Survival should be able to use Exotics as well

They have extra utility than normal pets. Clefthoofs are the best tank pets and can see why that beneficial to more than just BM.

To open the possibility for other specs to tame exotics there could be pre-requirements. A quest line that gives all Hunters the ability to tame them. Classic Hunters had to first learn to tame beasts, there was a quest to go tame your first pet.

Beast Mastery could still have the option to tame exotics automatically. While other specs would have prove they are worthy.



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Yo thinks just because he takes his birddog hunting with him he can be a lion tamer. imagine thinking that just because you have the skill to work alongside animals means you have the skill to control less docile of beasts. and I bet you wouldn’t want to give up that nice mastery where you both do more damage. btw wing clip isn’t named because of some affinity with beast but because it prevents the target from escaping like clipping the wings from a fowl. and mongoose bite and the others are just named from the likeness of the technique used by those animals. nothing to do with bond between man and beast. MM is like a sniper, SV is a hunter and it’s pet, and BM is king of the jungle. don’t like it swap specs. don’t try to take gimmicks away from others.


Honestly, I can see the argument for SV getting exotic pets. Beast Mastery as a spec has gone from being the class with focus on buffing and working with one specific pet to being a zoo keeper that throws dogs at people. It doesn’t really summon beasts as much as furry missiles.

On the other hand, survival is the teamwork class that uses an elite, highly trained pet to augment its combat, really in a way that beast mastery once was before it’s focus got diluted.


I would honestly love this, I feel lore wise survival is the most loyal spec to their pet bc we fight side to side

Rexxar our KING <3


To what? Exotic beast have extra abilities that makes them more useful.

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And what makes you think a survivalist is less qualified? What makes an exotic beast tiger “less docile” than a normal tiger? What makes a giant clefthood cow less “docile” than… literally dragons anyone can tame with a book?

Your wingclip example does not add anything either. Survival knowing how to clip wings (Which doesn’t actually harm the bird) is more point to them actually understanding how to control and worth with animals. Mimicking a mongoose to bite someone (with a weapon presumably) is even more icing on the cake because they’re actually trying to do animal things. Actually trying to mimic them and not say… Barbed shot, which does nothing at all but drive them into a frenzy

Think that many are over looking the fact that Survival throws explosives at enemies while their pet is also attacking.

Your technical sacrificing your pet for your own survival.

We are also in melee range with them :slight_smile:
BM takes explosive shot also… so i guess BM doesn’t care since they’re 40 yards away. its a them problem.


SV also uses Explosive shot, and swings around a big stick. Think your not hitting your pet with all that choas?

BM can stand away and make careful shots that doesn’t put their pet in the line of fire. BM has more control than Survival.

BM throws hundreds of pets at a target. Think BM isn’t going to nail one in the butt with an arrow? :rofl:


On my Survival Hunter, I would love an option to play the spec without a pet. That ain’t happening, especially now that ‘Pack Leader’ exists.

If I have to have one, being allowed to use exotics would definitely improve the experience. It does feel strange that they have made the fantasy of the spec so intrinsically tied to that one pet we have, and then said ‘nah’ to exotics. It doesn’t seem necessary, as BM hunters get double pets and a number of options for basically throwing their whole stable at someone. There’s no universe where a Survival Hunter infringes on the themes of BM more than they already do in this regard since the advent of Hero Talent Trees, as we’re the two specs that can access ‘Pack Leader’. Survival’s modern existence came into being at the same time BM got its second pet, and this has been the dominating force that the two specs are defined by. Exotic exclusivity is rightly called out as vestigial and pointless in modern WoW, not just because they are defined by so much more than having access to exotic beasts, but because there are a number of other ‘exotic’ beast types (mechanical, lesser dragonkin, feathermane) that can be accessed by any hunter so long as they unlock them.


Man, I thought this was the most hilariously bad take until I saw

BM is all about control, huh? Pretty sure you spend half your time whiping your pets into a bloodlust induced frenzy and the other half also partaking in said frenzy. I mean, I am not judging. I literally blow my imps up as part of my aoe rotation, but they have immortal demon souls and are probably used to worse.


My hot take is the exotic should be changed all together. hunters should just be able to tame everything. this was a neat idea back when it came out and you felt cool as a bm hunter. but i think its time to let it go.


Oh yeah? Well my hot take is that hunters should be able to tame humanoids!

I’m aiming over them not lobbing a grenade at them.

We don’t whip. Our rage comes out in a roar that excites our pets into a bloodlust. We have such a bond with the beasts they heed our call from the very wilderness. Our pets show how their loyalty by fighting for us.

It’s all very humane, I am sure, just like a lion tamer at the zoo! To be clear, I wasn’t referring to actually whips. Whip in to a frenzy is more of a metaphor, and often used to describe when a person uses their words to elict a response.

But yes, BM is still just as much dog fighting as pokemon, were you are taking an innocent animal and twisted it into a weapon for murder. Unless you expect all those snails and cows were really bloodthirsty monster, ready to kill on command, in their natural state.

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i say let them use exotics but let bm keep the special abilities they have. because frankly exotics are arbitrary. what makes a rhino or a clefthoof more exotic than a pink elephant or a maw hound? ideally i’d also like them only obtainable via acquiring tome books. stone hound book could drop from mogushan or clefthoof from a wod raid


We bring out their inner beast. Bm primal rage is strong enough to bring out the inner bloodlust of even seemingly docile animals. We are not forcing any of them the animals are drawn to us cause the pack instinct.

What a perfectly normal and good thing to be doing. I am sure those animals appreciate being both ripped from their natural environment and forced to behave in ways they would never do normally. Especially the ones that don’t form packs in the wild. They have great pack instincts, I hear. 100%, these creatures are following you willing without any sort of coercion or power imbalance. You are definitely doing good here.