lacerate and counter strike forget flanking strike and forget kill command have something else build help build the focus. The less pet centered you are the less it feels like a melee bm hunter. bring in more trap play, bring back snake trap. do something with tar trap and wildfire bomb for like an aoe thing.
I dunno what you mean, as the pet isn’t hard to manage in PVE. I like having my best friend nearby
I love my little buddy too, but sometimes he’s busy doing something else when I need him. The pet tracking is the main issue.
I’d like to see less emphasis on mongoose bite and bm abilities. I’d like to see more emphasis on traps and bombs. Different kind of explosives and gadget themed abilties would be super awesome.
I started this hunter in hopes of playing a ranged spec, but I ended up really liking survival. The mixture or ranged/melee combat is enjoyable for me. To me it does lack another melee ability.
What’s the logic here? Being nice to the melee players would have made them agree that the spec should be ranged? Do you realise how absurd that sounds? No, being accomodating to melee Survival would just validate it.
Do it then and stop yapping on about it. I’m not even sure what you’re trying to threaten here. It’s not like I’m trying to hide my posts.
That was my attitude before Legion, which is why I rarely posted and I was always involved to complete spec overhauls that changed the core audience of the spec e.g. Shaman Tank and Melee Hunter.
Then the spec I played and had fun with got taken away.
Why should I sit by and do nothing about that? Whether you like it or not, that’s the environment we are in now; specs being taken away from certain audiences to be given to others. This is a zero-sum matter. Being “friendly and constructive” simply made it easier to be ignored and walked all over. We tried it and it doesn’t work.
“Live and let live” was dead the moment they announced they were shafting ranged SV players in favour of melee SV. There’s no going back now.
The rational debate is on ranged SV’s side.
And this right here is exactly why making BM melee is not the solution: BM Hunters don’t want it either. Why are we insisting on forcing such an unpopular concept on the Hunter class? How many people here who like SV actually like it specifically because it’s melee and not some unrelated factor like the rotation or damage?
And the less it feels like a Hunter at all.
It’s because you made sure to make it known how we are your enemy.
It would have made things better around here. We did not chose to make it melee.
It only sounds absurd to you.
There is nothing wrong with that. Treating other people poorly just makes your argument worse. In this thread people on your own side tell you that you are taking it too far.
Don’t cry about censorship like last time then. And remember, you told me that it’s okay. Given that I’ve got over three years to go through it’s going to take a while to go in depth. And again, you told me that it’s okay.
ETA: Here’s one of my favorites:
Here’s one where you show your hostility on the last line:
Might as well add a personal attack:
Liking Melee SV ain’t selfishness:
Just a sample.
Carry on with your crusade.
@Bepples, here’s where you have said that Live and Let Live has died:
Shall I continue? I really do not want to make it seem like I’m harassing you, even if you asked for it.
I’m not sure what you think you’re achieving by linking these? I’m not ashamed of my posts. I’m proud of them. Please post more.
Sure, I’ll include more personal attacks if you like but the point is that you made sure that melee hunters have a bad time here and that we’d not likely ever take on the crusade to get ranged SV back. Then again people on your own side are telling you to move on.
ETA it also proves that there is an agenda
I love the idea of steel trap, but it is a little lackluster in its current state. I’d like to see it either get some damage upfront, or have a penalty if dispelled.
Chakram could use a boost to keep up with the rest of the talents in its tier.
Why do people still argue with Bepples? He has been salty for years, and has nothing of value to add to any discussion.
On topic, bringing back legion’s ranking strike would be nice. I also liked the idea of the BfA beta talent flanking strike where it would modify kill command when you used KC while standing in melee range of the target.
After looking back at my posts in the past, I’m going to post more about mechanics, leveling, and general Hunter things more.
KC should have been the talent and FS should be the focus builder. Actually perhaps we can copy DHs and use RS to build Focus and MB as the Dump with FS back to being a more harder hitting ability. Having both Lacerate and Serpent Sting on top of the bombs can give us more of a Melee DOT feel.
Still not sure how what you think you’re proving. Yeah, I’m harsh to SV Hunters. Your point is basically “if you be nice to us we will maybe think about supporting ranged SV”. So basically just more inane tone policing.
I’m not seeing anyone else in favour of ranged SV telling me to not be so harsh.
And yes, there’s an agenda. I’m not hiding that, and that doesn’t make anything I say invalid.
I got the idea about how rational you are with this quote.
It’s not very rational. If you cannot get my point, then you are no where near as intelligent as you think you are.
It’s in this thread.
Last month you denied it. What makes everything you say about SV invalid is that you don’t play it and that you have to go by secondhand knowledge and guess work. You don’t even site your sources. You can have your opinions, you can voice them, but do not expect anyone to take you seriously. You have become a larger meme than I have, and I had people target 5,6,7 year old posts I made on the previous forums.
Bring back Ranged Survival.
It’s coming in Classic.
Dang I’m gonna be a dwarf priest…
I’m probably going NE Warrior or Human H Pally, with an NE Hunter for PvPing fun.