Survival Hunter wish list

I will be shadow for pvp and holy for pve.

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In Classic, I would rather be an MM than a Survival (Most talent points on MM) if I would play a Hunter.

But in Classic, I would rather play a Warrior than a Hunter.

But I played in Vanilla… I was there with my Warrior… Molten Core, Black Wing Lair, Onyxia, ZulGurub, Black Wing Lair, AhnQiraj and my favorite 40-man Naxxramas. I dont think I am gonna do it again. Too much grazing. I would just stick with BFA and continue to tell the forums that Survival Range is way way better than the current Survival melee.

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Oddly my two most missed legion abilities are Throwing Axes and Caltrops. I was kind of excited for Chakrams talent because the animation is awesome, but it’s scaled really horribly compared to the other talents.


get rid of kill command and serpent sting. put flanking back. use lacerate for the dot as it was in legion. make it a melee spec that feels like one. then go ahead and make ranged SV and put that back so we can all have fun and blizz stops trying to work this half baked sh!t into the game.

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“Are my forum arguments nonsense? No, it’s the other posters that are wrong!”

The only people who piped up with the tone policing in this thread are people who want Survival to stay melee. They are NOT in agreement with me.

It seems you think that having liked ranged SV when it still existed means they are on my side. Nope. As far as I’m concerned, anyone with a position other than “Survival should be a fully-capable ranged DPS spec” (to clarify: no melee, no hybrid, no mid-range or whatever other stupid waste-of-time “compromise” people come up with) is an opponent.

I don’t remember this.

You still don’t understand that opinions aren’t automatically valid based on experience/inexperience. That’s pretty sad.

If you think I’m wrong about things I say about Survival, point them out. “You’re wrong about everything by default because you don’t play it” is not a valid argument.

I do enjoy my forum infamy so trying to stop me from posting/tone police by pointing that out doesn’t work.

I’m so confused by this post. Do you want Survival to be ranged, for fully melee?

My stance: get rid of Raptor Strike, Carve, and Kill Command. Replace with Explosive Shot, Multi-Shot, and Black Arrow (or a mechanical equivalent) mostly in their original mechanical forms (incl. Serpent Spread and perhaps some Black Arrow multidotting). Make Serpent Sting generate Focus on ticks, Lock and Load back in a form that makes Explosive Shot commonly cast, with Serpent Sting as the dump if nothing else is ready yet. Find some way to tie in Wildfire Bomb mechanically (generates a Lock and Load charge?). Mastery should be an increase to magic damage and Lock and Load proc chance.

There you go; ranged Survival in a form that simply cannot be credibly compared with Marksmanship. It’s a bit more detailed than that, but that’s the TL;DR version. No shoehorned melee, no overreliance on BM’s identity. Fast paced, mobile, ranged, thematically consistent and unique, and a solid multidotting spec too. Imagine having THIS spec in BoD.


I remember using Steel Trap in Legion, getting rogues out of stealth with it was great since the bleed would kick em out of the vanish. Now in BfA not so much :frowning:

As for Bepples, I’d be more than happy if they brought ranged survival back; and I’d be all for adding a fourth melee spec to hunter IF Blizz hasnt shown already they really cant balance a class with four specs, since druids either stupidly OP or weak and laughable though thats also the affinitys to blame.

For now, I’ll say this. If you have nothing to add to the topic and just wanna bash a spec; then get out of the thread cause all your being is a jerk and a troll.


That’s what I got from your post.

And the one who told you to get a life.

That is rather insane if true.

It was in the GD. You tried to play it off as just not liking melee. At this point I truthfully cannot tell if you are joking or not.

They can be as valid as they are informed. You think that your opinions on the spec should be considered as expert as Onamah’s? No, they shouldn’t. You let your own biases overrule your thinking. Have you thought about quitting the game yet? I ask because what you want is not going to happen and all you are doing is making sure that it never happens.

I love the sound of this. I would gladly pay for this, but you can’t just shaft the melee survival hunters now even though they totally should be. Id say give demon hunters a third spec based off of melee survival that way it’s a win win. lol you want your melee hunter go demon hunter complete class dedicated to melee hunter.

The thread is titled “Survival Hunter wish list”. I have a wishlist for Survival, and it is the list of changes necessary to bring it back to being a ranged spec. So my posts are 100% relevant to the thread.

