Survey about RDF *excited*

Surveys do this out of necessity. It is really difficult to poll everybody of a given unique situation so you resort to a sample size representation of the whole. But you can easily poll the entire playerbase of WoW so you may as well.

The outcome would be obvious though. At least 75% in favor of RDF. :man_shrugging:


Which is also why a survey at this point is just insulting to be honest.

didn’t get a survey. think it’s because i have News and Special Offers from Bnet disabled on my account?

Would have been more than a token gesture if they had.

As of now it’s a “we know what we’re going to do, but let’s send out a survey so that it’s not our fault later”.

Put it in game at the character select screen, just like the “you need game time. do you want to buy it now” and other store popups.

Once per Bnet and post the answers.

But we all know blizz is scared of transparency.

I didn’t get the survey :disappointed:

I too was surprised but you know this community, give em something then it’s onto the next request. So they are probably just anticipating "we need raid finder or im cancelling’ and premptively doing that survey.

Very true unfortunately that is a last gasp argument they try to use anyway. They get destroyed over the issues they bring up about social interactiin and stuff. The truth is, they dont like retail and anything that is different frim vanilla they are going to whine about.

Having faster access to dungeons obviously means the gear will be collected faster. If it was really an issue then blizz coukd adjust the drop rates.

Also, i dont really think rdf alone is faster. Its faster for tanks. And fir the tanks that are only interested in gear it does exactly what your speaking of. They stop running faster than anyone else. The que times get longer and longer. This was a problem. Again, bljzz used to want to help players, not make it worse. So they gave the random dumgeon bonus. So even though a tank may not need amything from a dumgeon, if he qued for random, then that guy that was lookimg for a specific dumgeon, would get a tank. That still wasnt enough. It wasnt until they offered extra rewards for tanks and healers. Then that helped. And ppl complained about that too.

And all this sad community does is speed runs with gate keeping parse lords. It’s always been the players who are the problem, mate. If you haven’t learned that by now, you never will.

10/10, you got a bunch of people desperate for retail features to go check their email, and get their hopes up.

There’s a distant possibility that they’ll add it, but not until late in wrath’s content cycle. Even then, it’s clear that they want to deviate from the path that original wow took. RDF was the first of several “quality of life” changes that destroyed the game on a macro scale. Even if in isolation they seemed like good ideas at the time.


RDF kept the last half of WOTLK alive and thriving. RDF will do nothing but drastically extend Classics’ shelf life.


Sounds like Phish mail, do NOT open any links

Given their publicly stated stance on the matter prior to now I don’t know how you can think its only a distant possibility. Maybe you’re right but this a radical shift and I gotta believe that even if the old LFD isn’t coming that something is in the works. Something more similar to the OG LFD than the crap they just released.

No survey for me. :frowning:

A random person on the internet claims they got a survey that mentions (hot topic). When pressed for proof, OP ignored, and continued fueling speculation about something happening.

It’s unlikely a survey ever existed at all.

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Don’t matter…I’ve said LFD is coming for months now and will continue to believe that. But you right…survey could be BS.

People love using this word, but what they really mean 9/10 is “geared people don’t want to carry my undergeared character”.

If you went and tried to form sunwell progression pug right now, with “new player friendly”, you’d probably fill it. Maybe. Anyone with gear is going to inspect you, and notice you are dramatically undergeared though.

Even if they don’t, people that whine about gatekeeping, will also be the ones leaving group after it wipes on trash. They don’t want a shot at content, they want to be carried.

I’m going to need someone else to confirm receiving the survey before I believe this. The LFR question makes it pretty suss. If the survey is legit and that LFR question is in there, then holy cow steaks, they must really be sweating these server queues.


If we ever get LFR in Lich King, feel free to put all the blame on me.


Not me. Some other gnome.

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Sadly I still do not have this survey. Hopefully they send it out to everyone if it’s real. It really woudln’t be that hard, they have everyone’s e-mail that’s linked to their accounts.