I think they are viable enough, as is every talent tree in vanilla, however to raid optimally? They sit in the same boat as ret paladin. Viable but not optimal. I hope you prove me wrong as I have been thinking of rolling one as an alt.
Personally if I were you I’d go for a sand reaver with +25 agility if you are going for PvP.
Melee Hunter is worse than a bad Ret Paladin. Survival isn’t for going into melee and winning fights, it’s for keeping you from losing fights once you get stuck in melee. Melee Hunter really isn’t even viable beyond the niche Nightfall + Wing Clip spam “build”.
And for what it’s worth, you don’t even need to be survival to spam rank 1 wing clip. In fact you’re much better off getting Trueshot Aura from the MM tree if you’re going to be doing nothing but support.
People love to say this around here but even in Vanilla your spec is important enough to note.
Especially if you’re playing a hybrid.
For Hunters Marksman means the most DPS(unless they have very good gear) and an AP aura, Survival means CC/Defense, and Beast Mastery means being underpowered after Bestial Wrath wears off =P
thats cute. the one who doesnt understand why hunters have melee abilities in vanilla- as a long ranged class, is calling me ignorant.
but i will just say this; i dont care about how someone else wishes to suck at their class but its made very clear to me that retail players are hypocrites and trolls. you scream on GD because survival was (literally) turned into a melee spec and thats BAD but come over here and talk non sense about how being melee was a thing and it was GOOD.
or are you having a hard time understanding what i said earlier, ya know, me being ignorant and all? the difference between a personal set up and an official set up.
hunters were NOT melee in vanilla. survival IS melee NOW. No, you cant be recognized for being a bad player.
Alright Ima just touch on things here I haven’t already in this thread. If hunters had melee abilities purely to get out of melee like people have said then all they would have is wingclip and MAYBE counterattack. But instead they also have raptor strike and mongoose bite. It does not make them melee dps (which I have to constantly remind people in this same thread)
Read the thread, but a tldr on this is that survival hunter in retail is a dps spec (one that I’m not really a fan of) and survival hunter in vanilla is a defensive spec if built for it as opposed to the 0/21/30 agi dip (and one like it hasn’t been seen in wow since wrath)
Your are arguing against it like it is, misframing the arguement in favor of hunters talking like people are saying it’s a melee dps class and trashing it based on that. It designed to be defensive in melee. It literally relies on dodge/parry to just out-survive the opponent. Lowish damage, long uptime except against warriors
you have no idea what i have said, created an argument to look smart and then told me to go back to retail (which i DONT play)- because i was being toxic.
people want to play a MELEE hunter in vanilla, more power to them. but dont come to the forums crying to be viable like in retail- all because people take you for the joke you are.
As any class, you use all three specializations during any equal PvP encounter.
This is why a lot of people are not good at playing hybrid classes though because they try to play a tree instead of the class and thus do not use all tools available to them. There is no one class this does not apply to in Vanilla.
Crying to be viable? This whole thread is really about lacerate being brought back as the 31 point survival talent over wyvern sting. The viability conversation only happened as a way of showing that “melee” hunters had a playstyle and that lacerate was better for that playstyle, that they were good at what they did (which isn’t good in endgame pve besides as nightfall bot), and that wyvern sting wasn’t good for the tree
Lacerate wasn’t good, even for the melee hunter playstyle though. The only thing lacerate would accomplish would be to keep a rogue out of stealth. The problem with that though is a good hunter doesn’t need it. Wyvern sting fits perfectly if you look at the survival tree as a tree designed around survivability and control.