read the thread
tldr: if it was a trap yes, but as a shot no
read the thread
tldr: if it was a trap yes, but as a shot no
Uh, so you think all those other melee don’t do damage?
I’m joking, of course.
There were some players who wanted to play a melee hunter, and maybe they did, playing as solo.
But, back then, I’ve never ever seen one of them invited into a dungeon/raid situation, and that’s across two different servers, and two different guilds, up to WotLK.
Also have seen a few roll on melee weapons, but that only happened once, and then the word spread on the server.
There’s something to be said for self-policing.
Good luck if that’s what you want to do.
Misquoted? Nah, you’re delusional. Keep “misquoting” in the back of your head for just a moment if you will, because you do it to me in the same response.
I’m saying your argument isn’t valid based on the premise of it. Not twisting it, I’m saying the premise in itself is flawed–so it isn’t an argument
Way to read? You can even properly respond to what you’re quoting. Why would blizzard literally frankenpatch different talent trees together? Huntard.
Apparently you don’t know how it works, because you’re describing a scenario where you would never get a trap off. Also stop using lit, white boy.
Survival isn’t meant to help you melee better either, it’s meant to get you out of melee. No such thing as a melee build. You’re playing the wrong class.
I specified pvp and raiders, because neither one used your build and no one who took either endgame aspect seriously did anything but cookie cutter builds. Tell you what, what was your nost characters name? What was your tag on any server? I’m curious to see what you did at level 60.
I’m not even talking about group pvp in WoW where your strategy would even be an option. This would be an awful spec regardless as you have zero burst and lOvE tO mElEe
You are never going to outmelee a rogue, or a warrior. You might beat a retardin if hes lower level than you, but the shaman has too much nonmelee damage to mitigate, so there goes that matchup. The DoT wouldn’t help at all. WoW is a game where majority of people have 3-4k+ minimum hp in pvp, and you’re looking at a 6 dps dot. At best it’s 5% of their life over 21 seconds. And you have to be in melee to use it. Most fights won’t even last that long.
Don’t pretend like you ever had the capability of making those videos, no one who has ever played a hunter believes you had any potential.
Nothing is worse than something that does at best 5% of a persons life over 21 seconds.
Yeah, you’re a huntard. You’re literally begging to implement lacerate to help your “melee dreams”.
Deadzone is subjective. It’s any place where a class is at its weakest. For hunters, that’s melee territory. Your fantasy Rexxar rp doesn’t change reality.
Yeah, because people don’t understand you can and should bleed kite and use a swing timer to minimize damage taken while leveling. It may come as a surprise to you, but a lot of dumb people play this game (check your mirror). Warriors can also solo hogger at level 10 with no outside help. It’s an easy class to level, made easier by how quick it is to form groups.
See that part about misquoting? This is directly what you were moaning about in your first quote. The only difference is you actually did it, huntard.
And in the guild I was in back then, we had no place for a “pure” SV melee-style hunter. Dps sucked for SV-melee, even if that tree was max’d out (which still left 3 points to be put into MM or BM). SV-melee was NOT welcome; if we couldn’t get an MM-shooter we’d take a BM-shooter over an SV-slicer every day. The objective was to kill the boss as quickly as possible, not piss him off by giving him 1,000 paper cuts. Other melee classes did FAR more damage than an SV-slicer; why would any group take less dps than they could?
I’ve read the thread. You can hand wave it away all you want but that changes nothing. Wyvern sting fits in with the theme of survival. Trying to add the theme of melee to the tree is extraneous.
thats one
oh and 3 for the 3 times I quoted you talking about bg’s then contradict yourself to try and counter my argument.
And I’ve made an honest argument for my premise based on my experience, but you are not capable of honest debate so dismiss everything I say, essentially the conversation is over and the most I can expect out of this is a flame war.
Why would bliz do anything? Dumbest f#(king question. Oh and if were being accurate I’ve been a retardadin from bc straight through bfa minus cata so if you’re gonna call me anything it should be that.
Sounds like you need to get good at trapping
At this point you’re stuck in denial, I’ve lit described how survival as a melee build plays in leu of a video, which is still unfortunate and I’m tempted to roll a melee build hunter on classic to show you whats up but then raiding becomes complicated and I can’t get quel’serrar
nost? Derjager with my wolf templar. Mostly played around with bg’s, world pvp, and a few dungeons here and there (though in dungeon’s I would use bow and occasionally off-tank cause I know people wouldn’t understand).
I feel like at this point you are the one talking out of his @$$. Have I admited multiple times that the style can’t outmelee a warrior? yes. but rouge, cat, enhance, ret are different stories. How the avoidance makes it so survival outlasts them, how I’ve mentioned this in this thread. Enhance ooming trying to damage me so I can root them go out and viper sting their mana to oblivion is the funniest thing btw same with ret.
Fun thing about this survival build is that the fights can last that long. Sustain through avoidance
Again, deadzone is not subjective, it’s the place a mage or druid roots you and free casts, I’d laugh irl if this was the first time we went over this but it’s not funny anymore.
