set bonus innately begs you to pick fury of the eagle and wildfire bomb talents, which were typically not the main choices for SV this expansion. when the set bonuses are coupled together with the talents, it creates a new mini rotation of throwing a frenzy of bombs and then dealing mega crits with your fury of the eagle.

honestly the s1 bonus to me felt like arms did in WoD during hellfire citadel, you could play the spec with an SNES controller because your damage became completely centric on mortal strike. Mongoose was strong and reset often but it felt the same

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Everyone should just vote for S1 e let me be happy :), lies, everyone will be happy

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huh? this is not true. wfb talents have been recommended the entire expansion and fote was always good in aoe situations. :slight_smile:

i am a bit confused on how MB spam is “snes controller” mode to you but wfb spam is a new mini rotation.

Listen to this man. He knows what he is talking about.

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boo you don’t even go here.

Season 1 or season 3. Season 1 for me was always very fun because it was strong both ST and AOE and you could make a lot of nice builds around it, even the none cd Builds slapped. Season 3 has been fun, i like fury of the eagle but its not as consistent as season 1 for me.

I am not in agreement but, that is why it is called an opinion. :slight_smile:

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there is little dynamism about an ability simply doing more damage and occasionally resetting.

there is dynamism to managing a secondary rotation of bombs/fury in between your mongoose burst windows.

The only dynamic aspect of the former is that you might not be able to predict when a reset will happen. Besides that nothing really changes. You were going to press that button as many times as possible anyways

For the latter, there’s micro-managing your bomb stacks, and waiting for the perfect moment to finish your mongoose output with using fury while you have low focus as not to waste any while making sure your bombs are not fully stacked, but will be the second its time to throw bombs for maximum bomb uptime.

That’s what i mean by micro-rotation. It requires way more attentiveness, has a ton more theoretical damage, and is frankly, just more fun to play tbh

edit: I see you replying not 10 seconds after I posted this so don’t come at me with a reply before you’ve even read my entire comment first lmfao

but this is why i’m confused, bombs don’t go away at all with the season 1 tier-set bonus. you still will use fote in aoe, bombs will still be a priority to use on cd with the season 1 tier-set bonus. it’s not “just spam mb lole” especially because we got our wfb priority buff in 10.2

you’re vastly overcomplicating the priority with the season 3. you don’t micromanage bomb stacks or mongoose output while using fote, you send fury on CD because it gives you a TON of resources for free.

just like in season 1 lol

you barely wrote 3 paragraphs??

I voted for MoP SoO tier :rofl:

I’m saying that the season 3 set bonus simply adds more novelty. It might not be baked into the class forever, so why not play it. You never know with these bonuses what sticks around and what gets left behind.

Personally I’d feel a lot better about the set being a bit more novel than just “x more damage” if there’s a chance it’ll go away forever. The S1 bonus is more for numbers, but the gameplay doesn’t feel that different. S3’s does, and tbh throwing an f-ton of bombs in rapid succession feels really satisfying lol. It definitely feels more novel than a simple mortal strike mongoose reset

right, which is super fair, but this is where you lose some people. why is MB spam looked down on and doesnt feel novel, but WFB spam does feel novel? especially when 3/4 of the last 4 tier sets were wfb spam :stuck_out_tongue:


because we already have to spam mongoose as many times as possible for max damage, so a few surprise extra mongooses is like “oh, cool”.

wildfire bomb on the other hand takes a backseat and always has (outside of set bonuses that encourage it’s use more). Honestly season 3’s bonuses aren’t far off of the bombardier bonuses from shadowlands, but it still feels fun throwing lots of explosions (more than usual in succession, typically we only see 2 together at most), and there’s a fun angle to one’s damage coming from more than just a single source. S1 was just like mongoose bite 95% damage and everything else in the remaining 5%.

Now it’s like 55% 25% 30% between mongoose, fury, and bombs. That’s my logic anyhow

like I said, I think you’re forgetting about the WFB primary target modifier we got, as well as the “new” (to season 1) lunge effect, as well as the reduced cost of ruthless marauder

with season 1 or 3, we’ll still have fun, so I’m, happy either way. I just prefer mongoose bite to be a harder hitting ability than a back seat to WFB