Survival Hunter

Or I can just grab 3 mobs with multishot and kite them around my frost trap without taking any damage. You need to have a really big brain to think that a melee hunter would offtank in dungeons LOL

Oh and the youtube videos are a complete joke too. Buying full T3 gear, Thunderfury and consumes/flasks with real money doesn’t make melee hunter good. It’s as dumb as full spell power hunter. The only decent player that shows up, Corossity, isn’t even a melee hunter (he’s 21/21/9) but makes use of his full kit unlike the vanilla-era videos where everyone is keyboard turning.


I didn’t say that. I said if you’re being a melee hunter (note: different from a hunter that is in melee momentarily and/or one that uses melee skills when appropriate) instead of a ranged hunter then you obviously don’t know how to play the class.

Except melee hunter builds need at least 21 in survival for counter attack. If you wanted to fully commit to melee then youd go 30/0/21 or later maybe 21/0/30, sucks you loose aimed shot but thats the price of better melee fighting

You know counterattack can only be used after you’ve parried an attack and that hunter doesn’t have high parry, right? And even then the ability still has a 5 second cd.

was referencing that other guy’s “melee hunter pvp video”

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Why would you do those builds? Aspect of the Monkey buff? I’d still rather have Scattershot any day of the week.

Good lord, these “melee hunter” builds are atrocious.

Yeah Im aware, poping deterance helps, and having decent dodge with monkey on helps keep you alive long enough for a parry (that plus the rest of the hunter kit)


Just watched like 2 minutes, couldn’t watch after the melee hunter dumpstered a war that had corrupted ashbringer. Like gawd dam use overpower X.X

I couldn’t even get that far. What kind of garbage custom server was that video even made on? Not to mention the standing in place because there are no abilities to use at all, just back pedaling and hitting WC until a dodge happens so they can Mongoose. Good god that video is atrocious on many levels.

People often ignore just how damn good deterrence actually was in Vanilla, or how freaking amazing hunters can be in melee range.

Our tool kit is exceptional, and I have always been straight forward with the fact that contrary to what others think; Hunter is the strongest class in Classic by a big margin regarding PVP.

People always love to point out the other classes but some how forget we even exist.


I 100% agree… Hunters are the best pvp class.

I think pvp is pretty well balanced in Vanilla overall, just hunters are able to consistently get initiative on opponents and they don’t have a true counter-class.
They are competitive with every class.

Right. I forgot they deleted warlocks from the game since the last time I played. Hunters aren’t weak but to describe them as the best PVP class is nonsense. Rogues/Spriests/Warlocks/Mages are all better in 1v1s than hunters.

I don’t think hunters are the best 1v1 class… and I don’t think you have to be. Pure 1v1, Druids and pally’s are arguably the best dueling classes. A druid either wins, or can get away. And pally’s are the best 1v1 class imo, or their opponent runs away xD.

Rogues are great, but they are vulnerable. The best weapon a rogue has in pvp is they can pick their battles. Hunters and rogues are the two best classes at getting the initiative.

Spriests are a great 1v1 class, but they have weaknesses. All the way back in vanilla my main was priest. Was a lot of fun. They definitely aren’t the best. Their fear is a one-trick pony. They are also really good when they get the initiative, but they aren’t that great at getting it in the first place.

I think warlock and hunters have an even match.

And hunters eat mages for breakfast.

Overall… in my opinion hunters are the best pvp class. They are the most consistent, and are really good in bgs.

I know it sounds logical to assume shadow and warlock builds would be competitive at the top, but what you’re forgetting is that hunters have not only the pet to cause constant damage and spell pushback, but also we can stutter step and stay entirely out of caster range because we have a greater max range than any other class.

Then too this off with the most efficient mana drain in game in addition to our already fantastic utility; we’re impossible to deal within a 1v1 assuming both players are decently skilled.

I can’t think of a class that actually has a chance vs us excluding a couple of druid builds.

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That’s great in theory. Then you fight a warlock in practice and realise absolutely none of your tricks help you.

Pet damage is irrelevant unless we’re talking BM hunter (in which case you’ve probably already lost because lul BM) and pushback is completely irrelevant because locks only need to get corruption+curse of agony and tick away 60%+ of your health.

