That being said, if the bottom-left corner worked as intended, we wouldn’t be forced to take Mongoose Bite for AoE-heavy content.
For that, of course…
- Fury of the Eagle needs some extra oomph, and perhaps additional damage to primary target (else, first target struck).
- Viper’s Venom needs to (be) affect(ed by) Serpent-Sting affecting talents and/or needs a more reliable way of triggering, if only infrequently.
- Pheromone Bomb needs to actually work.
But, hey, those are things that really need to happen regardless. The majority are just bug-fixes. With them, we’d start to feel like we have some actual choice beyond just basically-AoE-plus-bundled-crap vs. basically-ST-plus-bundled-crap.
I don’t think I was seeing the same TotS behavior when playing earlier; this may be a bug.
Was it dealing damage as if you had as many stacks as you did, or did it also deal damage as if you had only one stack to consume?
:: The design implications there are interesting, though not necessarily attractive. If it uses the amp of all stacks but consumes only one, we essentially get a sort of nuMok’Nathal loop where we want to get TotS to 3 stacks, spend only once, stack again, spend again, insofar as we can still avoid overcapping Focus. I’d rather that not be the case, but it would be technically more involved than what we have now.
I’d prefer the first, OR allow Survival to just hand-crossbow all normally ranged attacks so they’re at least not weaker in the kite than a pre-specialized Hunter and provide compensation on/via the melee abilities themselves (extra Leech or Leech-into-barrier only on melee skills, dodge chance on stacks of Mongoose Fury, etc.).
I legit hate Flanking Strike on the beta right now, even at level 70. I might like it if we had, say, 120 max Focus (without having to give up any throughput to get it), but there just almost never seems to be a need for a whopping 30 Focus generated in a GCD outside of pure ST (and even then it is redundant with all things Kill Command).
In a way should almost be nice that it’s so redundant because that then offers more choice and less need for button bloat, but unlike Arms’ oh so many ways of filling the same capacity (especially AoE) by different means, something just feels off and disappointing with Flanking Strike.