Survival Hunter wish list

If it wasn’t you, I recant… just seems odd that someone else would report it for harassment. That said, with people today I guess I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t possible.

Wish they would go back to, and expand, using traps.

Removing all damage traps for just utility traps made it a little boring. I would like Flame, Explosive, Snake, or even new damage traps come back. Add Steel and Caltrops as non-talented items. Add new traps or synergies with traps (Tar + Flame/Explosive = more fire dmg).

Oh and Flanking Strike instead of Kill Command.


It would be cool if serpent sting changed from a ranged to a melee ability based on your range to the target. Serpent Slash or something with a totally different ability.

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Love current iteration of Survival. One of the most fun specs I’ve ever played. I’ve played every iteration of all hunter specs and this is by far the most interesting. My only criticism would be to strengthen the CC, and CC-breaking abilities of the spec.


Most melee specs have a means to pull a mob from ranged, SrS is SV’s version of that, HT the means before.

I’m talking about it being a ranged and melee ability. I realize how it works now. With this being a wish list, just thought it would be cool for survival to have another meaningful melee attack.

I see :sunglasses:

I miss snake trap.

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SV definitely feels like one of those specs that suffers from how few talent rows we all have. As a skirmisher spec (probably better named Pursuit than Survival, but whatever) rather than just an alt-Marksman, it just seems to… demand so many more options and sheer ‘stuff’ than it currently has access to. That’s not to say the baseline couldn’t use a bit more complexity, too, though…

I don’t feel like Caltrops is necessarily something I want to spend power on. It makes a ton of sense for SV, but it still seems like an attractive talent option to me more so than something that ought to be baseline.

Honestly, if we’re going to be the trapper/pursuer/finisher spec literally called Survival… why does our survival-centric row not also include a damage-increasing component? Sure, that’d be unique relative to every single other spec but… we’re “Survival”. Give us a unique row instead of the carbon-copy BtbW-PH-BS. I’d love to see Caltrops there, likely in place of BS.

The only reason I slightly prefer KC over FS is that it can be used at range. Apart from that it just feels whimpy to me, and doesn’t feel SV. I don’t think either FS or KC are great answers; I’d prefer a more versatile option that can be used from range but doesn’t feel like a bland builder/filler.

Honestly, I’d love to see some more bomb and consumables usage baseline, or at least some talent rows that are purely your choice of consumable. I’d love to see the two charges on Wildfire Bomb and Kill Command baseline in order to allow the rotation more nuance and flexibility in all situations. Ideally, I’d move Mongoose Bite into baseline as well, with some alterations to allow it better synergy with Raptor Strike. Give us some serious spice in the slots we emptied.

Tbh I’m all for re-introducing ranged SV as a fourth spec. I can definitely sympathize with those who have had it taken away from them but on the other side of the coin I would hate to see melee SV be removed just as much because I’ve grown quite fond of the playstyle.

If anything, I blame Blizzard for putting us into this situation in the first place. They could’ve just added a fourth hunter spec and been done with it but nope, they opted to delete a cherished spec that people enjoyed instead.


You’re right, They stream lined play and took away player choice in legion with artifact weapons and introduced specs as classes instead of just allowing the player to play the way they want.

I just miss all of legion survival. It was easily the most fun ive had with a class in this game. I loved how many abilities we used in our rotation, I loved the different types of abilities, and the class just clicked with me.

While survival is still probably one of the more interesting specs in battle for abilities, (thats not really saying anything) it still pales in comparison to how much fun it was in legion.


I think bombs should of just been called caltrops. or quick traps. they could perform exactly the same it just doesn’t really make sense that we have bombs

Totally agree about the Caltrops. I do miss those.

Truth… Why the @#$@ do we have bombs? LOL

SV is in a good spot, not much needed.

Just glad O can play a Beast master!

Get rid of the Steel Trap talent, move Chakrams to Steel Trap’s position in the talent tree. Let Chakrams build a stack of the Shrapnel Bomb bleed.

Give SV some sort of unique utility that BM and MM don’t get so that SV is actually desirable in PvE.

That’s all I want.


how bout it gets melee abilities. remove kill command. raptor builds. flanking (go baseline) and mong spend. gets rid of the owl lasers. make traps utility not rotational. put lacerate back to add the dot not that horrid hand crossbow.

It already tried out being a fully melee spec in Legion and it failed totally and predictably. You can blame that on having to place a trap every 30 seconds all you want but that’s not going to hold any water. What makes you think trying it again will make the spec better? It is firmly established by this point that melee is a turn-off and a limitation for Survival.


Nah. SV having mostly ranged abilities is what sets it apart from other melee and it’s wonderful. We can dive in and burst when we need to and we can kite when we need to.