Survey about RDF *excited*

you don’t want a game, you want a social media


Remember the dude yesterday who posted that “it was decided” and we should stop crying?

I do. I may or may not find his thread and actively taunt him.


Hahah. There might be 3 more ppl that do the same.

It’s not that weird, considering it was in Wrath. It just acted as a group finding tool for raids, it wasn’t an additional raid tier nor did it teleport you to the raid.

Kind of like polling in 2016 tjat showed trump was going to lose. Not just one poll. Many. These things are very accurate.

Raid finder was in wrath?

Google says this:
The feature was first released in patch 4.3. 0 for Dragon Soul as a permanent addition to the raiding system, and has been included in all subsequent instanced raids.

This is not true at all. They may use it for djfferent reasons they did at launch. But its not only alts using it.

it also makes the flavour sour

It sure was!

Check out this article about Dungeon Finder (and Raid Finder) from 2009:

"Yes, there is a raid finding tool available called the Raid Browser. Go to your social tab and choose Raid Browser and click on the tool there. In the Raid Browser you can set yourself as a Tank, Healer, or DPS and choose which raids you’d like to run. Add in a comment (like your DPS/gear/etc.) then choose List My Group. On the Browse section you can find other raid groups/raiders that are looking for a raid.

The raid finder also applies level/gear checks and won’t let you list yourself if you can’t enter the instance or if your gear is too terrible for it."

thats not the point sure people will use it for things other than alts but my point was RDF does not effect the shelf life of the game since end game content extends way past RDF’s prime time usefulness

I didnt receive anything. Seems like a troll post but a would love them to do this.

Have not seen a single person ask for LFR in wrath, if thats real you are correct.

But isn’t this currently in game? That’s basically what we have right now.

Based 10char

Do you mean the national level ones that showed him losing the overall vote, which he did, or do you mean those that tried to model the outcome of the electoral college and showed a win was within the margin of error, which it was?

Anyways, you might have a point IF there is a survey, and IF results are released, and IF the survey shows something like a 51 / 49 split with a 3-point margin of error.

But that is a lot of ifs.


Polls can show whatever you want them to show if you ask the right people.

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I think we’re talking about different things. That’s part of the LFG tool, while at least to me when I hear Raid Finder I’m thinking of the feature that was added with Dragon Soul and beyond that was a different difficulty level and dropped lower ilvl gear than a normal.

If what that question is refers to your quoted part, then yeah I agree not weird. If it’s the one added at the end of Cata I feel it’s a bit weird because it means they’d be looking at making a lower difficulty version of some raids in Wrath and that seems like a lot more development time than would otherwise be needed.

While what you said is correct, for it to be a representative sample they need to have picked who to send the survey at random and not be hand picked individuals.
Also there isnt much resources to waste in this case since its a virtual survey. Normally the samllest samplesize are used in Written surveys or oral serveys since there are human and material resources at play.

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Yeah, so I guess it is weird that it’d be on the survey. :woman_shrugging:

What I don’t get is why it wasn’t sent to all classic players. Since it’s an email, there’s no additional cost for doing it.