Survival should be able to use Exotics as well

If your final effort is to play the victim that’s the nail in the coffin. You’ve made multiple condescending comments and come off pretty aggressive in this thread, don’t try to sit on a high horse now.

Pot meet kettle.


I’ve backed up everything I’ve said and the responses weren’t factual to justify changing my opinion. Only responding to the parts of the posts that aren’t anecdotal. If you show an example where I was proven wrong and the response wasn’t just personal feelings I’ll eat crow and admit I was wrong.

To be hinest… Exotic pets haven’t been all that ‘exotic’ for a long long time. The restriction should be indeed lifted.


Or just be happy with what you have and quit trying to take Beast Mastery’s one cool thing.


Wtf am I reading :joy: wtf does ability names have to do with anything.


Already tried going down that rabbit hole, leave while you can lol

To the average person probably nothing at all! They would engage with the class even if they were just named attack1, attack2, and defensive1!

To many others such as myself they’re flavor packets! A glimpse into intended theme that adds to the immersion and aesthetics! What does the word Hunter bring that Archer doesn’t?
That sort of thing.

They chose to name many hunter abilities after animals and aspects of them and it seems survival has inherited the majority. I believe that the design notes at Blizz got mixed and BM was supposed to be melee, but that’s q story for another time.


I jsut want Nah’qi to be usable by survival :frowning:


Give exotic beasts to Marksman! But make sure to lock it behind lone wolf in the talent tree so that we know blizzard is deliberately trolling at that point.


Or maybe stop trying to gatekeep?


BMs taming harder to obtain and exotic/rare pets is part of their class fantasy, that’s what makes them master of beasts. Instead of taking that, MM and SV should get their own unique gimmick that is unique to their class fantasy.

The only thing I agree about this topic is that the exotic pool of monsters should be skimmed down, some exotic trees don’t make sense why they’re exotic but definitely BM should be the only one taming Spirit Beasts.

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Animal Companion has become more of BM icon. It’s even becoming necessary with the changes Tuesday.

If Blizzard wanted to lift the restrictions on exotic pets than inorder to tame some should be locked to quests. Spirit Beast especially should get a quest for them be tameable for other specs.

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For what reason? They don’t deal any more damage than any other animal.
The meta beast to tame for PvP isn’t even locked behind BM you just need the Undead training manual.

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They have extra abilities that normal pets don’t. SB can heal, Clefthoof have extra durability, Stonehounds can revive themselves.

Exotics are not just regular beasts and that’s what makes them unique.

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And that is why it should stay BM only.


Only 12 of the 60 pet families are exotic; they don’t need to skim down anything.

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To reiterate the point, since there are A LOT of BM hunters in here thinking they’ll… lose something?..

I’m not advocating for anything to be taken away from BM. I’m saying Survival should have the ability to tame and use exotics. Survival only fights with one pet. Not the whole zoo.

It would quiet simply add up beautifully as
Marks - 0 pet
Survival - 1 pet(exotic optional)
BM - Many pet (2 perma, exotics optional)

Thats it. BMs saying “Muh class fantasy” have no weight. Its class fantasy for Markshunter to use a ranged weapon to shoot something. Is BM using one watering it down or taking something away from them? Absolutely not. Marks hunters couldn’t care less about BM.
I won’t say what BM class fantasy is, because my own version of it is different then everyone elses (Not that it stops all the BM here telling me what my class fantasy is :wink: )

If someone is playing BM. its not because of the pokemon collection of pets. Its because they want to fight using pets as a weapon. Many hunters, including marks, collect the exact same pets (including the exotics by simply… switching specs real quick…) because collecting pets is part of the HUNTER class fantasy… not exclusive to BM. Until blizzard adds an actual Archer or Ranger or any other bow class, thats just the name of the game here.

Once again. A survival hunter bonding and fighting alongside Sul’Raka has zero downsides for BM, so please stop arguing about that. Actually engage with the discussion not come in here complaining about a separate spec entirely. BM hunters are just looking for conflict since they’re doing 1% less damage than marks and surv in raid now :rofl:


exotic beasts should stay BM’s thing


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