Plus, people in the thread are making arguments pertaining to ranged Survival so I have every reason to respond to them.

Your post was basically some forced tone-policing followed by what amounted to “if you don’t get it, you’re dumb”. So actually it describes your post a lot better.

That person is a Survival Hunter who very explicitly wants Survival to remain as a melee spec.

Why should I agree with compromises that make the class worse? There is no valid reason for Survival to be melee and therefore there is no valid reason for any compromise within the spec, either.

The post in question:

That’s not “Bepples has an agenda”. That’s literally “People who don’t enjoy SV have an agenda.”. It doesn’t get much more absurd than that. That new player who tried out Survival for a day or so and found out it wasn’t for them? AGENDA. Good lord.

There’s a distinct lack of concrete examples here.

Thanks for the feedback but I think I have even less regard for melee SV players than you do.

It’s hard to see melee SV working with Demon Hunter as melee SV is heavily defined around the pet at this point and DH does not have pets. It would require a total rebranding and a removal of all pet aspects and at that point it wouldn’t look much like melee SV at all.


I guess that you are not as smart as you make out then. You lack the comprehension to continue. That you are lying about not understanding, in which case you are not worth my time. Like I said, you’ve become a meme and quite frankly, I’ve got better things to do than to read the rest of your posts.

lol it’s better than nothing honestly and alot of people would flock to it more. Also if they don’t do that blizzard’s best alternate choice is to make survival more melee centered and give marksmen 2 options. One to either be this regular archer guy or to become a dark ranger with the old ranged survival abilities actually functional with black arrow side winders and explosive shot back as a dot. but you can give demon hunter’s reskinned skeleton cat pets.

You actually are. Read the forum TOS. :^)


He is insulted by people who enjoy melee SV and he’s not going to just sit back and let them enjoy the spec without educating them on why they shouldn’t. A noble cause indeed.

His love and devotion for ranged SV is truly admirable, but his resentment for melee SV has turned into a dark hatred… like an acid, that does more damage to the vessel in which it’s stored than to that which it is poured on. When I think of everything he’s been through it brings me to tears.

This goes against my personal wishes but I can’t stand to see him suffer like this any longer. Here goes nothing.




Don’t do it for me Blizzard. Do it for my little buddy Bepples. He’s real broken up about the whole thing and well I… I really think that if SV Hunter is still hitting things from up close going into 8.2 he just might snap.

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sorry i wasnt as clear as i could be. iv been going on about this for a while now and its so hard just talking to a wall while blizz doesnt listen to its players. i would like to see a fully melee hunter. (cause i want to play the hell out of it. IE: white lion from warhammer online.) i would also like to see the full ranged version that some players liked return so we can all just be happy and have fun. :slight_smile:

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the only real wish that they need to grant is making SV ranged again like it is supposed to be.


Thread Response: I would like to see Caltrops return. I thought that was an awesome and theme appropriate ability. I also liked Flanking strike’s concept and theme and wouldn’t mind its return.

Response for other topics: Though I often disagree with Bepples on the topic of the current Survival’s existence and he can definitely seem disgruntled about losing the old survival, I don’t necessarily blame him for that. I have not gotten the sense that he had anything against those that play the new version. He would just like to see the previous version (ranged) brought back. I’m sure he’d be open to it being a 4th spec, though I would debate going a different direction. With that, I don’t believe he was, ‘not nice’ per se, even though he chose to use that term, I believe it’s more related to the common struggle of being direct, passionate, and the written word that obscures the other messaging (inflection, body language, and facial expressions) that goes along with friendly discourse and passionate debate.

Caltrops was a great, flavorful ability, and all the whiners got it removed.

I had actually forgotten about throwing axes entirely, it was fun to use though. It felt a lot like old explosive shot with the quick 3 round burst of damage.


Be careful how you criticize the resident “SV should be ranged” whiner… he’ll report you for harassment even though he harasses us with the same arguments in each and every SV post.


I was reported last week for using a word that is generally seen as harmless.

I rarely ever report anyone. I don’t recall reporting you.

I’ve been suspended for pretty egregious things in the past. I’d like to share some of the more ridiculous ones but discussing suspensions is against the TOS. Let’s just say melee SV players aren’t above going straight for the report button in these discussions.

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