See I’ve heard something like this before but never got it to work, but hey I’ll give it a shot in classic why not (pretty sure it relies on the war not getting slowed by the mob)
If that troll wasn’t obviously inspired by you misrepresenting my argument then I don’t know what would be.
Alright you can respond however you want at this point m8 I don’t care for last word but otherwise this discussion is over
See you on classic
Very ignorant response, warriors didn’t have talents and abilities that improved range in any way, they can still shoot people.
I have killed many players in pvp by throwing a knife at them or shooting.
And I could kill many players in PvP by hitting them with a Raptor Strike but that doesn’t mean my Hunter was a melee class. That’s the point.
Well, if you forgot your ammo there isn’t any range to be had either.
is had lacerate, a talent called melee weapon specialization that increased melee damage dealt by 1/2/3/4/5%, a talent called savage strikes that increased melee but not ranged crit by 1/2/3/4/5%, a talent that increased just melee hit chance by 1/2/3/4/5%, improved raptor strike which reduced its cd by .2/.4/.6/.8/1 second(s?), and improved mongoose bite which made it hit harder; this was in patch
I’d say it was a melee+ranged talent tree, but not just a ranged talent tree
Melee hunters aren’t bad in pvp…
I personally don’t completely stop using my range abilities. I typically start off using range abilities until I can’t get away anymore. Then surprise them with melee…
Or sometimes I weave in and out… Or just straight up melee… depended on the circumstance.
It was a lot of fun, and I am simply talking about my experience from 2005 WoW… no other.
With your attitude, no one should roll hunters in general, because they “suck” at dps in comparison to other classes…
I don’t have your attitude. People should play how they want to play… as long as I can complete the content, IDGAF what class, spec, playstyle you are playing.
Aside from ALL of that… you are 100% wrong… melee hunters existed in vanilla, whether you liked it or not.
So? Did you read the rest of the thread? It’s not a melee tree, or even a “half melee half ranged” tree, it was a defensive survival tree. It had a few melee boosts to help in close range, but they didn’t make it a melee spec or boost the melee side enough to make it something you’d want to do.
Well if you want to carry a melee hunter around why not carry a melee priest? Or a 1h DPS paladin with SoR?
People saying “Survival was not a melee spec” in Vanilla really need to revisit the 1.1 talent trees. 5/5 % hit to MELEE weapons. 5/5 RAPTOR strike cooldown. 5/5 DODGE % (no ranged benefit). PARRY 5% (no ranged benefit). 5/5 Improved MONGOOSE damage. Counterattack. 5/5 Savage Strikes crit % to MELEE weapons. 5/5 Improved % MELEE damage. Lacerate, 31 point talent, in MELEE range.
Yes, Hunter’s had access to ranged weapons and abilities in Vanilla in whatever spec they choose, but anyone with a shred of common sense can tell that virtually none of the Survival 1.1 talents empower ranged at-all, not-one-bit. They empower melee attacks. Yes, some of them empowered their ability to distance themselves from a target (Imp Wing Clip, Entrapment, improved freezing or frost trap) but in order to GET any of those, you need to invest heavily in talents that already empower a Hunter’s melee assets. Frankly, if you think Survival was merely a spec to “get out of melee”, you are blissfully ignoring the fact that half the talents are meant to improve a hunter’s damage (and survivability) in melee range… so why you’d think the spec would be designed for a Hunter to stay at ranged is curious.
So stop being snide - 1.1 Survival is as good as being a melee spec as it gets. You are splitting hairs. It wasn’t a GOOD spec, but it was a predominantly melee spec.
I’m not being snide or splitting hairs. Just because it buffed SOME melee doesn’t mean it was a melee tree. Survival hunters back then STILL did the majority of their DPS from ranged, they just had a bigger (and often just more efficient) toolbox to use in melee. That doesn’t mean it’s a melee tree, or that you could be an effective melee build.
Like I said, and even YOU said, it’s about survivability. It’s not about increased DPS but having tools to not die in melee, maybe punishing someone who thought it’d be an easy kill, and getting back into range. Not making the class play as a melee class.
You guys realise vanilla talent trees weren’t really design with a purpose in mind right? like now but they were more like a bunch of stuff together that didn’t necessarily made sense
Nah, they definitely were… but, especially the bottom halves, were built for you to spread points out. It’s why Arms & Ret had +parry talents, for example. It wasn’t a hard and fast role per spec (that was your class), but just an ability to specialize in a damage type, a group role (healing or tanking especially), stuff like that.
Well looks like I’m back to defend my thread again thought it would rip
Didn’t you just post telling someone to read the thread, well I share your feelings about repeating points but I’ll say it again, Melee build hunters are good at what they do; out surviving their opponent
Do you run around people in melee to try and mitigate dmg? Do you slow people and time your melee engage so you maximize the dps of melee cds and resources vs other melee? Do you utilize your toolkit to deal with different situations?
Welcome to melee classes
Welcome to melee hunter
Did I ever contest that? No, I’m contesting that going Survival makes you a melee class and/or spec. Perhaps you should try reading the thread, since most people saying that melee hunters aren’t a thing are in agreement that it was about surviving?
That’s not being a melee class, that’s using melee skills as a ranged class.