You can’t burst a warlock that isn’t completely braindead because they can just sacrifice their voidwalker for a massive shield (2k, 2.6k if talented), on top of potentially having Soul Link, in which case they can just resummon another voidwalker right after saccing the first one. And if you somehow get through the shields, locks are tanky as hell and have healthstone+Death Coil to regen even more health.

You can’t reliably mana drain locks because they can just dot you in return and win the battle of attrition. Even if you somehow manage to only get within 40 yards to viper sting and then run back out, they can still just life tap to get on-demand mana and beat you.

You can’t even kite them reliably because they have 36 yards range on most spells they’ll use, which means you have a whopping 5 yard window to play around (37-41). In a perfect theoretical situation, you’ll manage to kite them while viper stinging them and weaving autoshots when you’re at max range. In an actual pvp situation, you’ll never manage to kite them because they can either LoS you or not be kited. Also impossible to pull off in a duel.

Heck, you can’t even get within 20 yards of a lock to trap or whatever because they can just fearspam you from 100% to 0%. Hunters have 0 ways of getting out of fears outside of dispels.

The only way you’re beating a warlock is either bursting them because they have no clue how to play/you reflected a coil+some dots or perfectly kiting them between 36-41 yards for a full minute or two.

Hunters will obviously stomp locks during the leveling process, but as warlocks get stronger and stronger every tier (and every level), it gets progressively harder to fight them.

Every single class has the potential to beat a well played hunter, although Warrior/Paladin are the least likely to do it.

I never had a problem with even the best locks on my server. On of such became an arena glad every seson until he quit at the end of wrath.

Do you know why I never had trouble with casters in vanilla? Because in vanilla it was impossible for them to actually attack me.

Hunters that can’t deal with casters are either in a connection so bad they can’t kite or they’re failing to kite due to a lack of skill.

I assure you it’s not possible for a good hunter to be defeated if they know how to play the class.

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Hunters don’t have an issue with locks dude.

Hunters eat casters alive. The only disadvantage a hunter may have as a dps in general is they pull relatively low dps… against casters, they don’t have that problem, they are squishy.

Warlocks struggled in general with pvp in Vanilla. Not saying they suck, but they struggled. If no one is paying attention to you, warlocks are great, but they get mobbed so easily.

A hunter more often than not gets the drop on a warlock, and the spell pushback is too much to overcome.

I was being generous in saying the match-up is even… and I am still willing to say that. They are DEFINITELY not a counter to hunters, by any means…

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Stop using pre-1.12 locks as a metric. We’re getting 1.12 and talking about how classes were in 1.12. Warlocks are disgusting in 1v1 as long as they don’t get their stuff dispelled by shamans/priests. That’s the reason why they dumpster mages and why hunters can’t beat them. You can’t outlast a warlock.

There’s no spell pushback on dots nor on Death Coil. Curse of Exhaustion–>close the gap white dotting–>Death Coil–>Fear spam and there’s nothing hunters can do about it. Again, the only way hunters win is if they burst through an effective hp of over 10k or if they miraculously kite the warlock for a while with a 5 yard window to work with.

Warlocks aren’t squishy in endgame and past level 40-50ish.

Funny how hunters get countered by mages getting in their deadzone and spriests/locks facetanking their burst on top of shamans nuking them from orbit.

Good luck eating casters alive outside of getting a free aimed shot opener (which rarely happens).

Don’t waste your time arguing with them. They clearly don’t play hunters on private servers or are using anecdotal evidence from years ago versus scrubs.

Hunters lose out to every class 1v1 on average with the exceptions of

druids (assuming they have a scorpid pet to stack poisons to protect viper sting)

sure, favorable RNG and a ZG trinket allows them to get lucky and burst down a geared mage before they can react in T2+ gear, absolutely. does it happen often? not at all. You’re rocking maybe 22, 23% crit at that level of gear. how many times do you actually get a free fire aimed shot off versus a spriest, warlock, or mage? very rarely, if ever when its 1v1.

i’m laughing at the people saying “just kite” classes like warlocks lmao.

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I have seen a lot of the private server stuff and videos of supposed skilled players.

Im not the one that played with scrubs.

That’s great, bud.
Warlocks still hard counter hunters (and everything else in the game).