Alright so I leveled a melee hunter in vanilla (on nostalrious) and honestly had a blast. Sure they weren’t good for raids besides as a nightfall bot, but they were exceptional anti melee (even better than a hunter normally is imo). The way the class played is something you just don’t see in mmo’s. You had raptor strike as steady form of dps sure, but the fun part about them was their riposte abilities (mongoose bite and counterattack). With their mail armor, base evasion, and deterrence, they were more of a sustain damage class that made combat feel more realistic (people don’t just baseball swing at each other in rl).
Now that we got why I loved survival in vanilla lets get down to it; for some reason this tree that is lit designed for the melee abilities was changed around 1.7 to take out their bleed at 31 points and make it some $#!% incap (which hunters already get tranq shot). Now yes I understand the bleed was a $#!%ier version of rend, and if it this wasn’t turning out to be a faithful recreation of vaniller I would advocate for buffing the bleed but I digress. However lacerate (the bleed) actually belongs with the rest of the melee abilities in the tree, while wyvern sting ($#!%y incap) sticks out like a sore thumb. I’m hoping to convince some of the people on this forum that survival deserves to be as it was in vanilla with some self respect and not just some 30 point dip for agility at end game