Feedback does a mana burn on melee hits and Inner Fire used to add AP. It’s about as engaging and useful as using Raptor Strike with straight auto attacks.
I agree that Smite DPS isn’t nearly as bad as people think, especially on Alliance with a Ret in the same group. Not great, but usable.
Yeah, but that doesn’t make it a melee spec. It improves melee skills on a ranged class, giving them greater survivability, and some teeth, in melee range. Survival Hunters are still a ranged class.
Disc Priests have 4 talents that increase their dps output in some way. Only 1 of those also works on healing and 1 of those could be considered a mix of dps and utility.
Survival hunters only have 2 that increase their melee dps in some way and 1 of those ONLY works when you are being attacked AND parry an attack. Every other “melee” talent in the survival tree revolves around surviving an attack in melee or trapping an opponent when they are in melee range.
You should see holy dps… it works. I’ve seen videos of holy priest making top 5 dps charts in raids.
I’ve seen the same with boomkins and ret pallys.
You have to go all out on it though…
melee hunters even have a spot in raids sometimes to spam wingclip for weapon procs.
In vanilla… you don’t have to be that picky, you can bring 25 well geared people and down MC pretty easily. adding a melee hunter, boomkin, ret paladin… is not hurting anyone. Let people play the way they want to play.
If you look at dps meters, they are dying a lot and are constantly at the bottom… kick em.
I know holy dps works. I know how much you have to prop it up to make it work too. Melee hunters only had that spot because wingclip was spammable which gave them the top uptime on nightfall. If it weren’t for wingclip being spammable, rets or enhance shaman would be the ones bringing it. I know you don’t have to be picky in 25 mans. Absolutely bring what you want.
What I AM saying is that survival is not a melee spec. You can play any spec of hunter in melee but that’s not what hunters were at that time and people should not be led into the idea that it will work like people are suggesting it will.
So? I could play a DW MS warrior too, that doesn’t make it good or even an actual spec to use. Just because you wanted to run around using Raptor Strike every 9 seconds or whatever doesn’t make you a melee class. It makes you a ranged class that you’re playing in melee. There is a distinct difference between the two.
/eyeroll this tired argument. You can play a hunter only in melee and see how far it gets you in any group activity. May as well play a Mage who only wands because they get Wand spec.
I remember Surivial being really bad or clunky game style and for what it’s worth, I hope it stays that way for Vanilla because it was quirky. I tried a pure Survival hunter build once and it was fun in the sense it was just different.
I remember a guy in vanilla on my server who didn’t realize there were talent points until he was in his 30’s… that spec was exactly as viable as a melee hunter. Melee hunters weren’t a thing any more than tank hunters were.
Yea, I have seen melee hunters be effective in pvp, those kind of videos weren’t unpopular back then… and I myself played one in vanilla way back then…
There is no need convincing. I was there, and I’ve seen it myself.
The only melee hunters in vanilla were ones who didn’t realize you had to buy ammo for their bow so at level 4 they just started meleeing. Melee hunters were terrible in pvp suggesting anything otherwise is just a joke.
yeah, all you need is to face undergeared/dirt opponents on a server with pet scaling with a thunderfury, all consumables including titans flask, full tier 3, and 31 points in beastmaster talents.
you sure proved the effectiveness of melee hunters.